Has anyone on Sup Forums "achieved" enlightenment, if we may use such terms?

Has anyone on Sup Forums "achieved" enlightenment, if we may use such terms?

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what is your question op?
your actual question.

Yeah, I have. I'm insulin dependant, and sometimes I fuck up and give to much. Specifically at night when I'm asleep, sometimes I'll wake with a bad low blood glucose, like 20-40. Real bad. People have seizures from less. So I stumble to the kitchen for juice, but before I drink I pause because I realize that I understand everything. It's not like I do, and I know I couldn't tell you the capital of Delaware, but it's more like an extreme calm because everything just makes sense. Then I eventually drink the juice and return to reality.

What's actually happening is that the part of my brain that does anxiety and doubt was dying from lack of sugar. I suspect it's why fasting is so important in lots of religions. To get this sort of experience.

Anyway, it doesn't happen to me everytime, but when it has it's been while I'm asleep with a very low sugar. It feels fucking sublime. Greatest feeling in the world.

only slightly for a small amounts of time.

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i'm a marxist, yes.

Once I did a tab of NB and had everything figured out for like 4 hours


That was my bedroom circa a long ass time ago.

What do you mean by slightly for small amounts of time?

What is "NB" and what do you mean by you had everything figured out for 4 hours? That's great if you did, that's a long window. What did you feel you had figured out?

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What is Enlightenment?

Yeah, after a trip on mushrooms and some guided meditation. On my trip, I talked to my ancestors (allegedly mind you, it was a fucking psychedelic trip) and it fucked me up.