Anthony Bourdain. He has met the most interesting people in the world. Friends with musicians, artists...

Anthony Bourdain. He has met the most interesting people in the world. Friends with musicians, artists, celebrities (like Joe Rogan), chefs, politicians. He has been to almost every country. He probably fucked 10s from every culture. He drank and did drugs. He was introdoced personally to every religion and culture that the world has to offer. He was both more intelligent and more wise than me.

He still killed himself.....what am I to make of this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm from Montana and ive been watching his show on Netflix. The 4th show is an episode based on Montana. Joe rogan shows up half way through the episode to hunt pheasants. The more I watch this show the more I look up to Anthony... how could he do this? How could depression be so powerful? Didk he fall victim to his own ego? Was it so inflated from this show that he could not withstand it's power? (And therefore its desires and therefore its suffering)

he shoulda just gone back on heroin

He's more attractive than me. More woke. Way cooler. Knows more. A true role model. But why?

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>He still killed himself.....what am I to make of this?

1. Don't pay $400,000 to keep your cheating gf from being exposed as a teen-fucking sloot

2. Don't be in an "open" relationship. In practice that's just being a fucking cuck.

3. Don't let your self-worth get tied up in a relationship.

4. Don't date women who'll make a fool of you with other men half your age.

5. Don't be a whiny bitch who, despite fame, fortune, and a great job, kills yourself over a girl: just go get another girl.

The fucker was a Trump hater.

All Trump haters suffer the Trump Curse.

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Alsp a blue belt in jiu jitsu so he could probably kick my ass. Im a 1 stripe whitebelt

He was murdered by Mossad agents hired by Harvey Weinstein. Framed to make it look like a suicide.

Bordain was fucking Asia Argento.

Asia Argento was fucking an underage 17yo co star.

Asia Argento had previously been fucked by Harvey Weinstein.

Asia makes a press conference to say how Weinstein was using Cannes as a hunting ground whilst she herself was preying on her underage co-star.

Rose McGowan calls out Asia Argento for hypocrisy. Asia is then sued by her "victim".

Agrees to pay $380,000 to shut him up.

Asia cries to Anthony Bordain and begs her to pay off lawsuit. Bordain thinks it's related to something else and coughs up $400,000 cash for the bitch.

Media breaks the news that she's been fucking Weinstein PLUS a "child" co-star.

Bordain gets a call from his family to tell him he was duped. Spends two days phoning friends to confirm. Takes belt from bathrobe and hangs himself for being fleeced, cucked and Weinsteined.

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/also related

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Where in montana ? I didn't think anyone in this state came on here
Billings here

they are their own independent person and are not a good comparisons point on whether you can heal or not


Then she fucked the photographer who "shared her story" about Weinstein to the press.

Bordain found this to be the last straw after pair were photographed together kissing, dining, holding hands and then returning to the same room together. She was SUPPOSED to be an exclusive item with Anthony Bordain at the time.

This is said to be the final straw.

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who gives a fuck? throughout human history, there have been like 20 people that have ever mattered. on paper, this guy was a food critic and a base head who killed himself over a junkie whore despite having the whole world at his fingertips. on top of that, instead of doing any real good, he cried about how dumb everyone is, how bad traditional values are, and good or bad he thought food you and I could never afford tasted. fuck him and fuck you. nigger.

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Born in Dillon, raised in Missoula, university in Bozeman, live in Kalispell. I hate Billings lol! Seems like there are lots of montanans on here...lots of isolated rural people in general . Check out the Montana episode on Netflix it made me realize that I dont even know much about Montana culture/heritage. It even made me appreciate Butte

Takes $400,000.00 from Bordain and uses it to pay off the pedo lawsuit and then fund her fuck-boy photographer's vacation.

Suicide was inevitable.

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Choice words from a mouth that guzzled so many cocks.

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"But she's the only one for me, my soul mate" - Anthony Bordain, 2018

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Ho Ho Hoe

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That look

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He was gay and a leftist.

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What traditional values you absolute nigger? You are mighty dumb, merican probably, amirite?

I've recently tried to explain Bourdain to some friends.
Only found seasons 7-11 on Netflix iirc.
Still pissed that he killed himself. I'm going to beat his ass when I catch up to him in hell.

Shit tattoos on both of them

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He struggled with depression most of his life starting in his early teen years at least.

He was to blow the whistle on Epstein contacts...Anthonys wife verified this...i dont think was suicy

6. Don't blame women for all your problems you fucking incel. Man up goddamn

He was a good dude. I love him.

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>He struggled with depression most of his life starting in his early teen years at least.

BECAUSE he was a Dope and Drug user... which what triggered his depression. Like all losers, the trash took itself out eventually.

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>food critic

You really don't know shit, son. He respected all the food he was given and his favorite place was In-N-Out for gods sake

He was clean since the mid-80s. That didn't trigger depression at all, you fucking idiot.

>He respected all the food he was given and his favorite place was In-N-Out for gods sake

He threatened to POISON the duely elected President of the United States and he did so in writing after an interview. Go fuck yourself.

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That sometimes even if you have the world there's just a void in you that you cant escape.

>He still killed himself.....

he didn't

podesta did it

17yo is legal in most US states, that's bs

of course you're a fucking maga snowflake. kill yourself cuck. impeachment is coming.

