It's okay to put away your red hat, we're here for you now

It's okay to put away your red hat, we're here for you now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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yeah its obvious hes a nigger now

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Thing is we've always been here. Sup Forums has always been here and it's always been an anti-establishment, anti-big government, anti-traditionalist, libertarian safe haven for weirdos to be weird. The conservative, bible thumping, traditional values fags are invaders that tried to make this their space, but it isn't and never will be. Some of you needed a hero because you're young and misguided and you don't trust the government which you well shouldn't, but Trump isn't that virtuous outsider, he's just another pay to play, rich, bourgeois asshole that will sell his loyalty to the highest bidder.

Here's the thing you fucking libtards don't get. WE DON'T CARE!

Did he collude with the Russians? Yes. WE DON'T CARE!
Did he obstruct justice? Yes. WE DON'T CARE!
Did he break the law? Yes. WE DON'T CARE!
Did he try to pressure Ukraine for dirt on a political rival? Yes. WE DON'T CARE!

We all have television. We've all seen this fucking asshole being a complete retard since at least the 80s. WE DON'T CARE!

He is an incompetent moron. WE DON'T CARE!

The USA is lost. Our only hope to get it back is to run this country into the ground. We know that the younger generations are more liberal. We know eventually they will succeed in their agenda eventually as the older generations die off. We know conservativism is a lost cause... ...for now.

So we memed a moron into office and he's inflicting as much pain on the libtards as he can. He is going to destroy this country because he is a corrupt, incompetent moron. WE DON'T CARE. If we're going to lose eventually we're going to make sure we cause you libtards as much pain as possible while we go down.

Trump being in incompetent moron isn't a bug IT'S A FEATURE! WE DON'T CARE. WE JUST WANT YOU TO HURT MORE THAN WE DO.

That's an extremely juvenile and regressive point of view that you shouldn't be proud of.

>being this new

Eventually after you libtards become the majority and try to rebuild your socialist utopia we will be there in the background throwing clogs into the gears of your machinery. You will fail at your goals in the long run and we will be waiting. This is what I guarantee you, my grandchildren will be conservative because they will have grown up seeing the failure of your liberal utopia. When that happens we will cleanse this nation at last of the libtard plague.

Right now Trump only has one purpose for us. TO MAKE YOU HURT! Our representatives in the house and senate have one purpose. TO PROLONG THE HURT!

Fucking choke on it you fucking gay identity fags. Fucking choke on it every day because we're not giving up easy. YOU WILL HURT!


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Closest thing to evidence is hearsay. Fuck off.

Trump redhat be like
"collusion, corruption. Yadayada.The world's not on fire yet. Gotta burn this shit to the ground."

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Breaking news Trump wrestles great white shark!
Vote Trump

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This sounds like really good b8 m8. Making the libtards proud and more self righteous, and pissing off is the trumpfags. Well done, friend!

The conversation is recorded and documented and corroborates the whistleblower complaint. Stop making excuses for a guy that doesn't give a shit about you.

Just using this thread because I can't remember if [spoiler]spoilers[/spoiler] work

This aint no b8 annon, pure social engineering.

>it's always been OUR hugbox
>NOT theirs

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fuck off kike
no one believes your lies

You know Trump is Israel's bitch, right?

who said anything about hugbox? go back to facebook newcancer

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>posting in a political thread
>on Sup Forums
>can't read between the lines
so do they pay you hourly or is it salary? I've always been curious.

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The conversation has been transcribed and at best it implies what the whistleblower claims. There has not been a single recorded instance of the president or anyone else conditioning the release of aid on the investigation. Like I said, the best evidence Democrats have is Sondland saying it was just kind of assumed by everyone, but even he said he was never told by the president directly or indirectly that there would be conditions on the aid related to an investigation.

>you don't ascribe to my Sup Forums trash
>must be a shill lol
lurk moar faggot

what kind of retard would out and out state that they're going to withhold aid unless you investigate their political rival? of course it's implied. the implication is plenty, because it demonstrates intent and character, which isn't a surprise to anybody but Trump acolytes who have overlooked ALL of his bullshit up to this point.

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Damn the shills are working hard these days

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Hahaha dude no way. Where'd you get this pic? This is me from like five years ago

The thing is, if this is actually what was going on, someone, somewhere in the state department or the office of management and budget would have to have been told directly to withhold aid until the investigation was announced, whether it was implied or explicit, and to this point no one has been able to testify that they were told such a thing, explicitly or otherwise. Again, Sondland said he just assumed that was why aid was withheld.

But let's address another point here. Even if you had proof that the aid was conditioned as such, Democrats would then have to prove that Trump was asking for the investigation to help out his campaign, and not because he didn't want that money to disappear like the other $7 billion that have gone missing in Ukraine, and don't even give me that crap that there was nothing fishy about Biden's son sitting on the board of a company he has no business being employed by, one of whose executives explicitly said he was hired because he was Biden's son. Proving intent is like trying to hold onto air.

