Attached: 514440_06big[1].jpg (1280x853, 478K)

Yeah baby, lick that asshole.


OP is mad that blacks are going to overtake whites soon.

Why do you have a pic of a guy getting his ass eaten? Are you gay?

Nice try, Rabbi Sholomo. Niggers won’t be overtaking anyone anytime soon because they keep killing each other. Dumb apes.

Nah, she's just a good little house girl.

niggers will always be a poor underclass

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Does it irk you that all white women crave BBC?

Are you saying you've never had a tight little black thing tongue your fart box before?
What are you, a racist faggot?

Nice try, I'm not the closet cuck saving shit like this.

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I don't need to save it, I live in. I have a nice clean white asshole. Girls appreciate when they're useful.

Black bitches love getting split open by a thick vanilla dick. Dumbie

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Post-Op or really good tuck job?

AWW is the poor nigger butthurt?

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coping black boi is TRIGGERED

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why are niggers so insecure hat they have to post counter pics?

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>ITT: Shills who have been doing this so long, they get off on doing it to each other. The raceplay with other men.
You guys are fags.

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I mean, I understand the appeal of the fake prosthetic in mandingo fetishization porn, but really, doesn't that detract from your supposed point?

Also, does it not bother you, about faggots and sluts turning you into just another fetish? There's no connection there. Sad really.

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Alright I came. Keep fantasizing about getting your ass eaten, faggot.


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what's gay about having your ass eaten by a woman?

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Give that black cunt your white seed.

Doing something that feels good, and it's degrading to a bitch you're using.... that's literally the opposite of gay you faggot.

She's purdy

I actually do not understand how dedicated you all are to this shit. You just watch men doing a hip pumping action day in and day out, with different colors. It's just as lame as super dedicated sportsball dweebs, or cringe tier gamer faggots. You are the Weebs of pornography and I don't get it. Seek help, diversify your hobbies, delete your archives, and improve yourself already. Work out more, eat healthier, clear your head outdoors or wandering the historical sites of your local cities. This isn't okay anymore, the obsession with porn has gone far above and beyond anything that could considered normal. Not just on this board, but everywhere you go in the world. The sex obsession. You are lust consumed lost souls. I don't mean that in a religious context either. Previously men appreciated a good looking woman. Women appreciated a good looking man. Sex occurred because it had to happen at a certain point in the mating ritual. There is no ritual here. No reason. It's just endless boring pumping action day in and day out.
Even if you just posted in this thread on a onetime occasion. Please stop glorifying pornography. It isn't supposed to be a drug of choice.

I know there's at least a few colored girls here.
And why else would they be on Sup Forums if they weren't into a little raceplay?

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ok christfag

I need a jungle bunny to paint like this.

Please help yourself user. I never posted anything about Christ. It's that you are destroying your brain at a physical level. With the amount of instant dopamine rushes at a hands moment. You need to stop safely satisfying yourself, and become a man standing with his cock out before the world. Find a lady, but first get some fresh air outdoors already.

I only post for porn for propaganda purposes. I don't masturbate to it anymore.

Meh, it's overrated.
What's that get you?
A woman? Love doesn't last. A wife? just another person nagging you for attention, or reminding you about doctors appointments. A kid? Yeah, that's real fun. Then they grow up completely ungrateful for all you've sacrificed everyday to make sure they succeed where you fell off at in life.
Nah, fuck that, stay home masturbate, play games, enjoy your life and money. You can always Knock up a desperate 29 year old when you're 66 and ready to spread your seed.


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Oh. Well make sure to take care of yourself user. Stay healthy. A healthy person a day, makes the world a better place.
>Fuck that
>Just enjoy things the way they are
If you can truly do this for 66 years, enjoy them user. Not trying to force you to do something you don't want to. Yet, fulfillment comes from trial. The Hard boss beaten. The Hard Battle won by a hairs width. That is what you talk, and think about, and remember. Such is how things are in life. Your big boss battle, may be more memorable then your own life eventually.
Pic Related
Kids make more progress in their daily lives than you do in ten months.

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No, I did the stupid way. Got married, went to college, had a kid. Fucking perfect life. I haven't had the desire to masturbate in decades.
I wish I enjoyed my youth more.. but sadly, just as gods can't know innocence, the youth can't appreciate the power and beauty of youth.

Well I'll go Christfag here, because it's also in Bhuddism, Hinduism, and Zoroastrianism. It's pretty well covered. Envy only poisons your own mind, until it becomes jealousy and you lash out at somebody else. Thus ruining Youth for the Youth. I would say, as in my original post.
>Men use to appreciate a good looking woman.
>Old men used to appreciate the vibrancy of Youth.
It's why Grandfathers would laugh at how dumb kids are. Not because they are dumb, but because they see something deeper in how they see the world. Ultimately, I would say you did things right. You are dwelling on the past, and envy of others too much.

