Hack Comedian Calls Hack Comedian A Hack
Hack Comedian Calls Hack Comedian A Hack
>who gives a shit intensifies
more like Nig Totaro
You got it wrong, only one of them is a comedian
more like No Titsorino
She must have missed the Works Cited at the end of the presentation, where he listed all his references.
>left isn't a guy
They fired Jay KANGZ?
Tig who?
Sounds more like jealously.
A dyke who cut her tits off bc of cancer and then made taking her shirt off on stage a part of her act and became known for that rather than her mediocre comedy
>king cuck is now SNL tier
Didn't Louis bring a ton of attention to Tig when that whole cancer thing came out, and this is how she responds? What a cunt
Didn't Louis whip out his dick and start jerking off in front of several non-consenting girls, some of whom were underage?
Cuck king is a guest, do guests write the sketches? I doubt it. Wat an unfunny Dyke
Also I thought she died
well i guess Sup Forums hates women more than they hate cuckolds. probably becausae they are cuckolds themselves.
Wait didn't Louis get caught exposing himself in public while watching his ex-wife get fucked by several black men through her windows?
It says right there in the article that it was a writer/director for the sketch that plagiarized it, CK didn't even write it. Of course if they named the article "Some Literal Who Comedian Is A Little Upset That Some Other Literal Who That Works On SNL Plagiarized Her Unfunny Clown Sketch" then they wouldn't get all those tasty clicks.
>Tig Notaro is calling out Louis C.K.’s Saturday Night Live “Birthday Clown” short, saying that it resembles her short film Clown Service and that a writer/director who “was fully aware” of her project worked on C.K.’s piece for the show.
It's common sense that you steal bits from less famous people. You don't steal bits that are instantly recognizable.
>Calls out Norm for being a Meanie
>Calls out Louis for stealing jokes
What actual comedian is this pretend-comedian going to call out next for attention, bros?
Comedian Louis C.K. called Notaro the next day telling her he wanted to release the audio of the show.[2] She was uncomfortable with the idea at first, but decided the material could help people, so she agreed.[33] C.K. made audio of the performance available that October for download on his site under the title Live
3 years later "HE RIPPED ME OFF FUCK MEN THE!!"
>do guests write the sketches
They may write only one, if they want to.
>calls out amy schumer
>calls out louis cuck
Is she dare I say it, /ourgirl/
tig notaro is actually really good compared to female comedians, granted I haven't seen very much but she is absolutely great on Conan, one of about 3 female comedians that were above okay.