Do you have herpes?
How do you deal with it?
How has it affected your sex life?
Do you have herpes?
yes but not genital
nearly never only in times of great stress, a little creme
not at all
Where do you have it? How did you get it?
On your lips, most people are born with it. Look up the amount of people that have HSV1 you'll be fucking surprised, dude.
Doctor couldnt tell me if 1 or 2 as i got tested for everything (prodded even though they don't normally test for it along with other sti's)
Had no outbreak, been fucking years since i found out. doesn't bother me at all really. I use a condom for sex anyway since i know i got it off some fling.
Oh I understand the amount of people with type 1, it's about 90% of the population. I'm taking about type 2 mainly. It's fucked that people normalize cold sores, scabies, and chickenpox, but apparently genital herpes is where the line is drawn.
Yes but the user you asked was talking about having SV1 not 2, I agree though because it's as simple as getting a blowjob from a chick with a tiny cold sore to get it.
That's crazy most people are born with it. You'd think at this point of technological advancement that we would find a cure for this epidemic of a virus at this point.
my gf just had her first out break of genital idea if its from me or from someone else...i ahve never had any symptoms...what do i do? Do i still fuck her? Do I never eat her pussy again?
I got it around June this year, actually having an outbreak right now.
I've had a girlfriend since then, we're not together anymore but she was cool with it all.
Just used condoms, no sex during outbreaks, etc.
The physical side is easily manageable, it's the social stigma that sucks. I was terrified to tell her.
Saying that, I recently found out that a friend at work has it and I never knew. It's pretty damn common, most people are scared to talk about it though.
monastery. renounce the worldly life.
That's just the risk you take when you're in a mutual relationship with herpes man. On the upside, both of you have it at this point likely, so you have no worries about contracting it for each other. I'd say you can still fuck her, not during an outbreak though. Should get yourself tested beforehand though before going balls blazing.
I feel ya on the currently having an outbreak, I'm at the end of an outbreak right now. It's not bad on my shaft, but when I get it on my pubes, god help me. I hate the stigma and I'm scared to tell my gf because I feel like she'll freak out, so I'm going to make her think she gave it to me. Pretty sure she did anyway. Been with her for 3 years and never cheated and only had symptoms in this relationship.
the internet said tests without symptoms are kinda worthless, high chance of inaccurate results
Look into that dude, she might be cheating on you. It's what happened to the friend I mentioned. Usual incubation time is only 20 ish days.
Yeah, they can only test for herpes, not if it's oral or genital. If you're one of the 85% of carriers who don't get symptoms, you'll never actually find out.
so if im a carrier already and i gave it to her, will fucking her increase my chances of having symptoms since ive never had them before?
Yeah it's pretty inaccurate and since it's such a common infection, it's not included in standard testing. Honestly, it's nothing to worry about unless you have severe or regular symptoms. It's annoying if it's on your genitals, but if it's on your face, you're not alone. Most people call them cold sores. There's also super inexpensive medication you can get that will help the breakouts or stop them altogether if you take it every day. It's called suppressive therapy.
Nah she's not cheating on me, I know that for a fact. She probably was just lying to me and gave it to me by accident at some point, it's whatever either way. I already have it. Can't cry over spilled milk.
Yeah i do got herpes!
Ain't no hermes
How do you guys take care of your breakouts?
Didn't mean to reply
Most people will never know. Girl I got it from thought she was clean, even had a test a few months earlier. I had to call up to tell her she had it.
Honestly, I'd be figuring out where it came from. It's possible for the virus to be dormant for years, but not very common.
If you've EVER had unprotected sex, there's a 1 in 6 chance you have it already and just don't know. I wouldn't worry dude, first outbreak can be rough but it passes, plus you can get drugs for it when you get outbreaks.
Vaclovir I think it's called. 6 pills, 2 a day for 3 days. Other than that, no sex etc
Is that prescribed or otc?
Prescription. I have to go get it refilled for the first time actually. Fucking works though, as long as I get onto it quick.
You start being able to feel it before a sore appears. It's like a weird twingy discomfort from inside your crotch.
Soo...he was behind that?
I have genital herpes
Test showd i both have hsv1 and hsv2
But i just keep fucking girls on tinder without condom i never tell i have genital herpes
I dont care
Its their own fault for being slutty whores
Do you have insurance? How much did you pay?
Well that's the thing it doesnt really screw anyone's lives, unless were talking socially, for them to spend the time and resources to eradicate the viris. They have tried but, herpes is also elusive as hell and stays dormant until it simply isnt. Makes things that much harder to even target let alone kill it.
yeah, I have it.
never really notice it honestly. Keep healthy and stress-free and I haven't had an outbreak since onset.
