Dani thread time

Dani thread time

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Literally who?

>Literally who?

How old is she now?

Whose Daniel?

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shes the 'crowder' girl or 'come at cha crowder ' something like that

Consume poo.

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Ravioli Ravioli bring on the Bregoli

Not old enough, hope chomOP enjoys the impending FBI raid and anus intrusions



I'd like a rear view of that

I dunno man fuck

She needs to turn 18 already so her sex vids can leak and then we can finally forget about her


That doesn't make them legal, dude.

poop eat

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fuck off with that shit.....

You’re a retard. I mean vids when she turns 18.

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only if it's facial abuse

Attached: realbhadbhabie_1502673867162.jpg (750x1334, 50K)


I bet she has huge nipples

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Go back to the Greta Thunberg thread please

there's a nice thread of her over on /gif/

that's not her

Could you imagine watching your white daughter grow up to be this? Looking up to ghetto black dudes that mumble rap and wanting to suck their dicks?

Americans keep making retarded people famous and this is the result of it. The second she turns 18 shes going to get a metric-shit tonne of porn offers and shes going to go to the highest bidder because her 15 minutes are about up.

I bet she doesn't even fuck good.

Seems like the type that just lays there and lets the dude do all the work.


probably or shes one of those trashy white chicks that think all black men are kingz and does all the work. Either way shes trashy and will always be trashy. it's sad that after her shitty dr phil appearance her mother now supports what she acts like because shes making money being what she is.

Anything else you want before I tell you to fuck off you geriatric cuck

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that's what everybody's waiting for.
I can't wait to see her in blacked

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>18 isn't legal

Would it matter

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>This is considered white in America
I thought the 56% was a meme

No, you dipshit. If she filmed something underage, it doesn't matter if she turned 18. She was still underage at the time.

How does this work??

She's annoying and ugly. Kys underage year old faggot.


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So you were just pretending to be retarded?

so far you’re the only one that mentioned anything about her filming when underage, where did you see them?

only because you adore the texture of bbc

No, I haven't seen anything of her of that nature. I'm responding to the stupid shit user said. That's all, nothing less, nothing more.

Oh my, there is it

There is what?

keep seeing these, if im browsing on my phone am i just fucked? cant scan it with the same phone, so

Couldnt find it

Couldnt find it

That user never said anything about underage porn, though. Lol wtf dude?

You're either baiting or retarded, but either way, fuck off.


how bout da?

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You’re a retard. He said she would have vids when she turns 18, not before.

You CP cuck, go away

What an angel. Too bad I'm 30. She would never go for someone that much older.

He would've fucked if he had a chance.

pot, meet kettle

You can tell David wants to fuck.


wake up anons and post


There was a nipslip on live a couple weeks ago


I don't have it, but i'm surprised it's not already all over Sup Forums

It was posted already.

The video is here getlink.pro/v/FW_OkGPFSik

That’s seriously it? I’m surprised it’s getting removed you can hardly even see shit.

Yeah. Sucks.

Not if I fap to it every day.

Anyone stupid enough to click this link deserves to get arrested


not really worth a wank, but I still recommend everybody here give it a quick look before its gone

I wouldn’t bother. The video is so blurry that it honestly isn’t even worth the 10 seconds it takes.

website was mobile cancer, got screengrabs?

Didn't realize that the My Fellow White People tribe were actually white now?

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Attached: danibreg-13.webm (360x640, 402K)

>Plenty of teen vids. And not only.
