Is this good cinematography?

Is this good cinematography?

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That looks disgusting.

>fried eggs from my yard

Why does he have fried eggs in his yard?


I've been on the Rogan-regimen for two months and I'm starting to get jacked as fuck. It's actually working.

Hello again hot sauce viral marketing guy


i want to smell his farts

Green Habanero is ok, but brown is the fucking money

Tell me about Joe. Why can't he cook eggs?

wise words

>sour kraut

>Five (5) cloves of garlic

Two odd jalapenos and not even chopped

what did joe mean by this?

That's a big sandwich

>all that uncooked egg white

Pretty weak. I eat a head of garlic per day (to fight off parasites and worms)
My garlic bill is outrageous

>eggs from my own chickens with jalapenos

Why do his chickens have jalapenos?

correct me if I'm wrong but isn't eating too many eggs a bad thing? Because of cholesterol or something like that? I eat 2 a morning but thats 6 eggs this guy is eating at once

the price is the only thing keeping me from doing the same. I like the taste more than health shit though. what are you, gay?

Dullest fried cheese!

>A-at least it's good cheese


why didn't you look at wikipedia for 10s instead of potentially looking stupid?

Daily reminder

(((ezekiel bread)))


because im lazy

>no meat
>a sandwich

roe jogan pls don't embarrass yourself like this anymore

i could go and whip up a sandwich that would kick the living shit out of that pile of trash in under 10 minutes

i bet your gf hates your gross breath

Would Chef Ramsay approve?

>having to type the captcha

Is Ezekiel Bread kike bread?


I don't chew it

Is everything for Joe Rogan "X As Fuck"

He thinks he's still a teenager.

This thread makes me want to make an egg sandwich.

the more i know about rogan the less i like him

so fucking obnoxious

How many eggs does he eat a day? 6 eggs is 2.5x recommended cholesterol

>Joe Rogan has realized the only way to eat eggs is by covering it in so much hot sauce that it completely masks the taste of the egg.

Wise man

Don't question Joe deGrasse Rogan

>not shoving hard eggs up your ass

Feels pretty good.

wrong, he just doesn't know how to cook worth a fuck, although hot sauce is needed you don't have to drown them jesus
same too pretentious for me

>muh cholesterol

Do you blame your weight issue on genetics too?

Please, the only real egg sandwich is of the Triple Fried Egg and Chilli Chutney kind

Anyone who eats eggs sunnyside up is a fucking mongoloid

Cook them over easy at the very least

That actually looks good

>all that bread

Enjoy your carbs, protein, and cholesterol you unhealthy fat fuck.

the fuck is the point of even putting jalapeno on there if you only have two coins of it

it is shitty bread and one piece too many but protein isn't inherently bad you fucking retard, it's eating a ton of it and sitting on your ass that's bad

those are both almost the same thing what the fuck are you talking about

When is Joe going to down a Mc Donalds Big Breakfast with some kind of spic sauce?

>actually eating food
Enjoy your carbs, protein, essential vitamins and minerals you unhealthy fat fucking losers


You do know that they can treat autism these days don't you?

what kind of man doesnt know how to fry eggs

joe seems to love jalapenos. Are they really that good? They don't have them in my country

t. swedecuck

> carbs, protein, and cholesterol

pretty sure the post was meant to be ironic, unless his ideal diet consists entirely of fat.

Youre actually an idiot

chickens lay like an egg every 8 hours

idk user

too much bread IS unhealthy, and that seemed to be the underlying theme of his post, but you can try to penetrate into his deeper reasoning if you'd like

you've never had a kebab? they usually put a ton of jalapenos in those

fucking dropped

är du efterbliven?

they have a good flavor to them and either they're not spicy at all or just the right amount of spicy without being overwhelming.

>massive kale stems

how can someone so wealthy still be so hipster white trash

>Being worried about nonsense like cholesterol, vitamins etc
Just hit your macros, lift heavy and do some cardio. This is the secret to longevity.

I genuinely don't understand what he's saying here. Is he saying that the other 4% is our "human" DNA or something? Is he saying that we're NOT humans? Does this need more context to make sense, or am I just a cretin?

maybe he likes them

It's a stupid food analogy, which never make a lick of sense.

wish he'd have me on his podcast so i could explain the GOAT way to make sunny side up

trick is to start the pan hot enough to set the white quickly, then turn it down a bit, baste some hot oil over the yolks with a spoon to solidify the goopy parts quicker

no burned whites on the bottom and the top is all set

The diet is high in protein. Hope he fried those eggs in butter. Cholesterol is the biggest lie ever.

it's not well thought out, but he's not saying we're one or the other. He's saying we're both, and that if 96% of our dna is chimp, that we can't deny it.

>there are inhuman barbarians here that eat their eggs any other way then scrambled

I have to stop coming to this shithole.

>wish he'd have me on his podcast
i wish he'd have me in his pocket so i can climb his big ol' egg shaped penis and maybe hide in his peehole

scrambled is nice, but a runny yolk is better some times. Grow up you little baby and stop eating your eggs the way they're prepared for babies.

But he's say we're full of shit.

It was actually when I realized Joe was dumb that I really started enjoying his podcast. It's mostly about the guests anyway.

>calling a finely diced slizzywopple of jalapeno a coin

do americans seriously this?

Is this really how Americans eat breakfast? Why not just put it into a blender and drink it on your way to the coal mine?

Scrambled is fine if you turn it into a nice omelette like pic related.

no, he's saying that a shit sandwich full of shit is full of shit.

kill yourself kik

perfect whites with runny yolk that you can soak into buttered white toast is the most accessible patrician way to eat eggs

ultimate patrician is a proper eggs benedict but i would rather get that from a good restaurant than do it myself

who the fuck eats orang slices cut that thin with the rind still on?

>someone's making you an omelette
>they burn the fuck out of it

every time

Joe is the type of guy that makes a big deal of being able to do typical man things; hunt, fight, trip your nuts off etc, yet he can't even make a decent sandwich

i don't like any fuck in my omelette.

>someone's making you an omelette
>it's like yellow cum in burnt crust

My dad works at Carl's Jr. He said Joe came to Carl's Jr. one day and he was a real dummy

>make a decent sandwich
>typical man things
you're right, his wife should be making them.

>letting some bitch to fuck up your food

Nah thank you, I'll make my eggs the way I like them.
Omelette style.

sous vide eggs seem like a meme but they are literally idiot proof

you could do a soft boiled egg about 1000x better than Blow Jogan's attempt at sunny side

it's a display for the tv ad you mong

There is only one way to eat eggs faggot here it is take notes:

My dad said the same thing. He said Joe came to Burger King one day and he was a real dummy

kom over grensen for noe fredagstaco med jalapenos, ta med billig kjott plz

i willingly subjected myself to hours of joe talking and he was a real dummy

dietary cholesterol is a meme. vitamins are not

I ate a really good diet for years while lifting and doing cardio and still suffered from massive anxiety and depression.

started taking a good b12 supplement as well as other vitamins and that severe anxiety and depression just vanished