Men's Olympic Hockey starts in 3 hours. You may only post in this thread if your country has won a gold medal.
Not so fast Finbros and OARussians.
Limey's surprisingly welcome
Men's Olympic Hockey starts in 3 hours. You may only post in this thread if your country has won a gold medal
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Wait five hours, fuck.
9 hours?
We're counting this year, so Finns are allowed because we're going to win gold this year. Suck it up, Justin Cheung
Im sorry, I must have the colours on my monitor inverted, that does not look like a swedish flag otherwise.
*blocks your path*
psh, nothin personnel... kid
Women's final will be USA-Canada. there's just no other countries on the same level in women's hockey.
however, Men's is harder to predict, due to lack of NHL players. OAR has the best team on paper. but it's gonna be interesting.
I want to see you win.
>gonna be interesting
Not really its mostly has been, never wasses, literally "whose" and Jagr's grandparents. It will be slow as fuck no physicality etc.
I'd love to see them play us for a proper pro on pro gold medal like we god robbed of in Sochi, but since this year is a meme anyway might as well go with a threepete
don't lie, if Canada wins you're going to shitpost like crazy
No shit, the tournament is rigged against us so Im gonna go fucking nuts. But I mean the actually quality of play and games are going to be boring.
>the tournament is rigged against us
no it's not, everyone is on equal footing now that you can't just spam Crosbys and McDavids. Canada just hates fair competition.
>no it's not, everyone is on equal footing now
BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH sure if they banned the KHL SHL and every other major European league you fucking retard. YOu think Mason Raymond or Linden fucking Vey are on the same level as fucking Datsyuk and Kovalchuck? you know the top tier KHL teams are NHL level, paid as much and comprise the entire OAR team?
This year is heavily rigged against Canada and the USA. you clearly dont know hockey if you think otherwise.
its worse for your team than the other contenders as you dont have many players in the euro leagues or the khl
then stop crying about how it's rigged against Canada only
OAR is best team on paper like I said
but I bet they will choke
b..b...b..buuut muhhh Crosby should be banned it's not fair!!! only Russian Pros allowed! he doesnt even know he is shooting his own team in the foot. I mean Mcdavid? Boeser would be a way bigger asset for USA than Mcmeme would be for us. Hell Id love to see Boeser with top tier talent on his line.
it is rigged against both our countries happy? Never said otherwise, difference is our country actually stood a shot.
stop trying to make me hate you worse than I hate the Russians, who shouldn't even be allowed to compete as OAR.
I was just correcting your stupid statement.
>not so fast russians
>Russia has more gold medals in hockey than all other countries combined
what did he mean by this?
that does it leaf
Russian gold medals: 0
OAR gold medals: 0
What did he mean by this?
Lads is this another one where Can'tada is shart and America once again wins gold? Like the other ones
>>Russia has more gold medals in hockey***
all void due to doping.
oh, you thought they only doped for Sochi?
this is a serious fight on our hands bro
this is not going to be pretty or easy
>OP clearly states OAR has never won hockey gold.
>he then brings up Russia a country banned from the Olympics and says their 0 gold medals is more than any other country.
No, what did YOU mean by this?
Canada has 13.
If you Combine USSR with EUN you get 8, Russia has 0. You fucking retard.
Jokes aside they probably were doping even more during the USSR phase of dominance. Especially considering Russian pros didn't have to pass NHL drug tests.
I'd prefer USA to win obviously but I just really want SOMEONE to stop these doping Ruskie fucks. don't let them have the propaganda victory, you know? IOC are cowards. either ban them totally or don't. this OAR shit is a half assed measure to save face and won't do a damn thing to stop doping.
so when the hell does it start?
it's not even doping for me just the KHL component and Russian nationalists. But I agree.
For me it's
Leafs>Fins>Solvaks>Swiss>Czechs>Swedes>USA>literally anyone else>OAR.
Sorry burger bros I'd cheer for you but some of those countries have never won + the man who is murdering hockey is a burger so I dont want his country winning.
Shall be ending it all if Finland don't win gold
7am EST.
>he man who is murdering hockey is a burger
you know Bettman is just the spokesman for the Board of Governors, the owners of the NHL teams, right?
the Board of Governors includes Canadians
I know it's easy for you to have the evil American boogeyman, but face it, the Canadians owner are ruining hockey just as hard as the American owners.
cant wait until the shitstorm when our girls play canada. Sup Forums is gonna be a bloodblath
its gonna be brutal
i dont even care who wins. might just watch the thread and not even post lmao.
the very few shreds of decency Sup Forums had left will be thrown out the window
>I know it's easy for you to have the evil American boogeyman, but face it, the Canadians owner are ruining hockey just as hard as the American owners.
A Canadian would step down before banning athletes from the Olympics.
No Canadian would pull that shit on John Scott.
No Canadian would fuck around with Sunbelt expansions for shits and giggles when talent is spread this thin already.
No Canadian would allow an owner to move the Nordiques south of the border.
I'm sorry user but thats bullshit, In many sports commissioners have shown owners their place and no other Commissioner has had 3 fucking lockouts in their stint. He is a joke, and saying "he is just a mouth piece for owners!" is bullshit, then why do they pay him if he has no role or culpability in this?
