I'm at a party with these bored slut. What should I do?
Pic related
I'm at a party with these bored slut. What should I do?
Ask if they are down for some femdom
Pull out your dick casually.
girl in the front looks hot af
take more pics?
do you have any shot at scoring with them?
>What should I do?
could they do a cartwheel please and thank you
He wouldn't be here if he did just a faggy fantasy thread. Op won't ask them to spit on and step on him
I don't think that is a great idea
dem thighs
when in doubt flop your cock out.
i dunno, get a few more people and actually make it a good party?
anyway to get pantyshos?
take as many pics as you can
post all their assholes
Play game where you must get naked
Start indirectly and then more directly talking about sex and see where it goes.
Or just sit there quietly like a faggot and make “clever” comments about whatever bullshit youre watching.
"Jessica, was that creep on the couch taking pictures of our legs?"
"Yeah, but he's always like that. I don't know why he gets invited to these parties, he's always in the corner on his phone."
"Ew. What a fucking loser, don't go out there with him anymore."
You should stop larping
how do you know them
1. Find as much acetone (nail polish remover) as you can
2. Look for either hydrochloric/muriatic acid (pool cleaner) or sulphuric acid.
3. Find some hydrogen peroxide
4. Pour them all in a bucket outside
5. Mix well
6. Drop a match into the mixture, and stand back
7. ????
8. Enjoy cool colored fire for a minute
9. Profit!
Take more pics of her feet. I want to see her soles.
Old creep of the one in the front
I still think that pulling your dick out is the best option here
nice. Moar!
anything from the girl in thte back
Are they at your place?