The Youtube purge is happening.
The Youtube purge is happening
Genuinely worried about a lot of my favorite content, but don't have the harddrive space for it all. oh well.
I’m sick of this leftist culture that’s infected the US.
Honestly I thought it would be 50-100 years before we have real issues, By that I mean things going from online to irl. I’m now downing it to 20-50. The amount of censorship, removal of rights both in the firearms, due process nature, etc are getting out of hand.
It’s going to be nuts here with the civil unrest. You’ll have the people who will think it’s correct, the ones in the middle that’ll go with the flow so they won’t get punished, and the ones that’ll fight against it.
>Not using dailymotion
Private company can do whatever the fuck they want
>YOUTUBE is committing suicide and will be bought by Murdoch for pennies on the dollar before people move on to something else
They can but it doesn’t mean their users have to agree and stay on the platform
tell that to Bell in 1982 you faggot
Bitchute you fucks.
I don't think that anybody has implied they have to ITT. It's just youtubers freaking out they'll have to find a real job for a living.
what "real job" do the people at any network TV station or show have? Is it the contractual obligation to produce on a schedule that makes it real?
They were engaging in anticompetitive behavior with a technology that was vital to the future of the US. That’s why the same thing happened to the railroads.
YouTube is not in a similar situation although I do agree with other forms of tech industry regulation.
if it's not a real job is anything in entertainment a "real job" just because you hate your job doesn't mean everyone else has to as well. anything that pays a living wage is a real job. the future is now old man! our children will grow up to aspire to go in fruitful careers as furry porn artist
>no true Scotsman fallacy
Now it call VeganaTube
And the stuff that makes sense will be the stuff that sticks. This is how social progress has always worked....
If you’re one of the people fighting it you’re gonna he remembered as an asshole
Honestly why the fuck doesnt a different company take a stand or some one make their own video streaming website? Seriously we have all these people who hate twitch and YouTube, why can't some one use this as an opportunity to make one which caters to both and doesnt treat their content creators like shit?
Couldn’t have shit on him any better myself thank you
But the whole reason Facebook, google, YouTube are getting in trouble is because they’re not playing like the open ground they perceived themselves to be and essentially created a monopoly. I mean google itself is a verb now. If you told someone to “bing it”, “duckgo it”, etc they’d look at you with 8 fucking heads.
So being a monopoly and then picking and choose what you censor. A right winged person can call a tranny the proper pronoun they were born as and get banned. Meanwhile an antifa member could call for the violence against anyone right of left will stay on there. If they’re going to have a TOS, be essentially a monopoly, and then not enforce it equally while pretending to be unbiased is what needs to be taken some form of action towards.
And I get it, I’m all for little governmental intervention. But this issue has risen after the rise of these social media/tech companies, has influenced a society, and literally could Be detrimental.
It’s such a difficult market to break into especially when these creators already have huge established fan bases already
>talks about lefties snowflakes ruining freedoms
>nothing about neoconservatives literally taking away freedoms and censorship
Shit doesn't change. Faggets that never took middle school civics
Over saturated market with little to no rep new companies/sites, even when new ones enter the market the one giant is so big it eats up all the other ones.
That's more because bing and duck go are shit and still tracks you. L2vpn homo. Happy holidays snowflake
You know neocon implies that it's a left wing person who ran Republican, right?
Why not? A 6TB drive is $100 and you can fit a TON of youtube vids on it.
fuck jewtube, new platform when
If you guys are dissatisfied by the quality of service that YouTube is providing than you can always take your businesses somewhere else where it will be more appreciated and to your liking. Choice is on you. You have nothing to bitch about it.
because its expensive as fuck and no one wants to fund a video sharing website filled with Sup Forumstards because thats all that would use it and no advertiser would ever touch it making it unprofitable ad nauseum
Gotcha. So just lay down and never proclaim your known morality/standards. Copy that. Big ok. Don't want to be an asshole. Thanks for knowledge.
Not really when your favorite creators use that dumpster fire of a website. But nice try
I love when leftists hold this value when it comes things like this benefiting their side but then at the same time say the complete opposite when it doesn’t.