Nigger, the closest thing to a hug you'll get around here is someone taking a shit on your face. Breathe deep, faggot.

>The thing is, if this is actually what was going on, someone, somewhere in the state department or the office of management and budget would have to have been told directly to withhold aid until the investigation was announced
This is not something that would ever be on the books. You're naive if you think that.

I believe Biden's son holding that position was shady, but that doesn't excuse Trump's actions in the slightest.

you sound really smart lol

>Proving intent is like trying to hold onto air.
Considering people are convicted for "hate" crimes, intent is no longer an issue with respect to law.

I don't think you know what a hate crime is.

>that doesn't excuse Trump's actions in the slightest.
You mean his "non-actions"? No proof of ANY malfeasance was ever provided by anyone. Only hearsay and assumptions based on hearsay.

It's not hearsay when the conversation is public knowledge user, it's documented. Believe what you wanna believe though. The facts will come out one way or another.

>No proof of ANY malfeasance was ever provided by anyone.

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no dude its actually just the reality as about the whole world is discussing america at the moment

see, your missing the point WE DON"T CARE!

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Said the jpg that is currently battling in court to prove he isn't a wife beater.

Which is worse pressuring a government to help you uncover corruption, or systematically abusing your spouse?

This guy fucking gets it. Dems still haven't figured out that we all know Trump is corrupt and incompetent. We don't care and the Reps are so fucking scared of us they'll never impeach. We want Dems to hurt. Nothing will hurt them more than when they impeach him in the House and then the Senate votes against it. Their tears will be so fucking delicious and hopefully fuel the eventual destruction of this country so we can rebuild it again the way it should be.

And hearsay was all you dumb niggers needed to eviscerate Hillary Clinton. Welcome to the impeachment. Payback's a bitch.

No, what's hearsay is that the aid was directly tied to the start of an investigation. There is no direct evidence of this, only hearsay and assumptions.

Again, this hinges on intent, which is nearly impossible to prove.

lol pretty much what I've seen, you have to be unbiased about it. He's committed crimes

"We all just kind of assumed that was how it was" is not evidence of anything.

In those cases there is written communication or witnesses to prove that the person expressed hate based on the victim's membership in a protected group. This is like trying to prove that Johnny committed a hate crime when he killed De'Melondo'quis Brown, with no evidence that there was racial motivation other than the fact that Johnny is white and melon boy is black.

>Nothing will hurt them more than when they impeach him in the House and then the Senate votes against it.
>this thing that everyone knew from the start was going to happen is going to TOTALLY WRECK AND DEVASTATE THEM!!!
enjoy your little life bubble boy

Here's the thing you fucking libtards don't get.

IT DOESN'T MATTER that he collude with the Russians.
IT DOESN'T MATTER that he obstructed justice.
IT DOESN'T MATTER that he broke the law.
IT DOESN'T MATTER that he tried to pressure Ukraine for dirt on a political rival.

We all have television. We've all seen this fucking asshole being a complete retard since at least the 80s. IT DOESN'T MATTER!

IT DOESN'T MATTER he is an incompetent moron!

The USA is lost. Our only hope to get it back is to run this country into the ground. We know that the younger generations are more liberal. We know eventually they will succeed in their agenda eventually as the older generations die off. We know conservativism is a lost cause... ...for now.

So we memed a moron into office and he's inflicting as much pain on the libtards as he can. He is going to destroy this country because he is a corrupt, incompetent moron. IT DOESN'T MATTER. If we're going to lose eventually we're going to make sure we cause you libtards as much pain as possible while we go down.

Trump being an incompetent candyass isn't a bug IT'S A FEATURE! IT DOESN'T MATTER! WE JUST WANT YOU TO HURT MORE THAN WE DO.

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a very reasonable, well balanced and rational analysis Sup Forumsro.
I take my red hat off to you.

James Comey stood in front of millions of people and listed dozens of crimes committed by Hillary Clinton. Suck a trillion dicks, faggot.


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Dripping with vitriol and schadenfreude. What a disgusting human being you must be to want this. You literally hate America and want it destroyed in the most autistic conservative reeeeeeeeee of all time.


>The thing is, if this is actually what was going on, someone, somewhere in the state department or the office of management and budget would have to have been told directly to withhold aid until the investigation was announced
>July 12: Further evidence of a hold on the Ukraine aid is found in an email that OMB's Sandy received on this date from Robert Blair... Asked at a closed door deposition what was said in that email, Sandy replied, "to the best of my recollection, that the president is directing a hold on military support funding for Ukraine."
>July 18: The hold becomes more widely known within the Trump administration. State Department Ukraine expert Catherine Croft, who'd been detailed to the National Security Council, told a public hearing of the impeachment inquiry that on this date, "I participated in a sub-Policy Coordination Committee video conference where an OMB representative reported that the White House Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney, had placed an informal hold on security assistance to Ukraine. The only reason given was that the order came at the direction of the President."
>July 19: The Department of Defense has been notified of the hold, according to OMB's Sandy, who told House investigators he was informed of this by OMB political appointee Mike Duffey. Sandy said he asked Duffey what the duration of the hold would be "and was told there was not clear guidance on that."
Or that Trump DOESN'T tell anyone in the OMB because he doesn't want word to get out of his scheme.

