i'm gonna vote Jasiri to be yeen of the century, any reasons why i shouldn't?
I'm gonna vote Jasiri to be yeen of the century, any reasons why i shouldn't?
Who else would be stupid enough to compete?!?!
I can give you at least one big reason why you should!
Yessh, one -- she doesn't really exist. I vote hyena queen:
Is that what I'm being called?!?!
>Yessh, one -- she doesn't really exist
oh yeah, whats pic related then?
>I vote hyena queen
there's only one hyena queen and that's Jasiri.
naw, i like sticking nicknames to common posters, i don't mind referring to you by a different nick, there's another user that is into traps and he was looking for that picture, i'll save it for when he comes on
no, I'm fine with this. I do tend to photoshop dicks onto things.
that's cool, do what makes you happy, btw did you edit kion's eyes to point down or was that just in the frame, good job if you did edit it