Do people even still listen to Howard Stern? How many people subscribe to Sirius satellite radio?

Do people even still listen to Howard Stern? How many people subscribe to Sirius satellite radio?

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i only watch old clips on jewtube

I listen to older shows. His current show is absolutely terrible.

I catch his shows on youtube when I get bored of old episodes of Joe Rogan. He's not really about farts and tits anymore, but he usually delivers pretty good interviews with his guest each day.

I sometimes remember old shows

His new show is pretty boring
I like the interviews but the rest is dull

Let my subscription with Sirius run out. I was paying $30 for six months at a time but I can't get that deal anymore. The best they could do was a month to month @ ~$20 a month. Not really worth it when I can just wait a day and stream it somewhere

Are radio shock jocks the new cult leaders? I'm a bit troubled by the responses ITT


Right now, I think there are over 30,000,000 subscribers that listen to his show at least semi-regularly.

a lot more than you Ari.
Podcasts are for losers, go to bed.

Oh, is that what you think?

I was subscribed up until about 3 months ago. They wouldn't give me the deal they have given me for the past two years which was $60 for 6 months. They wanted $20 a month. I said fuck no. Just torrent it now when there is a celebrity interview I want to hear.

30,000,000 Sirius subscribers. Not Sirus subscribers who have the full package which is $20 a month. They have minor packages which are like, $7.99 a month and include everything but Stern. 15 mill of the subscribers probably have that only.

remember when he had that lady come on the show and prove her gigantic bewbs were real
someone post a link pls

i think its brave of him to allow don imus to do his show

I did the same a couple of years ago. The older episodes can be fun.

Hi, this is Sal Governale, and unfortunately, yesterday on the Wrap-Up Show, I made a few comments that some considered to be racist and offensive. If I did offend you, I deeply apologize from the bottom of my heart. What I was simply trying to do was make a joke over the fact that white women generally don't have sex with black men. It was simply a joke, and the joke got out of hand, because in this situation it was true. People were offended. It doesn't matter what type of baby you have whether it be white, black, or Italian, the important thing here, that we can learn from this, is a) you shouldn't drink and do drugs, because you might end up in a situation that you regret, whether it be a white child or a black child, and b) I have personally learned that when I address things, I should address them in a much better way, in a specific way, as not to offend people. Black people, white people, Spanish, Italian, or whatever, whatever the case may be. I sincerely mean this. I sincerely stand behind the fact that I was joking, and I sincerely apologize over the fact that people were offended. I am not a racist. Thank you for your time.

my parents had satellite radio because it came with their car and then every time my mom tried to cancel it they would extend it for like $2/month

the internet made it obsolete like 5 years after it launched

$20 a month is fucking insane. HBO is only $15.

in canada my father gave em a one time fee, forgot how it was, not that much, and he is set for life. maybe it was a deal for the early adopters in canada, idk.


Why does this 80 year old turtle with leukemia still have the gay beehive hair of a 30 year old woman?

SiriusXM bumps up their subscriber count artificially
They give away free trials online, and in a ton of new cars.
They consider those trials "subscribers" for the whole year even if they only run for the trial period.

When you call to cancel, they will say "we will give you a free month" and consider you a "new" subscriber while also counting your old subscription.
They have done this for years

Also fuck hoo hoo

sal is unironically my favorite person on the show

>Do people even still listen to Howard Stern?


He had some pretty decent hair plugs put in 20 years ago

post Sup Forums relevant stern clips

>but he usually delivers pretty good interviews with his guest each day.

He is extremely stiff as an interviewer and takes things way too personal
Im not sure where the idea that he is a "good" interviewer came from. He's pretty mediocre

old jewish wackjob

>He is extremely stiff as an interviewer and takes things way too personal
bizarre fucking comment. he is easily the loosest and most self-deprecating interviewer. how is he stiff?

>Im not sure where the idea that he is a "good" interviewer came from
it's much more than that, he's thought of as maybe the best interviewer. i would imagine it's for many reasons. he gets people to be very genuine and honest. he's naturally very disarming

what interviews did you watch? i can't think of a single one ever where he has appeared stiff or defensive. his only problem has ever been being way too aggressive, which he definitely was during the '90s

who was in the wrong here?

highpitch for being such a fag. artie was ribbing him that hard because he knew he was gay and wouldnt come out - which is way worse than just being gay

What are your favorite radio shows/podcasts Sup Forums?

Coast to Coast
I listen to Joe Rogan a bit but most of his guests are terrible

Cum town

unironically the daily shoah even though TRS were outed as kikes

I watch any new clips that involve JD, Scott the Engineer, Ronnie, or Gary.

Eric the Midget dying was really a deathblow to the show.

>, I think there are over 30,000,000 subscribers that listen to his show at least semi-regularly.

Holy shit you couldn't be more wrong. If Stern had 30,000,000 listeners he'd be bragging about it constantly. He probably has 2-3 mil tops.

Howard Stern's new producer fucking ruined EVERYTHING what was Howard Stern. She's a fucking feminist PC bitch that is basically holding his reigns, and for some fucking reason Howard loves her for it. This is no longer the Howard Stern of yesteryear, this is Howard Stern who's been assimilated and neutered into PC culture.

Just say youtube you hipster piece of shit.

fuck off you hooked nosed faggot

I heard an old saying before "If you live too long you'll turn into what you hate"
Which is true for Howard, because hes slowly turned into Don Imus

Ugh! Who the fuck is that ugly old hag? That's the ugliest woman I've ever seen in my life! Freaking wow!

stern was going downhill before that m8

He's alright, I really liked him in the late 80s through the 90s that his main goal in life was to antagonize people that didn't like him. Anything from Imus, NBC, to the FCC.

And I liked watching his show on tv that had all the nudity and stuff (though blurred). There was a particularly funny bit when ICP came to his studio and there was an angry black guy outside calling them wiggers. ICP started talking all kinds of trash until they brought the angry black guy into the studio.... then they started backing down and apologizing to him. Hilareous stuff because they were talking like pure Tupac when he was outside but when he could actually get to them, they changed their tone quickly. That was radio gold.

Like most older men, the desire to rebel is gone. He just wants to be a respected pillar of the industry. You'll find most "shock" (fill in the blank) eventually get to old for it and wind up doing a much more toned down version of the same thing after a decade or two.

Rebellion is a young man's game.

>Rebellion is a young man's game.
This. Johnny Rotten from the Sex Pistols has been in an experimental art rock band since his punk group broke up.