So there's no proof. Got it.

This liberal bitch hates trump. Posts slutty shit alp over her Instagram and its public what a retard

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Learn how the law works user. TV man bad.

you mean his Instagram.

America is just a word. What I hate is our country. What I hate is that one group of people has to carry the burden while another group of people mooches off our labor. What I hate is our true culture is being erased while ever foreign culture is allowed to overrun us. What I hate is that we're second class citizens in our own country just because we are white, male, heterosexual, and Christian. What I have seen is our country getting more and more liberal each decade. Yes, we see that. So yes, I want this whole thing destroyed. I want it gone. I want it burned to the ground and then those of us who survive will rebuild it. I want this queer infested, zionist manipulated shithole of a country to burn to the fucking ground. Burn it all. Cleanse it with fire and blood.

If my side is victorious (which it will be) then a glorious new America will rise from the ashes. If my side loses then who cares what happens, I'll be dead, all of my kind will be dead and all that will be left will be slaves.

Here's my interpretation of what the Democrats are doing

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>There has not been a single recorded instance of the president or anyone else conditioning the release of aid on the investigation.
You will say that the testimony of the top US diplomat to Ukraine is "hearsay," but the fact still remains that testimony is still admissible in the court of law. If you wanted to provide evidence to the contrary, then it shouldn't be hard for Trump to release his hold on Perry, Mulvaney, Bolton, Esper, Giuliani, Pompeo from testify in Congress? Hell, why doesn't Trump come on down to Congress himself?

Proof that Trump withheld aid for no reason whatsoever. That is Illegal.

this is so fucking retarded it physically hurt to read

>You will say that the testimony of the top US diplomat to Ukraine is "hearsay," but the fact still remains that testimony is still admissible in the court of law.
I know every condition that must be met for hearsay to be admissible. Do you?
Hint: None of those conditions exist.

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The problem is you say it's hearsay before you know it to be. You've yet to prove it's hearsay. So what's the proof?

its your assertation that he committed a crime its up to you to prove the assertion. Its your assertation that the statement made is the truth its up to you to prove the assertion.

>Proof that Trump withheld aid for no reason whatsoever. That is Illegal.
Nope, not illegal.

America was never a Christian nation. You fucking people are being carried by blue states. Most of you are on food stamps or disability or addicted to meth/painkillers. You are the trash that the whole world hates and liberalism is gaining popularity because big brains realize it’s moral and superior to the smoothbrained pursuits of unlimited greed and racist tribalism.

>The problem is you say it's hearsay before you know it to be. You've yet to prove it's hearsay. So what's the proof?
The dictionary you drooling retard.

>its your assertation
No, it's YOUR assertion that "there has not been a single recorded instance of the president or anyone else conditioning the release of aid on the investigation." That point is moot, because witness testimony is a valid form of proof, and testimony has shown that the president did condition the release of aid for an investigation. But now you're saying it's hearsay, and you have not met your burden of proof to claim it as so. So provide evidence for your claim.

>liberalism is gaining popularity because big brains realize it’s moral and superior

Ha! Too bad for you the big brains are OUTNUMBERED! Suck it libtard!

>Being this retarded
Go back to Sup Forums

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they haven't played a recording of trump ordering any of that. Just guys saying "he said" there's no weight to that argument. now, im not the uy who said it's hearsay. hearsay is if you say "this someone else told me he heard trump say" that is hearsay, which there was some of that going around. but the ones who say "trump told me" still haven't proved the point. trump could but won't just go on the record and say "no i never said that" and that refutes the point. only trump or the recording of a conversation of him could prove it. I mean, it should be pretty fucking easy for them to fake a proof, they have hours of good voice recording from his tv show. just needs a bit of hollywood magic. which is exactly what he would probably assert to deny any recording produced.

Holy fuck I know. Look at this new fag.

Autism confirmed

Interesting and creative assessment.

>they haven't played a recording of trump ordering any of that.
I've already said in my other post that that point is moot, because witness testimony is a valid form of proof. Just like that other user, you have to provide proof to say it's hearsay. So are either of you going to provide that proof or are you going to flounder about in your pathetic attempts at defending this idiot?

Soo...nice one Elon.

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You want to prove hearsay? Have someone else that was there to testify the opposite of what was said. If Trump really wanted to, he could have Perry, Mulvaney, Bolton, Esper, Giuliani, and/or Pompeo testify. Any one of them could testify against the US diplomat to Ukraine and prove hearsay if they went under oath in front of congress. Or why not just go directly to the horse's mouth? Why doesn't Trump himself testify that he didn't condition the aid on an investigation? If it's true, all of this can go away if he did, so why doesn't he?

I don't think liberals are capable of understanding this. They're so insane that a rational strategy seems like insanity to them.

They still think the Senate will impeach.