What the fuck happened to the Sup Forums porn ban...

What the fuck happened to the Sup Forums porn ban? Do the faggot mods seriously think most of us like these retarded "wut now white boi", wwyd, RMK, pathetic cuck, etc threads? There are MULTIPLE porn boards and the quality of Sup Forums rises exponentially when porn threads are not allowed. JANNIES, get to work.

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I support your words, truthspeaker

If they ban porn on Sup Forums, can we have a porn random board? We shall call it /bp/.

Bro you have no fucking clue how fucking overcome with joy I was when I saw the porn ban. But no, here we are with 5 stupid fucking wwyd threads and a fucking myriad of other retard cuck and loli porn threads, to be completely fucking honest I wouldn't even mind the furry porn so long as they got rid of everything else. I sincerely hope the porn ban was a test pilot for an actual porn enforcement change because honestly, whats random about 40 fucking porn threads

Sounds reasonable

Don't be a fag

Ok, Joomer

Absolutely, that would solve the problem for us and pornfags would have an even better board for themselves.
No, you don't be a fag
There you go, that's all you need to go jack off and calm down. Then come back and make an actually decent thread instead of boring porn shit.

No, I need pics of your mom and sister in order to coom correctly. Go to Sup Forums to discuss your dad shows

Fuck you coomer. Go use your porn boards that's why they exist you loser.

> "... There are MULTIPLE porn boards ..." ;
Let me tell you the facts - there are ONLY three boards that are actually explicitly identified as being boards for pornography in the Sup Forums rules:

( i ) the ONLY board that IS actually identified as being for (various forms of) pornography in the GLOBAL RULES is Sup Forums.
There is NOT EVEN ONE OTHER BOARD that is mentions as being for pornography in the Global Rules.
Sup Forums.org/rules#global3

( ii ) Besides the MAIN OFFICIAL PORN BOARD ( Sup Forums ) there are ONLY TWO other boards that explicitly allow ANY FORM OF PORNOGRAPHY in their own board specific rules.

They are:
/hc/ - "hard core" - that ONLY ALLOWS
straight tasteful hardcore pornography having no abuse, nor any photographic manipulations or morphs of any kind
Sup Forums.org/rules#hc ; and
/hm/ - "handsome male" - that ONLY ALLOWS
tasteful gay adult male pornography having no abuse, no traps, no transgender nor any fakes, photographic manipulations or morphs of any kind.
Sup Forums.org/rules#hm ;

Sure there MAY BE other boards where end users "get away with" posting (what some people might deem to be) "pornography",
but that does not mean that they are officially allowed to post porn on those other boards.
It just means that the (alleged) porn has not been reported so the mods are most likely unaware of it;
or if it has been reported the mods do not consider it to be anything beyond acceptable benign lewdness.

If you think I am wrong in my counting of the boards which OVERTLY PERMIT the posting of pornography,
please enlighten me by posting links to the other boards whose board specfic rules ACTUALLY allow the posting of porn,
and also identify any other restrictions upon the nature of the porn. Otherwise:

> TL;DR : fuck off ; read the Sup Forums Rules ; and learn to count properly rather than thinking two boards (besides Sup Forums) are "multiple boards".

sure, moomer

There is no porn ban you stupid bitch. It was just a single mod going on a power trip. Sage

Found the fucking cuck

>Besides the main official porn board
So you post all porn there if it isn't specifically hardcore or gif? An eclectic array of porn? A RANDOM SELECTION OF PORN???? Fuck off COOMER.

There was a porn ban stupid birdbrain. It should have been permanent.

>and the quality of Sup Forums rises exponentially when porn threads are not allowed
No. No it doesn't. Because stupid little people like you want to be entertained rather than posting OC

>huge number of extremely active porn threads

Yeah, clearly most of Sup Forums doesn't like the porn. Retard.

fuck off newfag read the rules.
a lot of the porn on Sup Forums is MOVED here from other boards
(where it is NOT WELCOME)
by the jannies & mods.

Also, I personally don't like all the porn on Sup Forums, but I acquiesce to the RULES that the OWNER OF THE SITE has approved, because I believe in following the wishes of my host when I'm allowed to use his facilities.

Not an argument.

You are the biggest faggot I ever encountered on Sup Forums. Congratulations man.

Well that's just your retarded opinion fuck-face.

A true random board is not random if it is censored. Yall porn haters make a new board called non porn random.

None of you anti-porn newfags ever have an actual argument.

Not a denial

Well said

Holy fucking cringe

The OC that gets posted is frequently drowned out by the same predictable coomer faggotry.

