What's the most genetic lottery sport?

What's the most genetic lottery sport?

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you can't win unless you're white


i think running is a pretty good candidate already

Basketball it's not even a debate

Decathlon, only chads can do it


Curling. You need to have the genetics of a genius to understand the subtleties.




Not even close
This. Swimming is very dependent on body structure
Isaiah thomas garnered a lot of mvp cotes last ear and hes completely different than say kris porzingis
Sad that you think this

You basically can't play pro basketball if you're under 6ft and the average is like 5'9 so that cuts off a LOT of people.

5'9 is the cutoff for basically every sport that isn't povertyball
But not that user and I agree basketball is still the correct answer

IT is 5’9. Spud webb was 5’7. Mugsy bogues was 5’3. Nate Robinson. Damon stoudemire. Theres a huge list man. Iverson was even under 6 foot even tho i think hes listed as 6 even

t. 350lb sports "expert"

You can play pro hockey, soccer and baseball if you're under 5'9. Don't get me wrong I hate manlets as much as the next guy but they can unironically play 3 of the 5 top sports in NA.

205. I dont see how you can say basketball tho when theres over a 2 foot difference in the shortest and tallest players

you can play as an rb or in the slot in the NFL as a manlet as well

Point proven for basketball being hugely influenced by genetics. Pretty sure something like 10% of over 6'6 black males in the US play pro basketball.

Youre an idiot

>I hate manlets as much as the next guy
Why do you hate the next guy? You don't even know him

Because hes a manlet

Obviously basketball. If you're 7ft tall you have like a better than 1 in 4 chance of going pro

You can be a Manlet and play the two biggest sports on earth

no you

This guy is 5’9

IT required a very specific team set up to do what he did and basically the other four people on the court had to carry him defensively

Basketball doesn't just require height either, another thing they want is wingspan(the best players typically have a wingspan longer than their height) and proportionately large hands

Ya im sure the celtics did that out of pity. Had nothing to do with him being one of the best basketball players on the planet

genuine question. what % of current NBA players are under 6ft?

>205 lb

A very small percentage. What percentage of sprinters are over 7 foot?

6’2. Quit deflecting with tired memes

1. Basketball/Swimming (need long muscle insertions, limbs and height)
2. Running




9000. American Football/Rugby
9001. Hockey



9000000000001. All other additional winter sports





9000000000000000000001. Baseball

>There is no rule cauze muh exception

who said anything about pity? They had to carry him because he was one of the worst defensive players in the league, the guy ranked 467th in DRPM last year, out of 468 players

Are you for real? How many sprinters are there? What percentage of people is over 7 foot? How many NBA players are there? What percentage of Americans is under 6 foot?

I feel like I'm being baited but I also kind of feel that you're for real. I'm not claiming that sprinting is not defined by genetics by the way this is not my point lets make this clear.

Swimming. Anons saying basketball are retarded. Genetics have nothing to do with putting a circle in a bigger circle

There are more sprinters than nba players

>implying defense matters in 2018
Dont watch much nba do you? This aint the 90s bro

you seem upset little man

I guess that's why Americans between 6-6 and 6-8 have a .06% chance of making the NBA while 7ft+ Americans have a 17 % chance


For those saying that genetics have nothing to do with basketball.
Tell me, how many manlets are there in the NBA right now?

A lot more than blacks winning swimming medals. What is there. 2?

And IT is the worst of a league of bad defenders

1 and he's a turbo manlet

Case closed

When was the last time someone 5’9 medaled in swimming

>implying he didn't get that many votes specifically because his height is such an outlier

All those voters wouldn't hesitate for a millisecond before taking every player on that list below him before him when making a team

Id take healthy IT over derozan any day. Probably curry too. The rest are better but his numbers were ridiculous last year

he had an unusually good offensive year last year, still the guy can't stay on a team for more than two seasons so GMs don't seem that enamored with him(and after the Cavs it's probably going to be even worse)

IT blows defensively and no team will ever win a chip with him as a starter, even if you gave him 4 Greek Freaks and 4 Kawhi's to play around, if IT gets significant minutes, the team will lose

Daily reminder that theres no genetic lotery, you are who you were mean to be, if your father had cum a second later you wouldnt exist

and not a day goes by I wish he didn't cum at all

Dont you dare an hero pal

Chris Paul, one of the best Point Guards in the League is 1,83 meters tall, probably even last than that without his sneakers.

why do they hate water

sumo wrestling

Darts. You have to have a genetic predisposition to tolerate lethal levels of alcohol and saturated fat consumption in order to excel.

