Started watching trans porn 3 years ago as a normal straight guy

>started watching trans porn 3 years ago as a normal straight guy
>this is me now

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Your name starts with a K doesn't it? I think I remember you.

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My feet btw

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dont be a tease honey, be proud of yourself.

show that boy pussy


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Well let's see the cute little clit, hope it's in chastity, naughty girl


Biggest fucking cringe in weeks

Is that milk on your nipple?

Cause thats pretty hot.if your lactating

More of ur boobs. R they sensitive???

Extremely sensitive

Yes I'm lactating

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Yeah I did remember this girl right. She is cute but an attention whore with a terrible personality. Have fun jerking it to her anons I was just curious if I remembered her right.

Can you explain the process of getting your breasts?

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Fuck, now i want to see how much you make.

...and pound that ass while you drip

Can you cum rubbing them? Do you get pre cum drips from feeling them.up through your bra?

Pls have more. They're fucking beautiful.

Preddy masculine myself. If I were to trans, it would be for the boobs. Used to rub mine alot and they were honestly better than jacking off. I

Taking two pills twice a day for over 2 years. That was it.

Do you like.women or men?

Are you shooting blanks?

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Please have a video of them lactacing.


Do you know if it works for flad.chested women too?

Do you pump those nipples? They are super defined

Seconded. Anything else you have lactation related would be great.

Legit got to full body orgasm with just nipple play. Came multiple times. Lactating would b my dream

Do the nazi salute

Join the statistic please.

Anyone else do alot of nipple play as a man??

Would pump them then rub/caress and would bethe best thing to do for hours. Thing is my nipples started to get bigger and I was starting to feel tissue development right under the nipple.

Anyone else see any growth just from stimulation???

Yup, i fucking love nipple play, and unfortunately i probably have the same.thing

Should I lose the cock?

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let's see it.

No, but you should lock it up slut

pls post milk coming out of those sweet tits op

>kayla is here posting here insane ramblings
She's got sexy tits and a nice hole at least

Do a nazi salute


Also,.milk your self.slut. i want to see if you can be a wetnurse

I fucking swear male lactation as a trap is so hard to find. It's honestly the best thing.

I used to massage lavender essential oil ("Lavender and Tea Tree Oils May Cause Breast Growth in Boys: ) into my nipple/ breast area then do the breast pump. They were so tender and sensitive after. Id just spend hours playing with them after.

I can only imagine what it would feel like with after they've grown from real hormones.

I'd imagine lactating would b heaven ;(

Fuck, guess ingotta throw out the tea tree shampoo

I would be a fucking cow, no joke.

Only issue is if there a wide hipped woman that also should be a cow that i would need to be the bull for...

Does that mean we can use it on women too for.the same.effect?

spread butthole please

post more you slut.

More.of.her then?

It would be perfect if you could just have perfect female breasts for a day, then just be a dude the rest of the week

Thing is, I think it would increase your risk of breasts cancer. I know stimulation and pumping alone will increase their size and stimulation--more so women than men because you guys have the hormones already

Do you have Kik?


eh, i'd say not. the shit that post-op does to you is not worth it. just, lock it up or something. don't fuck up your body.

so fucking hot im fappin hard right now waiting for more, how did u go from straight to this?

Not op but biggest thing would b nipple stimulation so good already as a dude, imagine have big sensitive milkers

thinking about how this was once a straight guy willing to bend over and take is hot af

>how did u go from straight to this?
Discovering trap porn, envy, eventual hormone therapy, hormones altering my sex drive and inevitably my sexuality. I went from having sex with women as a man to having sex with men as a woman and its bizarre even to me

Unless you reeeeeeeeally want it gone, KEEP IT! That post op shit is a fucking nightmare. Plus imagine losing the pleasure of cumming... fuck that! As long as they're kept cleaned up, they can be sexy on a feminine body. I mean hell I will fucking do some crazy shit to get pussy, and honestly pussy most of the time looks fuckin tore up.

Not just willing but I've actually have had lots of sex with guys. Last guy I was with thought I'm a real girl and after I blew him he put his hand up my dress and freaked out at me

How was your first fuck? Im waiting for more pics to cum buckets

you must like big dick id make you my bitch would love ass to mouth

spread cheeks and send pic

How effeminate were you before transition??

How attractive would you rate yourself as a female? Do you think you're hotter now then when you were a guy?


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I was never feminine before transition, I had a big beard and drove a truck and rode motorcycles

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Thats fucking hot and beautiful, now you take it up the ass like a true girl. Favorite position to get fucked? And do you ever fantizise of being a hooker?

your tits look amazing, but am not a fan of feet, sorry. can you please post more of your breasts, or maybe a face pic? bet that you are beautiful.


I like missionary

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yeah, i was right, you are beautiful ^.^

Like a slut with your heels on.

Please shit my dick baby

do you have an instagram or twitter where you regularly post?

Such a cute little mouth, I'd love to stick my cock in it

Area code ?

any chance for pics of your cock?

Damn nigger you fucking fell for it

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Are you flying?

is there anything about you that isn't perfect?

God fuck , if it wasn’t for the fucking dick I wouldn’t have an issue. Chop it off

How different does it feel to have breasts? I can never be sure whether or not I want them, though breast forms feel really nice

post milk

Would suck lovingly.

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I am working with insurance on the surgery

Good, then can we fuck?

you're not a normal straight guy if you love trans porn. You're a homosexual or tranny yourself.

Soo...nice one Elon.

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Would you ever think of doing cam work in the future?? I'm sure alot of people would pay. Especially if youre lactating

what country? Wasn't being a tranny ruled not a mental disorder so insurance companies wouldnt have to pay for it?

you are perfect, even with the dick

>christ necklace

It helps me blend in as a sweet Christian girl

so you aren a sweet, Christian girl? less awesome, but yiu are still absolutely beautiful

wow, i can't type worth a shit. i meant to say:
so you aren't a sweet, Christian girl? less awesome, but you are still absolutely beautiful

I watched sissy porn for too long too, ended up sucking dick as a sissy bitch before finding out im not attracted to dudes AT ALL and it's all just fantasy. I still sissyfy myself from time to time though and get pegged by my gf, could be worse.

My knee-jerk reaction is hard no, but id have to see it to say for sure

No only men

Any more?

You look beautiful! Though its hard to say for sure with that snapchat filter distorting your features

so thats what its like being born with no chest hair

I stand by this, you should keep it