>thinking google doesn't track you
look at this fucking retard guys
yeah m8 you can get fucked for all I care
>clearly never seen an idubbbz video
eat shit bud nobody cares about your opinion
cry harder you gay bitch, I'm enjoying your tears
no more nonsensical teenage drama LARPing in front of camera, it's time to scrub floors
Ummmm yes it is?
Facebook, google, and YouTube are censoring and trying to influence political outcome. That’s why google execs were on camera in project veritas saying “we can’t let another 2016 happen” etc.
But yet, it was the Russians meddling. Wait no it’s Ukraine?
Definitely not big tech/media companies, and certainly not democrats.... /s
Literally only shifting the trust from his ISP to some other commercial company hosting his VPN. Good job nigger on having a false sense of security.
i don't care
Neck yourself they remove any content that is right wing
ok boomer
This has nothing to do about "dur hur my leftism" and everything to do with advertisers and big business.
They aren't a monopoly and the only ones bitching are right wing politicians because big tech is on the other side of the tribe.
>YouTube is not in a similar situation
Its actively positioning itself to sabotage the freedom of thought and opinion and undermines the democratic process. Not only are they on that level, they are actively traitors to the philosophic underpinnings of the republic.
Not necessarily true. There are some Liberals talking about it as well. Just because you're Liberal doesn't mean you are in-line with the tech companies politics.
Let me just ignore the fact that they only censor anything right of stalin... fuck off.
platform, not publisher, faggot
>actively traitors to the philosophic underpinnings of the republic.
Yet Hobby Lobby not paying for plan b is the end of the fucking world. Shut the fuck up.
Anyone with a brain filters ads anyway
slow,laggy and can't support 60 fps videos.
like ghost town
ok zoomer
having a hard time reading big words?
No shit. Get a real job.
you are quite naive
Deleted my comment because your jealousy & ignorance reminded me of why I don’t even talk about this. The topic was about YouTube, so as a successful YouTuber I simply wanted to shed some light to the topic but forget it. I’m out.
sanctimonious eh?
lmfao! welcome to real life.
Because google is backing YT. It’s as simple as that. They know very well that they can do whatever they want to YouTubers and people will just have to put up with it. I was a very popular YouTuber around 2015. Over 400 million views overall. Since YouTube take 45% of the ad revenue, I made them over $300,000 USD in 2 years. They had no problem at all in demonetising me and countless others because we’re simply replaceable. Once you start gaining a tonne of traffic you come to a realisation, it doesn’t really matter. You could make a video that blatantly depicts YouTube treating it’s users unfairly that could reach a billion views, but it wouldn’t change a thing. Pretend you were a YouTuber that had millions of subscribers and were demonetised basically for no reason. Sure, you make a couple of videos complaining about it but nothing changes, YouTube ignores you. A few months go by without earning revenue, that turns into a year, then turns to two years. You are forced to quit and give up on everything you worked for. While this is happening, countless others who are ignorant to how badly YouTube really treats you take your place. You might even try to return and give it one last shot but find yourself against too much competition now, your niche is now overly saturated by 15 year olds that don’t even care about being monetised, they might have wealthy parents and just do it to advertise their tiktok or because they like to seem popular, that’s their only drive, while you sit their day and night struggling to make any money you possibly can with donations and merch while working in some fucking factory for $20/h and struggling to keep a normal sleeping routine, all because YouTube completely fucking you raw repeatively in the asshole for no fucking reason. I lost my home after the adpocalpyse.. after the second one I just gave up. I had no choice. Back to earning $20/h for me. You can’t stop google. Yeah.. boo hoo right.. boo hoo..
