I have a son because I'm an idiot and I thought condoms and birth-control were a match made in heaven...

I have a son because I'm an idiot and I thought condoms and birth-control were a match made in heaven. I'm only posting here because I need to talk to another father who's been in this position in overtime what I'm about to face. I have a 9 year old son who is literally the spawn of Satan. My wife is in denial about his mental illness. He literally has no hope as participating in society. Every fiber of my body has been telling me since he's been born that he deserves to be locked up forever. This thing is not human I'm literally scared about my soul I'm going to delete this thread is there is any negative responses

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Is he a future neet or something

That’s my biggest fear; Having a son with nuclear autism. I’d suggest killing him and making it look like an accident. It’s alright. Society has enough burdens to deal with

No, dumbass. Pawn that shit off on society to take care of.

Sorry for you OP. I've got a demon spawn 10 month old. Each day gets worse. It was suppose to get easier they said. Now the wife is preggers with another. I thought I was suppose to have this magical unconditional love. Am I a sociopath?

It's only 10 months. That's wildly different from 10 years old. Relax and do your best to raise him. The way a kid turns out is like 55% the fault of the parents so whatever

>nuclear autism
Okay wait a second. I am trying to conceptualize that. I am a little afraid of going into detail now that I really think about it. I'm getting freaked out. This can't be correct. This isn't what I wanted. This is hell. I'm getting more dizzy.

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>condoms and birth-control were a match made in heaven
so did my retard dad and then 9 months later this bastard was born. I have pretty fucked up thoughts and wants but I learned to control them enough to were once high school started I was able to seem normal and function well in society. I go to college and girls like me enough but I have this fear of getting them preggers even with birth control so no hookups for me. I'd say have him join a group activity. Band and wow helped me learn how other people act and talk and I just blended in with them. could you elaborate more on how he acts?

Use psychological training to fix and mold him. It works.

Adoption, or you'll just have to start a new life.

Your son is just you on a different timeline. If you are supposed to kill him and you think that will save everyone, then he is the willing sacrifice for you to destroy so you get whatever idea of heaven you want.

Humans are a sacrificial species, so, enjoy killing your son and proclaiming to the church that you've killed Satan.

They'd probably give you a bishop-hood.

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maybe some love and therapy, there are methods accompanied by medications that can help your child see Facebook or instagram and not Sup Forums LOL

Literally just talk to him about his thoughts. Stop being such a faggot. Getting punkd by a 9 year old lmao

i bet his mom browsed Sup Forums when she was pregnant with him and this is why he acts this way

I don't really understand what's going on right now

>my kid is fucked up
>I hate him
>help Sup Forums why is my kid fucked up

I wonder.

man up, you're being out witted by a child.

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Okay so are you gonna full us in? That way we can tell if you just were randomly gifted a Bundy or a Dahmer as god chuckles or are you really just scapegoating the failure of your life

Lamb. Sacrifice. Blood.b
קרבן עץ שטן ים יבשה אש אוויר

He's 9. Man the fuck up and stop being a little bitch. Be a role model and teach him how to be a man. Fucking a, son. You got your dick out, now pay the piper and raise your kid right or take out some good life insurance and go an hero yourself.

That brings me back to nostalgia

you're not really a father
having kids is the best thing ever

Dude, no one here has ever had sex with a woman.

I have a few years ago

Amiga 80211 to Pots yet? Old Country is back.

dude this looks like code to me

OP is prob just as fucked and so is his wife, their genes+their really bad education = some autistic retard eating his own feces I cant see anything else happen tbh

Eternal Father of Time-Daughters here, I fucking agree, but it took a while before I could get reality to fucking agree with me.

Now I only breed daughters, with me as head of family, because women wanted a single-male family in terms of discipline and distribution because as soon as you have two guys they fight.

>Yeah yeah, my daughters will end up fucking every male on the planet. There's a lot of energy in virgin cum.

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Your moms don’t count

>Pic(s) related: My daughter(s) preferred depiction of themselves until they change the laws of young women not being prosecuted for being young and seducing older men.

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Dude I swear I'm tripping way too hard on LSD and I think I'm literally going to throw up everywhere


you need to wake up. why cant you hear me?

wtf do you mean by breed? explain Craster

Sorry son.


Omg r u Q?

Jude I swear I can hear you I know what your voice sounds like it's okay I'm back I'm back I'm really back I swear I'm back

Also I know I can't understand these captchas because they're literally making me insane that I don't know what's going to happen to me in the next hour or so because everything is so f***** in the whole world because of those God damn captchas an I even kidding this is the worst

Some men need divine daughters that behave, the female divinity in my bloodline agrees with those men that waited for Solivagus to breed them.