So how did she win it then?

Basketball you need to be tall, black, slavic, or Mediterranean to play. You need to be at least 6'3 or taller (shorter for point guards but still typically taller than 6'). You need a huge wingspan to play good defense and an ability to jump high. It's an exclusive sport and if you don't have those genetic gifts you're fucked. Look at Isaiah Thomas he's 5'9 and plays good, but he's an outlier not everyone can do what he does plus he's a defensive liability since he's so short.

Easily basketball.

Slavs are good at Basketball because they have a fuckton of tall people and european coaches praise the training and skills set, while american coaches only care for the athleticism. Thats why white americans bois are scared of playing Basketball, the sport has been dominated by blacks for so much time that people forgot that anyone (tall) can play.

Slavs are just black people in white bodies. Lmao, no but seriously I mean white guys still play basketball. Look at Larry Bird, Steve Nash, John Stockton, Gordon Hayward, Kevin Love, Steve Kerr, and Chris Mullins. They all played pretty well and did good. It's just white people like American Football, Baseball, and swimming more. It's a shame too since some white people are really good at basketball. Americans play more basketball than they ever would soccer. But your assumptions are wrong white Americans still play the sport. It's just the sport is made for genetically bred black people. I mean the whole slave eugenics in the South made American blacks pretty athletic at least compared to real Africans.

Long distance running and sprinting.
Nothing else comes close.

And before his injury, CP3 was explosive enough to be dunking on Dwight Howard during Dwight's prime.

His quickness isn't something that you can teach. You can train all you want, but to get that combination of bball skills is partially genetic.

CP3 also has the basketball IQ which you don't just "hone". It's savant level.

I think sports like Basketball shouldn't count, because genetics alone doesn't make you dominant.
It should be a sport which has almost no need for tactics and is based solely on technique and training.


>Long distance running
not really

This, look at Dwight Howard. He’s extremely athletic yet he can’t post up for shit. Guys like shaq weren’t just genetic freaks, they also had skill

Long distance running is dominated by Kenyans and Ethiopians. What do you think makes them so good? Their training facilities?

Rugby and American football dont require any unique physical traits

I’d say tennis; you need good reaction, be quite smart while all having a slow grinding mindset, be around 6ft, flexible but strong and fast

>need long muscle insertions
wat, majority of nba players have shit muscle inserts since they have long tendons, look at their calves for example. the only sport muscle insertions are important in is bodybuilding

Positions like cornerback, wide receiver, and running back require speed

Yeah but if your fat and slow you could be a tackler and build up your sped to an acceptable level or your throwing to be a qb. It’s hardly genetic lottery

bodybuilding is all genetics and it is a sport

The best long distance runner in New Zealand moved to Kenya to train.

You listed 6 players. In reply I list: every other professional basketball player in history.

Is all roids and it isn't a sport.

Being a pass rushing DE or a Defensive back sole require athletic talent. There's a reason why most of the guys at those positions are complete dumbasses (especially DE) because they coast off of genetic blessings that allow then to be quicker, faster, and stronger than everyone else and are given the simplest of assignments.

have you tried throwing, pal? not easy. have practiced myself from scratch for a while and still not so good. it looks easy but is anything but. would love to see any pro sportsman try.

Guys come on everybody who isn't retarded knows basketball is the genetic lottery sport. There are some other ones that come close, volleyball and other elite running/swimming events but get real.

Almost any sport at the top level of play

Same goes for the best Norwegian long distance runner, and he's so fucking autistic he might even beat the Kenyans soon. He ran the marathon in 2:05:48 last season.

Considering any gangly 7ft mofo can get into the NBA based on size alone I'd say it's basketball overall. At the highest levels of sport it's sprinting given that milliseconds are the difference between gold and bronze.


1. Sprint
2. Swimming
3. Long Distance Running
4. Basketball
5. Artistic Gymnastics

Bônus: Ping Pong

high jump
theres a lanklet barrier for entry, let alone competition

And they are all famous for being short basketball players. Not just basketball players
>muhh AI

Formula 1 because you have to be born to millionaire or billionaire parents and then be good at racing cars from age 4

15% of 7 footer men in the US held an NBA contract

being billionaire is not genetics, user

you have to be the right bundle of fucking DNA to be a billionaire's son



this. product of our environments. which is why darkies get confused when i go outside in snow storm without 10 pound coat.

more like OCD passed down from parents.


>dude short forearms long humerus and being a fat fuck lmao
>dude short femurs and long shins lmao

While all of this is true, he's still a bitter no championship manlet