This bitch is only 4 years older than me and I'm still getting carded for alcohol. Shes entering milf status

this bitch is only 4 years older than me and I'm still getting carded for alcohol. Shes entering milf status

What went so wrong?

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shes probably nice naked

damn kristen got a boobjob, good for her

Imagine the milk production.

You must be a manlet.

nah man, she always got these. I recognized this very late also. Dont know why

>I'm still getting carded for alcohol

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its hard out here in these streets stuck at looking 19 years old, such is the life of a millennial

Are you cute at least?

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Where I'm at (BC, Canada) even though the legal drinking age is 19, there is a government policy that anyone who looks like they might be 30 gets carded. So I still get carded even though I have a full beard, I'm 5' 11" 230 lb, and I'm starting to go grey. Plus, I'm 31 years old. It's really fucking annoying, but they say to take it as a compliment. So I started brewing my own beer, it's cheaper, easy, and of similar quality.


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>What went so wrong?

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Too much masturbation, too little fornication.

Man up already.

>What went wrong?
Anyone can get carded.

I got carded on my 36th birthday. My brother 35 was refused because he forgot his ID, and they wouldn't accept my ID or his passport once they found out he didn't have his ID. What a joke. Canada.

I don't care if I'm carded in my 50's. IT'S A COMPLIMENT

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43, still carded. This celeb might have gotten carded just to see if the ID matched their suspicion of being said celeb. To me, she's looked 21+ for quite a long time. Not that she looks old, but she doesn't look underage or suspiciously iffy.

this. they just want to see if it's her.

probably my earliest memory of being attracted to a girl

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smoking, partying, living life in the fast lane.

she looks really good for her age. by the way, a lot of people would kill to look younger than their age. showing an id is a small price to pay. although men tend to look better with age so maybe it does suck for you.

Her roles commonly called for her to not be overtly sexy.
But you can see certain outfits in certain roles and photoshoots, she's always had good tits.
Needs pushup technology to look this fine.

Were you breastfed?

life sucks; deal with it