Fuck it/b/ time to make this board great again post random shit you like. Also what do you think the meaning of life is?

Fuck it/b/ time to make this board great again post random shit you like. Also what do you think the meaning of life is?

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i don't think there's meaning in life. Meaning is a man-made thing, and life predates mankind.

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B hasnt been good since the Boston marathon bombing

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So what do you think happens when we die i dont believe there is a god but something had to create us because we're dumb as fuck

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What the fuck is B? Faggot.

Sup Forums was never good you assholes.

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Nahh that shit was funny when that jessie slaughter thing happened everyone dun goofed and got caught by the cyber police

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>taking the time to point out B when you know what I'm talking about

That was funny but it didnt make my face hurt like the bombing and all the "my legs!" memes.


Last one was like, "Fuck this!"

I don't die, only opps die, Go to sleep

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for me, it's Sporty. It's always been Sporty.

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To be alive is the meaning of life, nothing more.
Basically, life exists on the trait that everything that wasn't good at living didn't. Aside from that, sentience is simply a runaway effect of molecules with a function.
Just enjoy the ride, and take whatever meaning pleases you

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Nigger detected

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Do you think the "meaning" that we create could be the result of evolutionary, neurological and social-evolutionary processes that our mammalian and then hominid ancestors were subjected to.
The same biological systems that resulted in our ethical and value systems, our tendency to create narratives and stories, is most likely what gives us meaning.

Ask yourself the question, why would you feel bad to kill a child, mutilating them in the most horrible ways, inflicting the greatest amount of pain possible? Regarded you don't have some psychological disorder.

Idk baby spice was pretty hot in her prime

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Pretty Gay ngl

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and history will repeat itself

The fact we're dumb as fuck is what shows we weren't designed or created. We're not masterpieces of engineering. We're a fucking mess.

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Im not nigger I hate nigger, nigger reek of poop and peop

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Yeah but you know how you're supposed to love and be kind all that good shit that has to mean something

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Ima real trapper

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finding your inner self and living an authentic life

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lmao euro faggots are retarded

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What does this mean to you? I don't eat poop or sip peop i'm clean

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>omg becky you are literally perfect!
>damn girl work it!
>i need your skincare routine pleeeease

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I can say nigger, I been beating niggas up in front of their own fucking girlfriends while their girlfriends record for Instagram Live, i'm not a nigger thowgh i'm whight I'll fhight anybody anywhere i want beef im hwngry and i'm ready for war and I don't fuck wet tha fugay evry nigga is toogay, I want war and I hate every black brown and panda theyre not on tha same page and theyre not tha same as me im tha same thayre not gang

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Also, why do most people usually cite that the most meaningful events in their lives were either the birth of their children, or falling in love with their partners? Because that is literally your function as an organism, the fulfillment of your purpose, to survive and procreate.

Beyond the biology, I can't really see how the concepts of ethics or meaning/value would be relevant in any way.

That's where you have to start thinking metaphysically about our place as entities in the universe, or the larger reality.
Is all of reality itself a system comprised of systems?
Is reality infinite?
Is reality at its base a random or deterministic, or perhaps both?

What relevancy would the above hypothese have for us, as humans, given their truth or falsehood.

Yeah thats true but someone had to be like hey lets make all these people different colors and see if they fight

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And we need to send every wigger and nigger and igger back to africa i'm not igger i'm man

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I didn't know Zuck was ill.

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Im mexican but even i can appreciate this master piece

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No idea but here's another.

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>why would you feel bad to kill a child, mutilating them in the most horrible ways
Because species with individuals that have a positive response to this practice in general don't tend to be very good at surviving. Even species that use infanticide as a reproductive strategy, such as lions, do so only in specific circumstances and not as a general practice.

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why would you get this idea?

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>someone had to
Why? What we're seeing here is just basic primate behavior scaled up.

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That image is metal as fuck, I'm stealing

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So we just started being out of nowhere?? Im not saying there is a god but atleast aliens or some form of life beings created this shit show

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Yeah he has a virus


And I always do my thwmbs manly never niggardly I promise niggas bichtes, thay cant come around were segregated whight swpreme racists, tha niggar hater segregater

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Lets hope that those who come after us will be better .

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to make more souls to please the gods that hate death.

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Live , breed , die , that's all you have to do in your life , everything else are just distractions , but you have the power to chose want you want to do . Chose wisely though cause you only have one chance .

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The universe will see what's up when we develop huge mega lazers to fire at it.

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>So we just started being out of nowhere??
If you consider billions of years "just suddenly", then yes. Infinite complexity can arise from simple basic processes if you let them run long enough.

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Whight uniles can say niggar but we cant practice falsehood, I promise niggas dont wanna fhight me, niggas cant even fhight baby

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hey OP i really like that image, so i decided to make a large version

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It's a pack animal survival thing. One of our starting stats of being human is the pack, both needed and beneficial.
If you can't cohabitate in the pack then you get thrown out and eaten by something big, or get a fever and loose the ability to get food for a bit.
"Goodness" exists because it let's you get along in the pack, and the pack exists because it adds to survival.
Notice humans just do enough good to get by, and enough shit just short of getting thrown to the wolves.

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