It's hard being #1.
It's hard being #1
In letting your women get raped by Mohammeds?
sure is tough being best girl
>Japanese Mohammedans
Soon we will put you in your place
okay 7-1
oh really....
Being #2 is harder, it takes some unique effort to choke consistently
Only Netherlands chokes harder, but then again, that just means we're #2 at choking, so we choke at choking
>Foul against Brazil
>Last minute
>Reus go for the free kick
>Nervousness in the German crowd
>Reus take the free kick
>Amazing goal
>German starting celebrating
>Ref end the game
>Brazil 5x1 Germany
>even in his wildest fantasies he doesn't conceive something as humiliating as 7-1
kek ok we'll see
We'll we always be there for you big brother.
> already 9 gold medals for germany
feels good
Brazil is big, strong and have 5 word cups
Why dont you guys go to belgium on holiday? Were so fucking full of tourists
Last time we took a vacation in Belgium it ended in a disaster
the last time germany touched the dutch like that was to get to paris
>word cups
The second eurotrip ended pretty bad also I remember, best stay at home.
>bottomless pit
>has a visible chin
>nothing about the shape of his head suggests that it would actually be bottomless
How does it feel to be autistic?
Looking forward to the weekend, driving to netherlands and spending money on lots of matjes
My country didn't qualify
jesus christ even I understand that it's supposed to be a joke
You tell me, you're the expert
A bad one
you're gonna get rekt again
your soyboy squad is gonna get btfo
Are you for real?
That's not Misato.
belgium is shit and french
good taste
too patrician to qualifiy
The japanese chad
It get lonely at the top.
if it keeps happening then it gets comfy once you get used to it
Never knew so many german athletes use Sup Forums.
Ruhe auf den billigen plätzen
I would have become an Olympic polevaulter if not for my exploding knees
post more chinese cartoons in football kits i love this shit
I know, it was hard being #1 three times in a row while defeating Germany in finals and semi finals.
i bet ur glad you arent #1 anymore then
>i watch anime
I'm a professional boxer. Undefeated cruiserweight. Soon to be world champion.
Dude, stick to your weed pipe and stop posting here
>not watching anime
>yfw da bears win da superb owl
meant for
*Blocks you're paths*
Nothing personell goyim
tell me on which position is Canada and how many more gold medals Germany has
are germans physically capable of not looking like retarded spergs?
I do. Bruges was nice
La abominación..
oh man im not WHITE haha praise kork brother
I need to find me Germany-san, I'll go full 1945 on her.
>anonymous poster from Russia