Everyone is copying him now.
Is Zack Snyder the most seminal director of our generation?
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Shame no one is copying his visionary jar of piss.
he posted it again
Seminal sounds sorta like 'Semen'
Hack Snyder hasn't made a single good movie other than Dawn of The Dead.
Prove me wrong.
BvS is a masterpiece
Strangely that is a pretty accurate picture
Fuck yeah it is.
A master piece of shit.
Looks like they're both copying Peter Jackson.
It comes from the same Latin root word.
"Seminal" means to be a father of, planting seed
Are those stills from the MTG movie
lol btfo rekt
Thor will use it appropriately like a flashback or historic narrative, Hack uses this style all the time in lieu of an actual story
Zack "The Hack" Snyder is a Ayn Rand worshipping closet faggot who loads his movies with faux machismo homoeroticism and you WB/DC fuckboi's love it all over your face like the fucking cucks your are!!!FACT!!!
No, the director of Thor 3 has actually made good movies.
Nope, after enduring Batman v Superman, subjecting myself to this would be like getting raped by a clown and then willingly throwing myself into an orgy sponsored by Ringling Brothers. A tragic comedy.
Looks like more of the same fucking trash from Zack "The Hack" Snyder while he seemed to tell the guy who did the color grading "yeah, desaturated the FUCK out of it and make it look like it's projected on Satans ass cheeks after he ate Mexican and splattered magma hot diarrhea all over Hell". I noticed it's also shot in 1:85:1, just like The Avengers.........Ceiling Cat Almighty DC/Warner Bros. is desperate when they copy another movies fucking aspect ratio! Nothing actually wrong with 1:85:1, as it's my favorite of the formats, but it's just one of those little things that shows WB has no fucking clue and even thinks the aspect ratio is something that needs to be ripped off.
It looks like a Justice League movie made in the 90's by Joel Schumacher if he was an emo-Do-You-Even-Lift?-closet-case who listens to Marilyn Manson instead of a flaming homosexual.
Warner Bros. must be run by teh gays given that they keep hiring that gym rat Snyder, whose films are loaded with homoeroticism, and keep casting effeminate beta twinks like Ezra Miller and Eddie Redmayne in their movies, both of whom starred in last years WB production - Fantastic Glory Holes and Where to Find Them. Add in a scrawny 90lbs Wonder Woman, when Alexandra DaDDario was the obvious choice, who comes from an island of lesbians and the hilariously butch Aquaman and it makes me think they should have went full Rocky Horror with this shit since it looks like the Justice League's enemy in this flick is heterosexuality with a mid-life crisis Bruce Wayne struggling with his latent love for Dick (Grayson) while the only thing Snyder lifts at the gym is big black cock into his mouth!!!FACT!!! youtu.be
(You) a fuckboi who LOVES WB/DC aka Would Blow Dark Cock!!!FACT!!!
Marvel is in a sales slump and their comics have turned to shit.