You would think the advertisers wouldn't want /b to be nothing but a porn board because 1) variety is what brings high traffic, not the porn, compare the traffic of /b to dedicated porn boards, once /b gives up and submits to it being a porn board traffic will drop, 2) what is the incentive to click/visit a porn site if they can wank off to porn on /b. People on /b don't have the motivation to go to a different board on the same site, what is there motivation to go to a completely different site and sign up when what the want is already right in front of them.

If you're not going to control porn for the sake of the of /b, control it for the bottom line for you and your advertisers

It's all the same people. Do you have a cinder block for a brain?

No it doesn't.

Change Sup Forums to non porn random and make the coomers a random porn board. Done.

go to /bant/ stop trying to censor and control an established board. /bant/ was explicitly designed for people like you years ago.

You just like seeing boy butt on here and it shows. Hahaha fucking faggot

If a thread gets no replies then it wasn't interesting and it dies. If it arouses interest and new contributions then it floats to the top until it eventually hits the image or post limits.

If your threads fail then they weren't as interesting as you thought

>zoomer trying to talk business

What a dumb teen, shouldn't you be at school right now?

I assume some mods wanted to have fun. When fuckers running it figure out their traffic drops that was over with. Sup Forums would be a dead board without porn. Well i guess 3 or 4 threads. Get over it. Hell this place runs none stop porn adds yet you want it banned.

Still censored. Still not random.

This. Tell my why not. Are you attached to the romance of Sup Forums? You want to be part of the Kool Kids Klub that you read about? Want to download LOIC and do raids 'n' other kool stuff?

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Did that make sense in your head?

How come you don't use adblock? I haven't seen an ad here since forever.


Great comeback user. That will keep me up at night questioning my very existence.

Nobody clicks on the porn ads because they just post and view the myriad porn threads you idiot.

He's probably taking a couple of extra skip days before christmas break

Phoneposting election-newfags are retarted

Not that I'd expect a brain dead coomer to remember anything this long ago, but while there wasn't any porn there were actually a lot of quality threads

Get rekt Sup Forumstards.

Theres porn advertised on every fucking page of Sup Forums u want that bant too faggot snowflake? CANCEL CULTURE

Well you stupid bastard that mom should of swallowed. You want pron bannned but you are so cool with fucking porn ads. You dont like a porn thread dont click on it. Want some silly fag shit that you enjoy go to that board and fuck off. I think theyy got pony and fag boards. Not sure about gore.

So, what happened to

Kek, nigger newfag detected.

what. about.

If all the “high quality oc” these pol posters are making on Sup Forums keeps getting drowned out by porn then they should post it on /bant/. /bant/ is international/RANDOM and doesn’t allow porn dump threads.

That was an awfully Indian sounding sentence. You a fukn pajeet?

>Moved here because it doesn't belong
>What is /trash/

Just filter them out. I hardly ever see porn threads anymore.

You want Sup Forums with no porn? /bant/ is what you are looking for, I don't like it because it's boring, but propably it will suit your taste.

>nigger newfag detected
>posts board letters in capitals

>this is how mad you get when you cant post "wut now white boi" threads

Back in the day, I would just scroll past threads that I did not care about. Now, I get triggered and make a bunch of autistic screeching threads about them.

>make a decent thread
>on Sup Forums

you're quite the newfriend aren't you?

Sup Forums has always been shit and now u wanna hold it to a different standard for no reason?

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You can always tell the shills. Their "counterargument" is less then 10 words and an attempt at an insult

One would think fat people would be the most motivated by food because they're fat. But research show that while fat humans and animals will consume more if the food is right in front of them, they won't do more to get the food. Even something as simple as moving or having to unwrap the food decreases consumption. Fat people aren't so much motivated by food as much as they are convenience eaters of what is readily accessible. Now apply the same idea to porn. Right now /b is filled with porn "convenience eaters" consuming what is in front of them rather than putting effort into going to a site intended for porn. In terms of monetizing there is going to be a porn sweet spot for porn clickbait, where there is enough porn for enticement but not enough to satiate,

This be shitty bait, I actually think this is your real opinion.

Sup Forums has adds? Damn, I been using ad-block too long.

>I wouldn't even mind the furry porn so long as they got rid of everything else
you cant be trusted

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>he's arguing about getting ad revenue
ok goldstein

Holy shit yes. At least the furfags stay confined to their own threads. Still annoying though

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Fine argument if 1 out of 20 threads are porn or furry or gore or what have you. Argument becomes disingenuous when the complaint is 15 out of 20 threads are porn. Banning anything is against the spirit of /b but there must be a way of keeping repetitive topics in check.

