Why is Sup Forums horrible at accepting differing opinions? Why must there always be a right and wrong to thinking a movie is good or not?
Why is Sup Forums horrible at accepting differing opinions...
Because my opinions are right and your opinions are wrong
Fuck you, yours is wrong, mine is right!
hey reddit
Movies are objectively good or bad, whether you personally enjoy them is subjective. For example, despite not personally enjoying Superhero films I can say that The Dark Knight is an objectively good contribution to the genre while Suicide Squad is absolute garbage for plebeians.
people use the things they like to shape their opinion about themselves, when you criticize something or dislike it they take it as a personal offense because it's as if you were questioning themselves too
>movies are objectively good or bad
Sup Forums is so hostile because Sup Forums has opinions like this.
Because everything boils down to right and wrong.
Thats just in general. I havent met someone yet that if i gave them opinion theyd have a differing opinion
Rick & Memey is a terrible show, get over it Redditor
whats your opinion informed by?
Faggots like this is why.
That's not what this is about and the fact that that is the first thing you thought of means you're part of the fucking problem. Get a grip.
Hahahaha you sure showed him haha :DDDDd
Why are redditors so afraid of proper discussion? Why can't they handle a little debate?
Same reason Sup Forums has faggots and Sup Forums has jews, your problems are everyone elses fault and you need to insult them for it.
It's the pleb patritcion meme hierarchy.
There is debating opinions and then there is just shouting "I'm right, you're wrong".
WTF are people smoking ITT?
You guys want discussion like
>I like this movie
>me personally, I don't like this movie
>we'll then lets agree to disagree
If you crave a consensus to feel good about yourself, I genuinely recommend you to go to reddit where all the bad people who are meanies to you get downvoted. If you feel like discussion is drying up and the back and forth turns into stupid shit without any valid arguments you should grow some thicker skin, take it like a man and stop posting.
>you will discuss in a manner that i command
go fuck yourself, if i want to call something or someone shit, i will
well then you aren't having a discussion if you're just shitting on something are you.
No ones forcing you to respond to them. The difference between having them post it and them choosing not to post at all is that the first one makes you butthurt, and you clearly can't take the preassure.
>Debate but don't respond to them
tripfags always have shit opinions. Don't respond or you're going back on your statement.
You clearly dont understand what being a kino auteur is about. Sad really! You should go back.
I think it's more people would like others to remain calm and insightful enough to provide ACTUAL discussion on the thing(s) in which they are disagreement. As opposed to an immediate 'you're a moron for liking this, opinion disregarded,you have bad taste end of discussion' approach. Handling different opinions in a more civil way rather than immediately losing your shit that someone doesn't see things as you do.
It's just a fact of this site that if you come in with an opinion different from the hivemind you have to have a fuckton of arguments in your first post or people will just berrate/ignore you. Usually for good reason, such as if you say you like R&M
Why is Sup Forums so horrible at choosing boyfus? Jacob Tremblay is the cutest kid in showbusiness, but all that ever gets spammed is the fucking weird looking kid from Stranger Things and the Uberjuden from Gotham/
Well this an anonymous board with zero moderation so you're bound to get lots of shitposting(some funny and some just obnoxious). Not every discussion is going to be people writing overly long paragraphs and shit. Here on Sup Forums the conversations feel like casual ones you would just have with friends or strangers. Because of the nature of Sup Forums, things are going to be said in a lot more blunt and sometimes entertaining fashion, it's just the way it is. Although despite this you can still get good honest answers and great opinions once in a while here. The problem with Sup Forums now is probably how fast it's become and brought in so many new people. Every discussion now just turns into a bitchfest of retards screaming useless buzzwords, every discussion just comes down to
>no it sucks
>no it was great
>it was kino
>it was Reddit
>it was meme garbage
>blah blah blah
The posters here suck now, they can't handle any criticism or someone liking a movie they don't so people just resort to shitty buzzwords