>Because google is backing YT. It’s as simple as that. They know very well that they can do whatever they want to YouTubers and people will just have to put up with it. I was a very popular YouTuber around 2015. Over 400 million views overall. Since YouTube take 45% of the ad revenue, I made them over $300,000 USD in 2 years. They had no problem at all in demonetising me and countless others because we’re simply replaceable. Once you start gaining a tonne of traffic you come to a realisation, it doesn’t really matter. You could make a video that blatantly depicts YouTube treating it’s users unfairly that could reach a billion views, but it wouldn’t change a thing. Pretend you were a YouTuber that had millions of subscribers and were demonetised basically for no reason. Sure, you make a couple of videos complaining about it but nothing changes, YouTube ignores you. A few months go by without earning revenue, that turns into a year, then turns to two years. You are forced to quit and give up on everything you worked for. While this is happening, countless others who are ignorant to how badly YouTube really treats you take your place. You might even try to return and give it one last shot but find yourself against too much competition now, your niche is now overly saturated by 15 year olds that don’t even care about being monetised, they might have wealthy parents and just do it to advertise their tiktok or because they like to seem popular, that’s their only drive, while you sit their day and night struggling to make any money you possibly can with donations and merch while working in some fucking factory for $20/h and struggling to keep a normal sleeping routine, all because YouTube completely fucking you raw repeatively in the asshole for no fucking reason. I lost my home after the adpocalpyse.. after the second one I just gave up. I had no choice. Back to earning $20/h for me. You can’t stop google. Yeah.. boo hoo right.. boo hoo..
ROFL you fucking pussy!
you're embarrassing
thanks baby bae
Which video was this?
That’s not a similar situation to Bell at all lol
YouTube is free to control the content on its platform, if it were the only video sharing platform then you might have an argument.
Bell literally had a monopoly on communications infrastructure. You couldn’t NOT play by their rules. Today, you’re free to go to literally thousands of video sharing websites to upload and share your content.
>I wanted to be a "influencer" but nobody wanted to pay me for it!
Sorry your conspiracy rants really don’t do anything to show that YouTube has a monopoly similar to Bell. You’re talking about completely unrelated things.
owned by google,people should of saw this coming.especially with the fact they already deleted a channel similar to idubbz's
>political outcome
lol,so a comedy video about leafy is suppose to be political? i know trump supporters try to bring politics into everything,but this isnt political
You got the wrong guy! lol.
“We can’t let another 2016 happen” refers to the purchasing of political ads by foreign actors, which is a bad thing regardless of your political beliefs.
i think its funny how people make a bigger deal over russia and the election instead of making a big deal over republicans electing a president who supports gun control
Except they're not a private company, they're a publicly traded company that claims to be a platform while acting like a publisher.
Lol you’re gonna have to be a little more explicit there.
But you know as soon as someone tries to make a competitor, google will attack it.
The platform/publisher dichotomy is not meaningful in any legal sense and it is not useful to think of things in that way.
That's literally a private company.
You are a complete retard of the highest degree, future generations will marvel at your idiocy if they're not driven to suicide first.
Additionally publicly traded companies are still private in the sense that the government doesn’t own them, they’re publicly traded they’re not public property. You’re either confusing the two or deliberately trying to mislead people.
look up the YT channel LegalEagle and watch his vid on COPPA
a lot of it has to do with YT willingly fucking over producers
but it also goes into how the FCC fucked over everyone by saying that there is no effective way to determine if a viewer is a child(
so what you're saying is that youtube is a case where the liberals could persuade republicans to believe in government regulation?
wut? why U no 20 to 40TB of storage?
its time we kill leafy and kill his receded hariline ass
Maybe those 100 year old anti-monopoly laws should be updated
Are they getting rid of niggers rap and their degenerate propaganda?
for sure.
>guys just take your business to the OTHER tech monopoly that owns the entire internet
Yeah I mean, republicans are NOT against government regulations. Listen to all of the talk of regulating tech companies. They just want to regulate different things.
What monopoly does YouTube have again?
good, get rid of those rebuplican scum
decades ago the FCC argued before SCotUS, and won, that broadcast TV can be censored bc there are limited bands it can broadcast on
a reverse argument might work
>YT is effectively the only means of broadcasting on the internet but they have unlimited capacity, so free speech should be completely unhindered on YT until an effective alternative is available
inb4 >They have monopoly on Zoomer audience and they are not letting them to be redpilled about ze juice!
publishing videos on the internet
I agree, and while we're at it we should update some of the 200+ year old constitutional amendments
you should start your own youtube type of website for fascists like yourself faggot