The porn is gone they said

>The porn is gone they said
>/b will be cool again they said
>my face when (mfw) it worse then before.

Why would they jew do this?

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The porn is gone that matters. 10 years ago I could lurk for hours and would see more cheese pizza and beast love than I could wank to in 3 hours. Now I get pictures of laughing cheetahs and fully clothed adults. B sucks nowa days. Where’s the dangerous shit?

Well, it isn't gone, cocktard.

They anger the hive of autists that is the userbase for a day or so then its back to normal as always? Sup Forums was always like this.

>worse before
>the jews did this

nice try double jew. go ahead and cry your days of trying to normi fag-ize b are over.

the return of nazi lolis. rekt gore, spider man thread and actual random crap is back.

no more the days of predictable normie cuck porn on ever fucking page. you jews have been weeded out now face the random face our true autisctic power ANARCHY ANARCHY in B

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It's all gone.

I like leopards. They're funny.

Nice try triple Jew double agent goyim.

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Actually no
Past Sup Forums was about getting reactions, whether that was anger, shock or even raids to see the outcome
The board now is lonely kids trying to get acknowledgement and replies, which is why they repost roll threads, porn threads, facebook and other social shit.

Sup Forums did have porn, but nowhere near this level
I get the impression that most of the porn posted here is just out of laziness where the OP couldnt be bothered to find the correct board to post in so Sup Forums is getting treated like a dumping ground for whatever "because I dont want to click on multiple boards"

Nice analysis

No, not at all. Fucking stupid faggot.

Sup Forums was never good.

I’m a felon trying to get ahold of a pistol for suicide in Oregon. Are there any loopholes I should know about. Any tips on how to contact the black market if not. I plan to do it after the holidays so I don’t ruin that time for my sister. I don’t want to jump because I already hate heights.

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OP here.
This guy gets it.

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Blame the government they shut down and monitor this place hard. I remember those days as well I saw so much gross shit my mind is still a bit warped from it.

The problem is it isn't even sketch porn being posted it is retarded shit like fully clothed pictures of random ethots just what in the hell? fucking zoomers.


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That's a cheetah.

Yesterday there was a pinned post about porn being banned or something like that, Guess you missed it.

For like 5 hours but may I say that the quality of the content had increased drastically in that short amount of time (minus the inevitable "hurr durr no more porn" stuff)

I was shocked at how many oldfags visited from their home boards.


Daily reminder that you antiporn losers are DeJoos bitches, they have never and never will spend a minute of their time thinking about you, and your attitude is just the same as any SJW you hate so desperately. You're equally worthless.

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OP here
I didnt know it was only 5 hours, I stayed away because I could not stand The Page 1 "theme" song.

The song during the first hour was better than the second one. Did anyone ever figure out what the first song was?

A GOP senator tweeted, well, a wordy version of basically the sentiment that he'd like to legislate internet porn into the center of the earth. Trump himself pledged to create such "obscenity laws" in 2015, but has not followed through, probably because it's a wildly unpopular position that doesn't help his agenda in the slightest.

The mods took this as an opprtunity to take the yellow movement and the coomer meme in hand and have a drunk night of mocking 2/3rds of Sup Forums for not only desiring censorship, but being too new to know that Sup Forums hasn't been "old Sup Forums" or "good" for something like 10 years now. They even posted stuff like "HURR SUCK MY DICK YOU LOVE CENSORSHIP" in giant mod-only oversized capital letters.

The actual point of that is they're going to try to sell "Donald Trump will ban porn" as a reason that you "can't risk" voting for him in 2020. Amusing they already think he'll be on the ticket, though, must suck to doubt your own side that much. Such a very dark life these mods lead, I wish I could say I was different.

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0,1$ has been deposited on your account, mr. Shilleroni. Welcome back.


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Still OP
I didnt even know there were more then one song. The one I heard was some Russian dance or techno (?) crap.

But the songs are gone and the porn is still here. I wont shed any tears for the songs and dont really care about the porn. If it´s an real eyesore of picture I´ll just hide it. And if its good I clicks it.

Random means Random you ass clown.
Sup Forums is not "about" anything. Never has been.

It's true, its worse than before. Its almost all porn threads, non stop. It's not a "random" board when its all cuck/socialmedia/rate/wwyd/celeb threads. Its just garbage, all of it. Just when I thought it finally was good again, its just worse. Muh feels... they are bad man.


newfaggot detected, disregard this niggers faggot post. Swiftly off yourself for larping about "10 years ago" you stupid moron.

OP Rides again
I was being hyperbolic and used worse as a synonym for more just for shits and giggles, But it does seem like there is more porn then before, does it not? Maybe it´s just the eco system of b adjusting for lost time?

Not worth homie you can pull through