>Rogue One
>Han Solo
What other "Star Wars Anthology" movies are they going to make? You know they're not just gonna do 3 of them. It's gonna be every year for the rest of our lives.
>Rogue One
>Han Solo
What other "Star Wars Anthology" movies are they going to make? You know they're not just gonna do 3 of them. It's gonna be every year for the rest of our lives.
Other urls found in this thread:
Obi-Wan on Tatooine
Life Day
Boba Fett. Obi-Wan. Prequel prequel.
Ewok Apocalypse
The Apprenticeship of Sheev Palpatine
Vader will get a whole trilogy of doing Vader stuff, just wait and see
Star Wars: Darkness Falls
Star Wars: Empire of Fear
Star Wars: Rise of the Rebellion
a film set on Alderaan shortly before its destruction, probably full of hamfisted messages about Brexit and Drumpf
Star Wars: Triumph of the Will
Star Wars: Birth of a Nation
Star Wars: The Hallows of Death
Rogue Two
The story of Felicity before she was captured by The Order.
Jar Jar's Big Adventure
Inb4 kotor
This Isn't Rogue One: The XXX Parody
they'll probably do one that takes place completely on the gritty grimdark streets of coruscant
>you will never get a Darth Bane movie
I'm down for anything that isn't garbage
So if they wanna do Ewan as Obi-Wan on Tattooine that's fine. But now crazy insane shenanigans Obi-Wan obviously wouldn't have gotten up to, and no hamfisted cameos or references to either trilogy unless they make sense.
>The scene where Obi-Wan is talking about R2-D2 then suddenly gets hit on the head and forgets about him entirely, explaining why he doesn't remember him in ANH
shit like that. I would walk out of the theater
Mandalorian Crusade Trilogy
Not Darth Bane but I saw this Bane on Star Wars twitter
Yuuzhan Vong
One that takes place over Yoda's whole life, showing how shit changed
nah they are already doing Jyn in Forces of Destiny which is an animated show for female star wars characters
Nah, the Han Solo movie will be so bad they will slow down.
American Graffiti style coming of age story for Yoda that takes place during his adolescent century chasing tail and hanging out at Dex's Diner (when it was modern and not yet nostalgic) back before Coruscant had grown so big and it was on the outskirts of town.
Sounds like Kino to me
It seriously needs to happen
Oh shit, Felicity Jones is actually doing Jyn.
This is awesome, thanks for the info.
Not bad. Revan and Malak's dynamic would need a sizeable alteration; Kier has 38 years on Redmayne.
They will literally crank them out until they start bombing. And even when one or two bombs they will just give it a rest for a few years and then "reboot" or whatever. Movies have reached the same place rock music reached in 1998, there is nothing new to do. So why bother trying, just reheat and reserve the familiar.
>It took 900 years to make
Literally who?
Let's just stick with the Skywalker family, thanks.
>Canderous Ordo without the Australian accent
>Redymayne who is fucking horrible as any character with a speaking role
>A male actor as Revan
Not canon and not happening. KOTOR is not a good story.
I doubt it. They would've made it first if they were planning it. James Earl Jones is already 86, so even if Vader is 4th standalone he'll be in his 90s or dead already before the could even start. I can get some comfort that they won't be able to butcher the once GOAT movie villain anymore.
There's 7 billion people on the planet. I'm sure they could find a couple billion that could do a good Vader impression.
Please, Disney, give us more Vader.
>explaining why he doesn't remember him in ANH
because Obi-Wan isn't being cagey as fuck throughout the rest of the movie
There are multiple people that does a better impression of OT Vaders voice than current James Earl Jones does
>what I want
something fucking new that doesn't tie into the story of the episodic movies
>what I'll get
During Rogue One, a few people in my theater were clapping when those two aliens from the Mos Eisley Cantina made a cameo. I couldn't fucking believe it.
most people aren't spergs like you
make it stop.
>You know they're not just gonna do 3 of them. It's gonna be every year for the rest of our lives
Until we get tired of them says Disney. It will be well before that though.
Honestly, I liked the cameo. But it was forced.
I member them from A New Hope!
I can't wait to show muh kidz what that reference was from! I'll be reliving muh childhood all over again!
Disney, you nailed it again! Thanx!
-Gen X
>Kyle Katarn / Valley of the Jedi / Darth Bane trilogy when.