The Good Peter's Birthday Edition
/who/ Doctor Who General
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>one day from the S10 and we're still not even mentioning it in the OP
Dubs and series 10 is shit.
Dubs and John Simm is redeemed in series 10.
dubs and on-season /who/ is shit tier as usual
see you in july cunts
also capaldi era is the best of nuwho deal with it fagits
Dubs and Moffat passes away before the Christmas Special
I'm reporting you
My Capaldi's episodes rankings so far.
Deep Breath - Good
Into the Dalek - Meh
Robots of Sherwood - Okay
Listen - Okay
Time Heist - Okay
The Caretaker - Okay
Kill the Moon - Meh
Mummy on the Orient Express - GOAT
Flatline - Good
In the Forest of the Night - Bad
Dark Water - Great
Death in Heaven - Okay
Last Christmas - Great
The Magician's Apprentice - Okay
The Witch's Familiar - Good
Under the Lake - Good
Before the Flood - Meh
The Girl Who Died - Okay
The Woman Who Lived - Bad
The Zygon Invasion - Meh
The Zygon Inversion - Okay
Sleep No More - Bad
Face the Raven - Good
Heaven Sent - GOAT
Hell Bent - Meh
Husbands Good
Mysterio Good
Dubs and Doctor Who gets axed before episode two is aired
Jokes on you, Simm's Master is already good. Everything else is just a plus.
Dubs and Gomez and Simms Master kiss.
It's like you're doing a perfect impression of how unbearable on-season posters are. Please don't come back
Dubs and Capaldi is kill
oh shit i was about to do that one
>liking doctor who
Can anyone give me the low-down on this please? What was going on between Moffat and Skinner?
uh oh
tfw get warned for posting wikiafrog images because mods think it's avatarfagging
>tfw get warned for posting wikiafrog images
Thank you for sharing this. I report you literally every single time and now I know to continue :^)
>muh doctor who is a gritty drama no fun or silly scenes allowed anything silly is SHIT and CRINGE XD!!!!!
What are you even reacting to?
>being so autistic that you get mad at a silly green frog
It doesn't make me mad. Sorry if the warning has upset you.
Why don't you post one now, for old time's sake?
I cum on Skinner
She hiss at penis
>It doesn't make me mad.
Why do you report a harmless image that makes /who/res laugh then?
>actually believing only one person posts wikiafrog
just because you don't like a meme doesn't mean nobody else does, user
Are you actually hype for the pilot?
I'm only expecting it to be a Rose-tier "good enough" so I can't say I'm hype honestly. I guess the simm trailer is hype worthy though
Can someone answer my question, please?
how am I meant to give you a lowdown on a flag?
I'm mid-hype.
I think it'll be like Mysterio: a nice bit of telly but not pushing the boat out too far.
Pearl and Peter look good :)
I'm very hyped.
I couldn't stand Clara and I thought she was terrible and extremely unlikable companion. Bill seems nice and comfy and finaĺly in shes show will have a character you can relate to.
I'm very hyped.
I'm pretty hype, but more so for the return of who in general than for the episode itself
I agree with you, the episode looks alright, but not amazing
Are we getting a new title sequence or at least a new theme?
I sincerely doubt it desu, we would have heard something by now from all of the press who have seen it
it'll be the first time since S1-3 that we've had the same opening titles for 3 serieses in a row
Though I guarantee they'll find ways to fuck up the timing to make the music even more out of sync than before, so you can look forward to that
That would be a pretty shitty thing to do to Chibnall, so probably.
You made a mistake here, user. That long reply was way too fast.
That's too bad. At least I'll have something to look forward to in the Chibnall era. Getting rid of the shitty 'batteries dying' theme.
No, if we were it probably would have been mentioned in reviews by now
My honest Capaldi episodes rankings so far.
Deep Breath - 7/10
Into the Dalek - 6/10
Robots of Sherwood - 6/10
Listen - 8/10
Time Heist - 5/10
The Caretaker - 6/10
Kill the Moon - 1/10
Mummy on the Orient Express - 10/10
Flatline - 9/10
In the Forest of the Night - 2/10
Dark Water - 9/10
Death in Heaven - 5/10
Last Christmas - 4/10
The Magician's Apprentice - 4/10
The Witch's Familiar - 8/10
Under the Lake - 8/10
Before the Flood - 4/10
The Girl Who Died - 7/10
The Woman Who Lived - 4/10
The Zygon Invasion - 5/10
The Zygon Inversion - 7/10
Sleep No More - 4/10
Face the Raven - 8/10
Heaven Sent - 10/10
Hell Bent - 5/10
Husbands of River Song - 6/10
The Return of Doctor Mysterio - 7/10
shut it mongo you cuck
>is Bill Susan?
Bill is the Rani confirmed.
Series 8
>GOAT Tier
Mummy on the Orient Express
>Great Tier
>Good Tier
Deep Breath
Time Heist
Dark Water
>Passable Tier
Into the Dalek
Death in Heaven
>Poor Tier
Robot of Sherwood
Bad Tier
The Caretaker
Kill the Moon
In the Forest of the Night"
Series 9
>GOAT Tier
Heaven Sent
>Great Tier
The Husbands of River Song
>Good Tier
Last Christmas
Before the Flood
Under the Lake
>Passable Tier
The Zygon Invasion
The Zygon Inversion
Face the Raven
Hell Bent
The Magician’s Apprentice
The Witch’s Familiar
>Poor Tier
The Girl Who Died
>Bad Tier
The Woman Who Lived
Sleep No More
Good taste user
Objective Series Ranking
Series 5
Series 4
Series 1
Series 3
Series 9
Series 7
Series 8
Series 6
Series 2
Reminder that I met John Simm yesterday hahahaha
Fairly nice guy but he didn't say anything about Doctor Who when I asked him
Very quiet as well, almost like he didn't much want to speak to me
Not convincing at all, user. Except for people avoiding contact with you.
