I put forth the proposition that this is the worst movie poster of all time. Of course there are smaller budgeted movies that have poorly photoshopped posters, but when a film has billions of dollars backing it, is an iconic franchise, and has an enormous team of producers and other professionals working on it there is no reason to put out a poster this ugly, forgettable, and badly designed.
I put forth the proposition that this is the worst movie poster of all time...
>of all time
I put forth that you care about this stuff too much and should stop.
I quite like it
Not an argument
You probably wear cargo shorts and own a Family Guy poster as well
at least post the real one op
This is going to be teenage deadpool, it's obvious.
This part was really bad.
I didn't know Raimi was involved in this new one?
I understand what it's communicating to the viewer: "this Spider-Man is in high school and listens to hip music!" But wouldn't wearing his school jacket defeat the purpose of wearing a mask? At that point any potential enemy who sees him wearing it just has to look at the male students who go to his school in his height range. Really he's putting his whole school in danger by wearing that in public.
serious question do people in cities ever take off their headphones
It's a terrible poster, but to be honest I've always had an issue with Spider-Man coming across like an arrogant little shit and this just reinforces that notion.
I wear mine 90% of the time I'm outside
Its an incongruous image with clashing colours, and it does the job.
The problem with Spiderman is that this is what feels like the 20th Spiderman film, we've seen all the well designed iconic images before. Was there even a second or a third Garfield-Sony film, I don't even know. You just start filtering it out after a bit.
name a single reason why capeshit producers need to put in effort anymore
Imaging judging a movie off the poster.
That would be like judging how an album sounds off of what the cover looks like.
integrity doesn't buy you a private island
Please learn the word "posit"
Not really, movies are a visual medium, so are posters. Music is an aural medium and a cover isn't.
Spiderman always was arrogant, shit-talking and showboating in combat is an essential part of the character.
He usually gets put through a wall or has a car dropped on him immediately after such outbursts though. He then pulls himself up and stands there tapping his head trying to get the ringing to stop.
Its classic choreography from old school (60s) pro wrestling and it wouldn't be Spiderman if he didn't do it.
Also in an expanded universe a mature sensible Spiderman doesn't really fit in, he needs to be annoying kid really.
It's not an english paper, either phrasing is fine and both get the same point across.
No, OP's phrasing is clunky and borderline repetitive.
Again, this isn't a formal paper, it does not matter and took you all of .7 seconds longer to read the original phrasing. Don't be autistic.
>Not an argument
And where is your argument for why it is bad?
DUDE i'm from NEW YORK xDDD im from the bronx its a really hard life living with human trash did i mention what borough im from haha new york get it
God I fucking hate it
It was a different time.
BVS flopped. Get over it. You losers (as in "people who lose often") really need to stop obsessing over it.
>the date isn't 9/11/01
>look kids were trying to be hip like them negroes with their hiphop
Where the Garfield Spideys really that bad? I thought he was a decent lead.
MCUcks can't comprehend that people think they're movies are shit without necessarily being DC fanboys
Well no shit, Spider-man and Deadpool are often compared in the comics and animated shows.
No, it would be like judging an album off how the first verse of the opening track sounds
Nobody said it was a formal paper, i just hate reading shitty writing
>dont be autistic
Do you know where you are?
"I posit the proposition" sounds clunky
He got asked to leave part way through, apparently things got a little heated when he threw a noose on the desk when Zendaya was in makeup
Needs the logos too for authenticity but it's a good start
There were passable, but just unnecessary. No one was asking for a reboot of Spiderman
It's just preparing the viewer for the shittiest CGI in decade. Save on chinks, use on marketing.
Losers don't win oscars.
DC has Snyder for KINOA and MCU trash like Suicide Squad for easy cash, oscars anf competition BTFOing. Based af famal
>Drawing inspiration from Anglo-Industrial artwork
True Kinography
How will DC ever recover?
I think it would've been much better if he had the mask off and he was holding it on his stomach kinda hanging over a bit
What is the context here? Did he forget he was dressed as Spider-man when he put the jacket on?
He's too young to own a cuck shed so he has to go outside
>They were passable
They really were not. They were too boring to be entertaining ironically or otherwise.
Yeah. it's bad considering how much budget thiis film has.