Epstein killed Bourdain

>rich prima donna ex heroin man who turn back on millions of fans and selfishly kill self over being cheated on and having his pockets took is actually humble! he eat fast food too!
kek. get a grip, dude.

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More about him

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He was a cool ass dude and lived a hell of a life. But he was a fucking beta.
His cunt wife was fucking some greaseball Italian reporter, and instead of having some self-respect and leaving a woman who wasn't worth shit, he let it destroy him.

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I want to share this with my friends this weekend. How did you explain it and how did they react?

>impeachment is coming
holy smokes you people do exist

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He offer 5 solutions that were in the man's hand and that he was responsible for, you gassed-up fucking loser.

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oh man i love it when images get overwritten, it's my favorite Sup Forums bug

uhhhh what the fuck

There's a lot of shit here but basically he was clinically depressed and was in a foreign country and felt the people he knew there were not his "true friends" and he didnt want to bother them when he felt terrible. So instead of being a burden to everyone, off yourself. Easy explanation.
Clinical depression doesn't give a shit about your wealth or popularity.

>He was clean since the mid-80s. That didn't trigger depression at all, you fucking idiot

He was doing drugs up until the week he died. He got off Heroine in the 1980s and used Methadone until 1987. He only stopped doing cocaine in the 90s. His friends from the 70s-80's only got off those drugs in 2008.

Was married to Nancy Putkoski.
Was married to Ottavia Busia.
Was in love with Asia Argento.

Died an alcoholic with severe depression as a result of his ruined past and behavioral problems, all triggered by drugs and alcohol.

Fucking imbecile.

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Live free die young. Or end up like lou reed.

Really though, can’t see any meaning or reference.

OP here. Im also a beta amd also into drugs (not heroine or alcoholic but still) where does this leave me? I am not going to have a flibg with a hot young actress. Im probably not going to get married for 20 years like him. He applied all his resources and experience and wisdom and still decided it wasn't worth it to continue living... what hope do i have? What can i possibly attain that he didn't?

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tic toc time's up racists

>what am I to make of this?

You are not to believe anything that is excreted out at you from the shit-crusted anus that is the media


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As if he is a good example.

Blinded by ego if I had to guess

Here, listen to me.

What you call conciousness, is just chemicals in your brain. More you get intoxicated, more intoxicated your “conciousness” is going to be.

Wanna have Iron Will? Do sports please. Do not fall into the sub-culture of weaklings that drink and fool themselves.

Eat well, workout, read.

live your own life and make your own decisions based on your own experiences. who gives a shit what he did? it has absolutely no bearing on your life and what you can make of it.

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It's also a symbol for transmutation. The jews stole that like how nazis stole the swastika

Lmao this dudes a white knight fucking simp

Enjoy it while it lasts

>Eat well, workout, read.
Anthony Bourdain ate well. Anthony Bourdain worked out. Anthony Bourdain was well read.

Also didn't he hang himself? How do we know he wasn't choking himself with a hooker?

Yeah you really sound weak, op. You’re going to question your life over someone else taking theirs? Yeah you should probably follow suit and kill yourself.

Mad respect for him now.

But this is a good life lesson. Shitty hateful people will survive on ignorance, rage and loathing alone, but good intelligent people who see the world for what it is often choose to off themselves.

bipolar disorder is a helluva drug

He got suicided by Prince Andrew

Beta af

oh great oversimplifier

he has left far more of an imprint on this world than you ever will. you will die and be forgotten.

if he killed himself over this fucking ugly cunt, that's a damn shame

it means pic related

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Bumping for interest. Keep talking.

He was one of the few celebrities who would have been believed if he came out and told the public about the Hollywood underbelly......assuming he knew something

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how the fuck do you know

The pain of life is too much to bear without the hope we gain from seeing our bloodline flourish.

underrated connection. both men had damning things to say about 1 man. both men suddenly met with Anne Hero.

wow being famous and rich doesn't make you happy
who would have thought?

also don't do drugs and you'll probably be fine if you are not a little bitch or get cancer

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>Also didn't he hang himself? How do we know he wasn't choking himself with a hooker?

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>underrated connection. both men had damning things to say about 1 man. both men suddenly met with Anne Hero.

You sure it wasn't the same guy playing both roles?

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Knew it. Another NY Jew. With money and connections. Allows him to be living life on medium skate rather than having to struggle. Shit catches up with him he doesn't have the means to cope without the help of other people to do the nudge and pull on his behalf.


she def a jew though

He looks way to much like Epstein. Maybe someone got them mixed up and he accidentally got suicided,

Bourdain had inside knowledge of trumps dirty dealings in Russia. Suddenly he dead.

>t. Incel who has never felt real love for another person

How do we know he wasn't jerking it spicy style a la auto erotic asphyxiation?

I let him fuck my tender asshole ten years ago when I was a French teenage waiter.
He promised me the world, but left me with nothing but a few hundred dollars and the shit covered biro we used to blow cocaine up each other’s asses.

Wow Ron pearlman looks great

Minot checking in. Eh neighbors

Is Anthony Bourdain code cor Jeffery Epstein?


This monkey is right. If you think in 200 years that even a single person will be talking about Bourdain you're fucking stupid

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Former Billings fag checking in. Plenty of b tards in b town.

>Bourdain had dirt on Hillary, keep that in mind and do the math.