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Kek I hope he shoves something up your dickhole while you sleep you pathetic piece of shit,

explain Pagan man, are you saying you want to fuck your daughters?


I beg to differ. Pussy is pussy friendo.

OP you have a kid. Yes kids are fucking abomii shit holes a lot of the time but remember when you were a kid. What stopped you from being a cunt. Although you seem like quite the cunt just do what you gotta do to man the fuck up and be a role model. Switch your paradigm and be a good man. I'm in a similar situation as you but damn thank God I had people in my life that raised me to not be so weak. Be the man you needed when you were his age.

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This, what the fuck even are half the posts in this thread?

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I have autism.

You can use the condom and stretch it over his face. Stuff birth control pills in his mouth beforehand though and that should get rid of him.

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Page 9 bump

Its a 10 MONTH OLD. You thought this would be easy? You’re a moron for worrying about your kid at 10months old and you’re a moron for getting your partner knocked up. Try and get a clue retard

I'm saying that my daughters are divine/eternal, meaning eventually they fuck everything that can because they are the immortal and living incarnation of sex.

Some ask for memory wipes afterwards, some others ask me to breed certain daughter archetypes for them.

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Can you describe what's wrong with your son, pls

He r faget

My son is 8 in january. He acts up alot and mouths off to me often. Apparently its kind of normal. If youre kid is inside a lot hes going to get wound up and have no outlet but to lash out. I wouldnt recommend putting him on anything at first, but try taking him to the park and let him run off that energy. Kids are crazy active, unlike me at his age. Also, kids lash out if they feel neglected. Not saying anything about your lifestyles, but children dont understand how the world is yet. So they might feel that your absence is because of them.
Hope this helps.

Have you tried hitting him? Like really hard.

>using condoms and birth control when inducing an abortion via tea is more efficient
you can kill the fucker in the womb if you just give the dumb bitch some aspirin from time to time
just make sure to feed her asa before you make preggo test
tbh if condoms are useless unless you are at a high risk for stds, spirals are usually more effective when it comes to contraception, not to mention even if it comes to pregnancy if the spiral is not removed soon enough it might just kill the blob of jello

>I have a 9 year old son who is literally the spawn of Satan. My wife is in denial about his mental illness. He literally has no hope as participating in society. Every fiber of my body has been telling me since he's been born that he deserves to be locked up forever.

Found your answer, looks to me like you just found the perfect fuck slave. Chain and gag the fucker up in the attic or basement or something, and just use his ads and mouth to relieve yourself. He doesn't enter society, and you get to cum however/whenever you want. Plus he's at the prepubescent age where you can start forcing him to take estrogen and get him to be plump in all the right places, and he'll avoid male puberty. Win/win

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Sounds like a future Sup Forumstard...

Fuck you

t. also have a retard sibling then my parents made another one


A blanket definition that expands every second upon observation, eventually even consuming the observer and eclipsing the observation space? Fascinating.

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>not female loli
KYS faggot

Ok I again just want too remind you of how much of a lucky chance you have at having the dream: a warm, tight, luxurious boy ass and soft and wet mouth. On demand, ready to service your cock at any point you wish. Antisocial fantasy, yours for the taking. Don't let it disappear or go to waste, OP. That boys was deserves to be fucked because he's retarded, it's all he's good for

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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Like father like son...

bruh hes a 9 years old and youre his father. Show your son some damn affection or else hell grow up to be a even more fucked up neet faggot with daddy issues. You once were a child too yanno? Im pretty sure your parents still loved u even tho im 99% you're an autistic tard too, considering you're on Sup Forums.

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>> This thing is not human I'm literally scared about my soul I'm going to delete this thread is there is any negative responses

You fucking faggot! Be a fucking man and take charge of your family. Of course his mother is in denial and defending him... it's called the maternal instinct.

You as a man, and I use that term with hesitation for you is that you haven't taken fucken ownership of your fucking life. You're kid needs discipline... well discipline him... your kid needs therapy, so get him therapy.

This shit isn't fucking rocket science. If your kid has as a mental illness be the fucking man of the relationship and seek a doctor.

And the worst part... I can understand if you were like fucking worried about "the right thing to do" but instead you're like fucking worried about negative responses? Holy fuck this is Sup Forums not reddit!

Hm. Looks like you faggots are getting what you deserve.

Dude, you and your son both need therapy now. He has emotional issues, and you’re having some kind of nervous breakdown.

Sounds like a personal issue. Children still copy their parents at that age, so your child is probably just a reflection behaviours you and your wife exhibit without being aware of it. I wouldn't be surprised seeing as how of all places, you're looking for help on Sup Forums.

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>mentally-ill father has mentally ill son

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