Why not post a proper counter-argument ?
[assuming there even is one ]

Fuck off with your rules to keep your safe space bullshit.
Check the Adult Boards. The RULES clearly say that certain porn threads BELONG in Sup Forums and nowhere else.
And don't pull any bullshit about "glory days".
The "glory days" of Sup Forums had cheese pizza and all sorts of real shit people call the "dark web" nowadays. So fuck off.
Gillis watch ranch coca raw x dove Reptar!

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>food analogy

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Furry thread

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Coombrains like you cannot be reasoned with so we resort to verbal warfare.

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Ok coomer

Even if that were the case, the porn was probably intended to be a moderate thing, not a myriad of spamming jewbots like you.

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Can't you just admit that you're a furfag? They're no less invasive than any other porn group on here. They probably invade more non-porn threads than anyone else.


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Do mods allow multiple ylyl threads on Sup Forums? No? Then there shouldn't be multiple porn type threads.

Jesus fuck did I step into the reddit wasteland? Why are you even here?

BITCH, I'm a robofucker. Furfags are autistic shitlets and their art styles are an extension of that.

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Why though he is obviously being defensive about porn and being disingenuous by resorting to "the randomness" of Sup Forums but Sup Forums hasn't been random since like 2013. Just filled with porn and Sup Forums was more like Sup Forums but that died in 2015 and after the migration hate chan was good then all the trump faggots came and ruined everything.

Now the only cool place is slow as fuck but still a lot better than anything else but at least the majority of Sup Forums doesn't know about it.

You'll fit in well in the new Sup Forums

Random means random dumbass.
That's why the mods took out the Hacker who tried to force his will on a RANDOM board.
Fuck off.
There are 7 billion + people in the world.
The only bots are spamming ads.
You just can't fathom that people have kinks you disagree with and are lamer than you imagine.
Think bigger. The world is bigger. Lamer.
Accept it.
Your worldview is fucked, that's why your life sucks and you're mad at strangers all the time.

They don't disallow multiple ylyl threads either. People just don't make as many anymore so there's only ever one up, if there's one at all.

Also retracted my statement of them keeping to themselves when happened.

7 billion people browse Sup Forums?! Well the more you know.

So you're admitting you're involved in what you think is a pointless enterprise? Why not save us both the effort and just stop?

The international (non-American or Japanese) crowd, along with the kids raised on stories of the internet, have distorted views and expectations.
Most of us were in our 20s when the INTERNET started, let alone forums.

All the ads I see here are porn.

So so fucking pathetic.

This is true. Just curious what kind of threads you antiporn guys want on this board?

Oh okay, that's good to hear.

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yeah haha that explains why mlp is banned on this board and there are 5 rules about what you can't post on Sup Forums
>b-b-b-but le dictionary definition of randumb!
It just means this board is for stuff that doesn't have its own board. Since there are actually porn boards on Sup Forums that means you should be posting there, shitfaggot

Nice false flag you're flying.

If you want an argument to get any traction you have to frame it in a way that coincides with the other's mindset. You don't get someone to be more accepting of diversity by screaming racist in their face and you don't get people motivated by money to do something out of generosity. Bottom line, Sup Forums is not a community. Its a platform to make money. Arguments against turning /b into a porn board because of "community" mean nothing. An argument that turning /b into a porn board because ultimately it will make them less money might be listened to. I'm not some puritan. I could give fuck all about the advertisement being porn or Sup Forums not being run as a charity.

If your sperging about Sup Forums being a non kosher COOM board was true, then there'd be more /d/ tier shit or something, but NOPE! Just stupid social media nudes, Jewish BLACKED threads, "DO NOT SHARE" threads where the images have probably been shared thousands of times, cuck threads, and that's basically it. Shit you'd be perfectly able to post in /gif/. Also there'd be *drumroll* MORE NON-PORNOGRAPHIC CONTENT. Also, the average board population is like a few hundred thousand at most, so blow me.

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>Bro you have no fucking clue how fucking overcome with joy I was when I saw the porn ban.
can someone tell me about this? I haven't been on Sup Forums for the last few days

Why does the amount of people who dont participate in Sup Forums matter? Do you go to football stadiums and shout at people "There are 7 billion people in the world and most of them are not watching this game. Can't you accept that the world is a bigger place with people who like different sports!"

>some people made resonable arguments about why porn on Sup Forums shouldn't be banned
>REEEEE You are COOMER, mods BAN PORN on my Sup Forums
Absolute state of Sup Forumstards
go bact to your Sup Forums