Whats the easiest olympic sport to get into

I dont care about winning I just want to know the easier sport to get into the olympics

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>yellow fever

fucking leafs

>/ourgirl/ has asian eyes
I dont see it

ping pong

Probably facedown sled fast.


how is this a sport

Probably luge or bobsled or something. How many people actually do those? Practice for a few years and then get citizenship in a tropical island and compete for them.

Pistol or Trap

Is that a hot woman or a curvalicious dude?

I'd imagine takes a lot of strength to steer and brace so that it doesn't over/understeer.

I don't understand how, given that there is a face up head last version of the sport, why it is a good idea to go face down head first position.

>get citizenship in a tropical island
I can speak Samoan so I think that helps. don't have the money to rent a bobsled track though

you and i both know youre doing this to fuck in the olympic village and the next 2 olympics are in japan and china

the ass was fat

Assuming you're able to get citizenship in a country with little or no winter sports traditions, cross-country skiing is definitely one of the easiest ones. Don't even have to know how to ski to get into the Olympics. Here's some guy from Venezuela who competed at the World Championship last year.
Join sprints for minimum effort.

This, as long you don't compete for Canada, I imagine you guys have to be somewhat decent at it. But that shirtless tongan guy picked it up two years ago and is the Olympics now

yeah, thats actually it. the sex must be amazing, Rio used like half a million condoms :^)

thanks for the inspo

snowboard cross for lack of skill, most undemanding sport.

shortfall speed-skating for highest degree of luck involved.

>I can speak Samoan so I think that helps.
Perfect, just find a sport that requires you to be less than 300lbs and you'll have no competitors.

also: Hi, Mark!

Is curling hard to learn?

pretty hard. math and stuff only gets you so far. almost everything is feel and experience.

Qt Dutch girl
>pic very much related

How do you start?