Any Trespassers/Vandals here tonight?

Any Trespassers/Vandals here tonight?
Looking at exploring an underground maintenance tunnel around some aqueducts in my town, and i'm worried about air quality...
Should i invest in one of these air testers? Does anyone know what i should be worried about? CO2? CO? Dust and Molds? Any good tips before i get down there?

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Take a canary in a cage - worked so well for miners for years that it even became a figure of speech

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Have fun dying. Just having equipment doesnt mean you know how to use and not die with it

Not really trying to take a bird down with us for alot of reasons but we did consider it

If you're worried about dust and mold then wear a dust mask.

Attached: dust mask.jpg (425x425, 16K)

Thats a good point!
Bonus points if anyone has a recommendation for something that also looks cool so we look like badasses if we die!

>Have fun dying.


Yes, but impractical.

If you're dead set on it bring matches or a lighter. Every few minutes try to light, and if it won't then you need to turn back, oxygen levels are low.

As far as other air quality measures? I guess don't fuck around if you're not prepared to find out

Wear rainbow colored bandanas, and beads in your hair.

Buy tactical magazine holders and gun holsters, except put lube and dildos in them.

Wear furry tails.

We will be viewed as kings!
Im in California so its pretty par

This is probably the best Idea im gona get out of Sup Forums tbh, But what about flammable gasses? Unlikely and probably impossible but could an aqueduct possibly have something like that to worry about?

>Yes, but impractical.
Worked for the mining industry so it's proven technology

If it's anything like the sewers, you don't need shit. Quit being a pussy

Respirators only keep out contaminates dusk masks are almost useless get a good chemical mask. Biggest issue is low oxygen do you have more details on the space you are going into? I work in mining and also have been in a lot of old industrial sites.

Mining user again if you get a meter anything below 19.5 percent oxygen is bad. Anything above 21.5 your explosion risk goes up

I dont actually know whats down there,
I know its padlocked off and not bolted off which means its probably a place for people
And its basically a couple of hatches that span about a 200ft length intermittently and runs right next to an underground aquaduct.
This is all at the base of two tall vent shafts that vent out air from aqueducts.

I do this shit all the time. If youve got real questions dm me discord stumps#2624

(Op again) I'd dont think im particulaly worried about oxygen as much as everything else like CO or smthing... i guess being worried about oxygen should be up there tho huh...

CO is only usually present when there's something burning like an engine and if there is vent wells air quality probably won't be too much of an issue. Always go with a buddy that knows your mannerisms. That way if you start to act funny or your friend does you know something is up. I wouldn't worry too much if you are bringing a meter.

Do you know what impractical means you actual retard

nah theyre right guy, It doesnt really make sense to get a bird and a bird cage and all that for this kinda thing...

I know you fucking spastic of course it's stupid to bring a fucking bird when trespassing. Are you the idiot i replied to because holy shit you need to work on your reading comprehension.

Easy there killer, this thread aint about you...

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Nice trips!

Buy a cheap flare gun and fire it in from the entrance.