I think your beliefs are distorted by porn. I hear a lot of women proclaim that black men are disgusting.

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Do you guys remember the good ol' days when there weren't very many niggers on Sup Forums?

all religions are retarded glorified fairytale bullshit for grownups
evolution is the truth

no. this faggot cuck site has been full of cuckold nigger dick for years upon years

Can't really envy yourself can you?
I find most others unsavory. Perhaps that was not made clear in my posts.

Yes, yes- you keep cock pics on your PC we GET IT.
Now post the chocolate honeys getting whitewashed.

>good ol' days of Sup Forums
No newfag, Sup Forums was never good, and the stormfront faggotry ruined the lulz vibe and creativity of the anonymity. Stop trying to box everything into boxes.


Attached: black-assholes-1.jpg (985x658, 126K)

Lol. Look at this shit.
Niggers are so stupid they actually believe anyone would believe this is real.
Kek. Niggers are fucking precious

acting buttblasted because one nigger has a huge dick is pathetic and makes white guys look bad
it is real but most niggers don't have dicks like that

Attached: u mad black boi???.jpg (300x169, 23K)

So sorry to upset you, by not keeping COCK on my PC.

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>Evolves to spill his seed in his sock
Okay Scienceman
Oh, if you find others unsavory. I'd quit wasting bits of mental data on them. It's hard to do so, but quite worth the effort. Based on how your neurology works. The more you think about something, the more it becomes permanently ingrained in your brain. Repetition is important, but healthy repetition is the MOST important. Which is why I tell people to quit it with porn. It's not a healthy habit, it leads nowhere, it provides an imaginary chemical reward that quickly dissipates. Those 15 minutes to an hour wasted watching porn and jacking off, far better are they spent doing anything productive that can provide a long term goal and reward. Like mapping the stars with a telescope.

I don't think they "believe" it's real. It's part of a fantasy by people that dehumanize and use "the black man" as fetish fuel.

The Irony is the dick isn't real, it's a prosthetic realistic dick for fake porn movies.

sorry you are a cuck who can't properly put niggers in their place
sorry you are insecure about being in the closet

>White apologyfest 2019
>Finna be damp in here son

no it's literally his real dick
he has megalophallus from sickle cell
google it
being an insecure faggot denying it just makes white guys look like insecure cucks
maybe if you weren't a fucking loser who compulsively masturbated your dick would grow bigger

Wow, that's a lot of words buddy... can I get you a mirror to read that better?

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hey retard. i think masturbation is bad and i don't believe in God. what now, moron

>no it's literally his real dick
>he has megalophallus from sickle cell
Okay you win... you all know waaay more about everyone elses dick than I do.
I guess I'm a loser, that doesn't know the oral history of big PEEN in the adult movie industry.

Attached: bikini girl.jpg (720x889, 455K)

Congrats, porn is bad too
>What now retard I agree with that statement and I don't believe in God
I don't care that you don't believe in God user. I don't know you and probably never will.

you're pathetic cause you're assblasted about it you masturbation addicted loser
>hurr durr someone has a big dick so it must be fake cause it makes me feel insecure

>He has a cock disease
Why the fuck would anybody look that up? Learn that? GET SOME FUCKING HELP RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

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Yup, that's me alright. Just so sad I dont get to use liquid latex to paint a plastic cock to myself so self-righteous losers with masturbation problems trying to blame others for their addiction morally justified!

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here you got being insecure again you fucking loser
yeah bro with a sample size of the entire fucking world they can't find one nigger with a huge dick...

why are you so butthurt just cause you're a masturbation addicted small dicked loser?

let's make this a decent nigger thread

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Again, you just care SOOOO much about dick size.

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you're the one who was butthurt cause one nigger has a big dick and you have to cry incessantly
like an insecure microdick about it being fake to feel better

There are so many other fucking things you could be doing with your life. Even if it's not contributing to the world. You choose to cum in a sock every day. Quit pretending you have any high ground, when you're curled up in a gutter furiously masturbating.

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Who me?
I'm the only one on this thread NOT obsessed with dicks~

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Not pulling her hair in that situation... god I hate porn, it's so fake.

I don't even masturbate, retard. I haven't came in over a week.

yet you were the one who was insisting that nigger had a fake dick and agonizing over it like an insecure dicklet

Your bitch must be gettin' lonely.
Maybe I'll pay her a visit.

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what is a one night stand?

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I mentioned a common practice in Mandingo porn which is both hilarious and sad.

And, no... even though you're clearly trying to goad me into showing you my very magnificent white cock, I will not be showing it this evening. You've turned an otherwise racist thread into something rather unsavory. Sorry faggot.

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why are you even thinking about nigger dicks in the first place you faggot coomer?

You had to be there man.

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