Funny you should mention that.
I saw John Simm at a grocery store in Cardiff yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Sleep No More is the only Doctor Who episode I've fallen asleep whilst watching BRAVO GATISS
What is this Series 4 is GOAT meme?
I know this woman at my work who is a big fan of Doctor Who. She is currently having a birthday this month and everyone at the office will be getting her something. The problem is she's transgender and I have no idea what to buy for this kind of person.
This is not a joke, this is not a copypasta, all I want are some suggestions and possibly ones that don't get me arrested or fired.
>Doctor: “What you’re standing in here is a technological marvel…”
>Bill: “Can I use the toilet?”
One more series till we get companions that speak like actual people again.
It's like watching a Marvel movie.
I've actually just done a rewatch of Capaldino ahead of tomorrow, and these are the definitive scores.
Deep Breath - 4/10
Into the Dalek - 6/10
Robots of Sherwood - 6/10
Listen - 9/10
Time Heist - 7/10
The Caretaker - 6/10
Kill the Moon - 2/10
Mummy on the Orient Express - 11/10
Flatline - 9/10
In the Forest of the Night - 6/10
Dark Water - 7/10
Death in Heaven - 5/10
Last Christmas - 8/10
The Magician's Apprentice - 9/10
The Witch's Familiar - 7/10
Under the Lake - 7/10
Before the Flood - 6/10
The Girl Who Died - 4/10
The Woman Who Lived - 1/10
The Zygon Invasion - 6/10
The Zygon Inversion - 7/10
Sleep No More - 3/10
Face the Raven - 7/10
Heaven Sent - 8/10
Hell Bent - 4/10
Husbands of River Song - 7/10
The Return of Doctor Mysterio - 5/10
Not all of the stories are perfect and the finale is utter shite but its a fun, adventure filled ride, has the perfect tone for Doctor Who and David and Catherine are brilliant together
A t-shirt with "Attention Seeking Cunt" on it.
>9. The opening credits remain unchanged, except the episode title is in a much bigger font. Matt Lucas retains his above-title billing; he is listed third, as “and Matt Lucas.”
that's not a teaser, that's a fucking spoiler
Heaven Sent is clearly bait
>The Magician's Apprentice
>That high
>The Witch's Familiar
>That low
>Mummy on the Orient Express
>That low
What is the best opening theme and why is it the series 4 opening theme?
Correct scores
Deep Breath - 8/10
Into the Dalek - 5/10
Robots of Sherwood - 7/10
Listen - 10/10
Time Heist - 6/10
The Caretaker - 7/10
Kill the Moon - 5/10
Mummy on the Orient Express - 9/10
Flatline - 9/10
In the Forest of the Night - 4/10
Dark Water - 9/10
Death in Heaven - 5/10
Last Christmas - 8/10
The Magician's Apprentice - 6/10
The Witch's Familiar - 9/10
Under the Lake - 8/10
Before the Flood - 8/10
The Girl Who Died - 8/10
The Woman Who Lived - 6/10
The Zygon Invasion - 6/10
The Zygon Inversion - 7/10
Sleep No More - 4/10
Face the Raven - 7/10
Heaven Sent - 10/10
Hell Bent - 10/10
Husbands of River Song - 9/10
The Return of Doctor Mysterio - 6/10
Be prepared for virtually nothing of any worth happening in this ep.
cringey but
>the titles are the same
>the font is bigger
>Matt Lucas is in it
Some of the others on the list are, but how is any of that a spoiler
opening title spoilers are a thing, user
That volcano spooked Capaldi so hard, it caused his hair to grow out
Where has this Hell Bent is GOAT meme come from?
Cats' autism
Going from reviews Bill is the most realistic companion from Moffat yet but yeah this line is not good.
>arrogant enough to call his opinion correct
>likes Hell Bent
What a coincidence!
Hell Bent haters are too beta to call their opinion correct. Only true alphas realize the kino in Hell Bent.
what country are you from?
Surely only a scot could be so caught up over something so trivial
Who /hellbentchad/ here?
The drop in quality from Heaven Sent to Hell Bent is only rivaled by The Caves of Androzani to The Twin Dilemma.
Sorry you're not cool enough to understand it.
Only an american or a simple child would use the infantile term 'mad' in this context, user.
Britons say 'angry' in the main.
read that post again, user
at no point did I use the word "mad"
re-read and you might one day figure out he was answering your question, dumbass
>Genesis to Revenge
>City of Death to Creature
>Earthshock to Time-Flight
>Impossible Planet to Love and Monsters
>Flatline to Forest of Fots
Dr Who has a history of this
No, the 'other person' did. Read your 'conversation' again, user.
Make-up desu?
Osgood scarf?
Reminder to not respond to someone calling you cats or cloister. Do not respond to obvious bait posts. Do not respond to posts that sperg out over grammar or word choice.
>blatant pinko propaganda
4,339 views,did you do this /who/?
Book her an appointment with a psychiatrist
It's actually important that the Doctor isn't
I like the Doctor 'cause he's an intellectual, not because he's anti-war, although wars are universally shit-shows.
dunno about you guys but i found this pretty hilarious