I have hydrocodone left over from when I got my wisdom teeth out that I never took. Probably gonna take one tonight...

I have hydrocodone left over from when I got my wisdom teeth out that I never took. Probably gonna take one tonight, first time ever doing anything besides weed. What should I expect? Also should I smoke while I do it or just do the hydrocodone

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Bumping. I've got a bunch of endone left too, been to scared to do it cos I have an addictive personality.

Same, I’m thinking about throwing out the other pills as soon as I take one cause I’m afraid I’ll get too addicted haha

Personally, I go for a 6 pack of beer and pack of smokes. Weed makes you sleepy, so I skip it. Drink the hydro with a small glass of milk to help the tummy turns.

Yeah if you want to fucking die. Do not mix drugs. On top of that do not fucking mix opiates with alcohol I have family who's died like that. Shit can kill you

Yeah just take a couple then take some gbs. It will have u feeling pretty nice. It's just hydrocodone it's not even really that strong. Since u don't have any tolerance 1 or 2 should be good.

Throw them down the fucking toilet.

If you’ve got the addiction gene, and there’s no way of knowing if you do, then it’ll absolutely ruin your life.

If I could, I’d tackle my past self just before I took my first recreational opiate.


Yeah, if you're a fucking pussy. A few beers and a 10 aren't going to kill you, but good job falling for your middle school's RAAD PSAs.

I use hydrocodone off and on for a bad back, and it's not that big of a deal. Relieves the pain, does mellow me out a bit, but that's about it. Even taking a couple doesn't do much.

Basically, it's a badass Tylenol, not fucking LSD.

Red wine goes great with hydrocodone..

>Captain Autism

Maybe you should quit skipping your NA meetings this guy is so full of shit. It's not gonna ruin your life unless you're an asshole and start stealing from your parents or some shit. Take a few throw on some music and have a little fun.

Literally fucking nothing. Take a few and enjoy throwing up, but thats about it friendo.

Just sell em and use the money to buy gas or something useful

Dude with endone here
Ive had to take it for pain before and was never addicted
But I have issues with weed and alcohol so I probably won't do it

If you want to have a real trip, stay up 4 days in a row with adderall. You'll see some reaaaaaall shit.

One will just make you drowsy in a comfy kind of way, and if the supply is good for only a week or two it's not going to turn you into an addict.

>Probably gonna take one tonight
why? Does your life suck that much?


t. hydrocodone,fentanyl and morphine for back issues

you're fucking retarded

Depending on the MG.
I prefer 10s, much easier to manage.
Crush about 15MG into a fine powder, dump into mouth and take a sip of something (NOT ALCOHOL UNLESS YOU WANNA DIE IN YOUR SLEEP)
wait about an hour for that fuzzy euphoria. It'll last about 3 hours if you don't eat anything.

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Just took the first one boys, might take another after I see how I feel. Google says 20-30 minutes until results, that about right?

You're a faggot

Just very bored

How much do you weigh?

As a non user 3 of the M365s (15 mg HC total) with 975 mg APAP would be a good place to start and it won't hurt your liver. If you are a fatass you may want to make it 4. As long as you aren't a ginger (seriously - they are prone to livers with weird metabolism quirks) and keep the APAP under 4 grams in 24 you will be fine.

The Hydrocodone should be fine at 15-25 mg for a first time user. If you are skinny 15 if you are fat as fuck 25. I wouldn't mix drugs for the first time. Eat a fatty meal first to keep you from getting pukey.

Hydrocodone is my favorite opiate I have tried. Most people prefer just about anything else except maybe codeine but for me I get the perfect mix of bliss and energy from it where stuff like oxy and morphine just make me happy super sleepy, and I completely lose my buzz for some reason if I try to do something at the same time.

All that said opiate addiction is real a nd it doesn't take much to get there. I have been stuck with it for the last 4 years. Thank God for PST or id probably be broke or in jail. I rarely do pills any more because of it, but still physically hooked. Tread with caution.

don't take old prescription meds then. What do you enjoy doing?

Where do you order your poppies for the tea?

People arguing back in forth about mixing it with alcohol - like all things human each person has a different liver with different genes to metabolize substances. Some folks (me included) can mix opiates and alcohol just fine (I mean I don't get blackout drunk, thats just dumb but a couple of drinks is fine). Other people can die quickly from it.

Anyone advising a first time user of an opiate to mix it with any amount of alcohol is retarded.

honestly just take one and see how it makes you feel. not feelin much > add one, too drowsy > split in half and such. wouldnt risk taking it with alcohol first time.

I use unwashed seed. Its getting ridiculous as of late because teenagers/college kids have caught on to it and have plastered Amazon and ebay with reviews giving 5 stars and just flat out saying "THIS SHIT WILL GET YOU HIGH AF! LOLOL". Combine that a handful of OD deaths because people are literally drinking tea made with 5 lbs of seeds and now you have the guv'ment cracking the whip and pushing sellers of Amazon and Ebay. Fucking moron kids.

I have a private list of vendors now I buy from just via email or IM. I got hooked on Oxy (30 mg Roxycets) living that started with back pain but ended up on the streets as these things often do. I got tired of being a nervous wreck about ruining my life getting busted by the cops or ODing off fake fentanyl laced pills. Also the 30 bucks a pill gets expensive when you can down 4 and feel little if anything. So I tried PST and it saved my life.

It manages my back pain and I don't get dopesick. I only use it to "party" once every couple months. I know I am still an addict and how I am treating it isn't perfect but I still think its better than the Heroin route.

God you sound like me. Hydro for pain mngt but 45mg a day. I'm afraid to ask to up my meds and set off red flags. I've wanted to try tea but am afraid as I know very little about it. Do you have a kik?