My girlfriend wants to sell pictures of her feet

My girlfriend wants to sell pictures of her feet.

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flood the market with free pictures of her feet so she can't.

Improvise, Adapt, Overcome

She already does, she's just tired of hiding it.

Compete against her and sell your own feet pics

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I don't have any pictures of her feet.

How do I overcome things?

Oh? She told me she'd give me some of the money earned. She hasn't gave me any money but she did buy me some weed.

Is there a market for men's feet?

Dead meme

So what dude? People are dumb enough to pay money for pictures of someones feet is the problem here.

I'm scared that she may want to cuck me soon.

I’d let her do it and tell her she can pay for her own dates. Fair agreement. It’s just feet who tf cares

She already pays for our dates. I'm a damn NEET right now.

>My girlfriend wants to sell pictures of her feet.
your fingers arent feet, moron.

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Do people sell pictures of their fingers?


How do I find ways to sell pictures? Are men viable in any way?

You're fucking dumb dude lol

How so?

find an agency that has hand models
wash and lotion your stubs
show them your hands
maybe profit

>Gf buys you weed
>Worried about feet pics

Relationship clearly isn't holy to begin with so it might as well rot in sin. Besides most girls who sell feet pics have boyfriends anyway. They all do it because they're money hungry cunts. I bet she has shit feet too like 95% of the girls who think they're going to make an income off their disgusting mediocre feet. Just be glad you don't have a foot fetish so you don't realise how unsacred your relationship really is.

Ur grandmas dead

Thinking someone selling feet pics is a reason to worry about getting cucked

She should sell her dirty socks instead

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How much?

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