You fucking degenerates
People with more than 1 partner is degenerate and you deserve to die
Nah dude, Australian healthcare. They subsidise a lot of common drugs. I have a lot of problems with my country, but this is something that works well.
It's like $15-$20 AUD for 6 outbreaks worth.
I got it the first time I ever had unprotected sex. I would have been way more accepting of my situation had I actually been sleeping around.
Who cares. Sex is fun, so why isn't herpes seen as a trophy for not being a virgin?
I honestly don't know if I have it.
Had a tinder hookup back in July and ever since then my dick has itched a lot. Haven't seen an outbreak or anything though and I'm afraid to get tested.
>get hair loss from dad's side of the family
>get herpes from mom's side
Keep thumping that Bible.
Wow you got the shit end of the stick. Sorry user
Because that helps? I said I haven't seen anything.
no one is born with herpes. i don't know where you got that idea. that's like being born with tetanus, or pneumonia. it's a communicable disease and you catch it from people who have it.
OP, a ton of people in this thread do not know shit about shit, and are parroting things they've heard but don't understand. if you want a real answer, do your own research. many people confuse HSV with HPV, which is usually a good indicator of their competence.
Many people get some form of herpes simplex (1 or 2). in cases where you get regular outbreaks, suppressive therapy with valacyclovir daily will usually mean you have no outbreaks ever. it won't affect your sex life in any meaningful way if you are on suppressive therapy. if you aren't you can transmit the virus when you are having an outbreak, or you can just happen to be shedding virus particles (so called asymptomatic shedding).
the virus lasts a lifetime. there is no cure. i have HSV1, albeit orally. i contracted it as a kid. i've had sex with one person who I know had HSV2. i didn't get it. i've had bloodwork done just because i was interested.
i seldom mention having HSV1 except when i have an outbreak happening. i've never, ever, had a person not want to kiss me or have sex with me for it. even cases like, sharing a beer, or smoking. no one cares. i usually refuse to touch them with my mouth out of principle, but out of the maybe 20 total unique people i've mentioned it to, not one of them has had a problem.
specifically, what are you asking about?
You might never see anything, 85% don't.
Live in ignorant bliss, the way this generation is going we'll all have it eventually anyway.
i dont have herpes but suddenly i have this tiny white bump, it doesn't hurt or itch; it is a wart?. I'll go to the doctor next week tho
Alpha AF
Congenital herpes exists
Haha ur mom was a fucking slut
You cant deny the images fact
Btfo dumb fuck
>Congenital herpes
in the sense of passed from mother to child, not really "born with it" like you're born with a missing limb. more like contracted at delivery.
even then, it very seldom happens. (1 in 10k). infected mothers are almost always given acyclovir. neonatal HSV is incredibly devastating. organ failure, encephalitis, seizures, retardation.
just rub half a chilli on it
Ew dude. Your gross.
Why would you wanna normalize mini-aids? That's pretty rude for us non diseased mofos.
there's no spontaneous herpes infection, it's from someone with the virus.
Get a life loser
Based but dickpilled
Herpes free master race here
no i don't
why do you ask?
you don't really know though. the majority of those with HSV are asymptomatic. you can get bloodwork done, with around 98% accuracy (multiple tests to confirm), but there's not really a reason to, since it's incurable.
even when you get a standard STD test, doctors don't test for HSV, because it doesn't make any difference to confirm or deny.
Shut the fuck up
Couldn't you just scrape all that off with a sharp blade
herpes on the lip, stress induced. my maternal grandfather has it too
Hahahah fucking degenerates
Ha ha ha 12 year old.
My gf caught hpv from me the first time she ever had sex then I caught it off her. I got a bunch of tests done prior and thought I was clean. Viruses are difficult to detect. We got over it and the unprotected sex was worth it.
>My gf caught hpv from me the first time she ever had sex then I caught it off her.
what? what "tests" did you take for hpv?
Want to try to say it to my face IRL? Ill fucking smash your teeth in kid
Men cant test for hpv retard
Eh no you wont
My great uncle got syphilis in Korea. They had to call him up in the loud speaker to come in to get the meds. My grandpa still laughs at it when he tells the story, pretty funny. He got it from a prostitute.
They will typically cut the baby out or give mom meds, the sack the baby is in is extremely protective.
Fucking degenerate
You're a fucking sperg lmao
You're in a herpes thread