They pay him to take the heat so they don't have to
>then why do they pay him if he has no role or culpability in this?
because everyone blames him for what's wrong in the NHL, instead of blaming the owners. its literally his job to be the scapegoat so nobody gets mad at the owners, who are the real villains. and you're falling for it hook, line and sinker
But Goodell has blocked things Bettman has allowed? are you saying the NFL has a real commissioner but in the NHL all the owners collude behind close doors and bettman is a puppet ? Do you know why they call it a "franchise" and they are "franchise owners?" Because they dont own the NHL, Aquilinis dont own the NHL, if anybody owns the NHL its fucking Rogers, and even they don't even own the NHL, Bettman is league commissioner, and if he has no power to stop this shit the least he can do is fucking step down.Not to mention The Owners had nothing to do with John Scoot and he is in charge of the labour negotiations not owners..... Hell if he said Olympic Break 2018 Team owners would have to shove it up their asses. Next you are going to say the Mcdonalds CEO is just a puppet of franchise owners. Owning a franchise =/= owning a share in the league. I mean he was literally hired to do some of this shit, and he decides on the expansions, not random team owners. He decided on forcing the salary caps not random team owners.
confirmed retard.
typical Leaf, thinking he knows everything about hockey and blames Americans for everything.
I'm not blaming Americans. They dont even know who Bettman is or what a hockey is. I Blame Gary fucking Bettman, He clearly does not give a shit about the sport, the athletes, the fans our my country. Not that a burger would fucking understand hockey.
I've also said 100 times over the league can not be trusted to govern itself and power should be handed over to the IIHF, not that that would ever happen.
just stop holy shit
>power should be handed over to the IIHF
this kills the NHL
You have not refuted anything I have said other than that "dude the commisoner is just a puppet to franchise owners, He was allowed to tell the NHLPA to fuck off as long as 8 owners backed him, thusfore he was forced to do it!" not that you likely even know anything about the lockouts
how? I know Fifa is a bad example because of how corrupt it is, but the Premiere League still exists. I dont see how IIHF having more power in the hockey world would kill the NHL, its the biggest league. Difference is the IIHF is not a for profit business and seems to legitimately care about the sport, they would make a good watch dog. They even offered to pay player insurance for the Olympics.
>Finns are allowed because we're going to win gold this year.
*blocks your tournament*
is slovenia any good or nah?
But if Datsyuk doesn't get lots of ice time then I want OAR to come in dead last.
Bettman's Jewish, stop blaming us for something you're equally liable for.
Holy shit you are a terrible burger.
kill yourself
leave America
You're not allowed in here
Objectively incorrect.
No, I think I'll stay.
git out Russiaboo
move there if you like it so much
I only like Datsyuk, he deserved better in Sochi. He was one of two or three skaters who didn't phone it in.
/our year/
women's hockey >
Better win tonight boys.
you stand no chance yankee
Good goy
Well it is cancelled. fugg
what why its indoors?
People cant leave the building, and it is forbidden to go outside to the olympic park.
what why?
Exsqueeze me???
Dont listen to the bully.
Canadian here
I have tickets to 4 games. Canada-CR, Korea-Switzerland (lmfao) and... USA - OAR. Also have a semi final.
I am pumped. Can't wait to see Korean loss of face, including a goal scored by a "korean" (canadian), USA get obliterated or OAR lose and get shot after getting home (either is ok),and of course to see total Canadian Domination
>this ass mad Can'tnadian
The NHL did this and the NHL has Canadian teams as well.
So you guys shot yourselves in the foot and that is somehow the IOC's fault?
Don't get me wrong, the IOC is one of the shittiest most corrupt and pretentious organizations in the world as well ass being hellbent on destroying sports as whole.
This one is on the NHL. Buttman and co. decided that instead of compromising they'd squirt a nacho chili lava shit all over the whole thing and call it a day.
without the dream no one thought they'd survive
>So you guys shot yourselves in the foot and that is somehow the IOC's fault?
Nobody is saying this, the debate was Bettman, v.s. "owners"
Kinda hard to fault the IOC when all they did was say they cant pay insurance like 5 minutes before the IIHF said theyd pay it.
This triggers the Olympic Athlete from Russia.
Fuck the NHL and Bettman.
Sweet fanfiction, faggot. What about the part where a cure is found for your AIDS? You left that out.
The call that saved USA Hockey.
Is this the game thread?
I don't think that it should be. Somebody should make one.
Nah, someone will make a specific gamethread for all the games I'm sure.
This is just for general nationalistic shitposting
Any volunteer? It's about to begin and I'm way too lazy for that.
Here you go.
Fucking NHL jews ruining the Olympics
I think Russia or Sweden will win by having the least non-terrible players
Even the IIHF WC is higher level than the Olympics now
NHL is the worst thing ever happened to this sport
I don't really like Canada's (female) chances VS USA tobehe. USA outplayed Finland/OAR better than us.
i miss pavel datsyuk
OAR-Slovakia game thread where?
Can we take their flag yet?
I cant believe I stayed up for this shit. Niggas need Halak.
Lel, too slow.
2:0 already
Where is the delayed penalty graphic? Or does NBC not do it for NHL either?