Why is it that if you ask anyone "are you above the avarage", their answer is yes?

Why is it that if you ask anyone "are you above the avarage", their answer is yes?
How can every single human being be above the avarage, or why don't under avarage people realize their state?

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i'm below average

because you don't want to make yourself look like a bad mate

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Just shave your fucking head

They like to delude themselves. Everybody does.

My bitch ass gf told me several times she really liked my sad eyes, and that they were most beautiful she ever saw, but my eyes are meh and she was a deceiver and a time thief.

People gets disappointed all the time by life and tries to act like nothing can touch 'em, but most are so vulnerable you would not even believe it. So, durr, of course everyone thinks they're above average. It's what normies think.

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People lie, I mean you know all them giant nigger dicks you see in porn? They are either prosthetic or unable to get a full erection due to the amount of blood needed and the best they can do is a chub.

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so rather than accepting the truth, you just lie to yourself instead?

well you know, people spend most of their times on the internet. There's no reality check for them.
People grow up lipsucking, posting gay pictures of themselfs all their life. No surprise they just as retarded as i think they are.
It's this is the average, i would say i'm above that,but i know that they have some values and can do something that i couldn't. That's why i'm hiding my powerlevel.

Kek'd, check'd, underrate'd

Nice quads good sir

because you don't want to make yourself look like a bad mate

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What I ment by [average] (thank you first reply for missing my point you degenerate fuck) is brains.
Just heard a conversation on the radio, where a woman was saying: "Anybody could be a doctor, it doesn't take any talent", but the society's ~40% barely make it into uni.

Accepting that you are going bald and deciding to shave your head is not the same as lying to yourself. It’s working with what you have. Or you can leave the mullet Mother Nature has forced upon you.

i was reflecting on your message, not the image.
his hair is fabulous ^^

How can you reflect on my “message” without the context it applies to? My message is only relevant to the image.

Do you believe you're above average?

It is all manly mens destiny to loose their hair and join a skinhead movement.

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The word is "average". And yes, even maggots are above average compared to the gooks.

First off, whatever a woman has to say is pointless.

Second, it doesn't matter. It takes a specific set of abilities to do whatever in any working field. If your face looks like a deformed pizza you cannot be a model. If you're bad in talking off your way, you won't be able to sell anything. I fail to understand your point. Do a random individual possess the talent or the skill to actually be a part of "above average" people? This will alone bring that person to actually succeed, and consider this: no lazy person ever got famous randomly or without possessing any other skill which justifies the achievement. The world is very fair and cruel about this, so the only good reply, I guess, it's "nobody is above average before showing he/she actually is."

It's called the above average effect. People will always say they are above average. Look up the studies.

>where a woman was saying: "Anybody could be a doctor, it doesn't take any talent"
Unless this woman is a doctor, her opinion is uninformed and worthless.

thank you boys, we are done here.
Everyone thinks they are above average because the comforting lies are easier to handle than the truth.

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