Outta my Whey, Protein fucking shits!

Outta my Whey, Protein fucking shits!

who /carb/ master race here?

>Drinking protein shakes

Dumb niggers, just eat 8 eggs a day, it's fucking 540 calories for 48grams of protein. Holy shit, that's in one fucking meal, you idiots.


I need at least 200grams of protein a day. I'm not going to eat like 32 fucking eggs in a day.

>"Hi I'm Mark Wahlberg, and if this miracle formula existed in the 70s we would not have lost to some Gook farmers."

>implying you have a body that allows you to give advice

If i had a time machine i would make sure mark whalberg was on the plane that hit the wtc.

Best case scenario he stops 9/11.
Worst case scenario mark whalberg dies.

Even if you're a bodybuilder, you do not need 200 fucking grams of protein. There's no physical way your body can utilize all of that protein, you stupid shit. You just like to tell yourself you need 100+grams per day to feel like a big boy. Fucking morons, read a biology book for once in your fucking lives.

I swear to christ, if you're eating 2,500 to 3,000 calories a day you can easily clear your retarded 200g protein bullshit. But no, you're a fucking retarded pussy who probably takes fitness advice from people like Rich Piana.

Finally, it works on so many levels

we didn't lose reeeeeeeeeeeeee

we won all the engagements

Most likely scenario he manages to seize control of the plane, diverts it to Ho Chi Minh city and runs out of fuel somewhere over the Pacific.

I want this meme to die.

You know it's possible to win battles and still loose the war right? The fall of Saigon isn't exactly a victory parade.



losing a war = conceding
we didn't concede we just figured those gooks aren't worth our time anymore

low test


one egg is 80% of your daily cholostroral and fat intake for the day, two eggs is 160%. do the math for 8 eggs, enjoy your constant fat body and clogged arteries.

200grams isnt that extreme, it doesnt have to all come from meat as you get grams and grams through your other sources like milk and oats.

youre suppoesed to take over 2 grams of protein for every kilogramme you weigh.

I weigh 70 kilogramme, that means I should be taking over 140grams of protein a day. 200 isnt that extreme for someone if they weigh more than me.

we lost, stop being a baby

we would have won if we decided to glass all the gooks

You're not a girl who's just woken up from being passed out user.

How does it feel to lose the war?

>our horrible tubs of powdered pig feet aren't selling
>what should we do?
>I know let's plaster Mark Wahlberg on them

Haven't you heard, even hitter didn't sink that low
