Any of you other faggots growing your dick?
Any of you other faggots growing your dick?
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Nigga what
That's stretching not growing champ, and you're running the risk of damaging it permanently.
your cock get paralyzed in an accident?
Bruh, your dick looks like a shrived up baby carrot being throttled by a urinal.
gonna end up with a pencil dick
I’m only in the device for 1-1.5 hrs at a time with a carefully watched increment increase over a 6 month time span. I’m being careful with my dick lengthening
Can someone redpill me on dick stretching?
That will just degrade your ability to gain an erection.
string bean willy that doesnt get hard ftw
If you have a regular dick, don't. If your dick is abnormal, just get an enhancement.
Just barley past 6” now. Totally happy with my results here coming from just 5” in July
people want a big dick so at a first date they can impres the femaly by flapping it around at the zoo, the cafe where u got drinks, or the cinema wich u payed for. after sex the female eats the males head.
That's neat but what's the size outside of the fucking stretcher?
Notre take a pic without the exo-dick armor
Hey, better than a choad my man
Made my morning so thanks, user!
they want to impress the whores who suck much bigger dicks
Gotta frickin sun dial here!
I know, a stretched out flaccid penis is not too appetizing. Who would have guessed!
I know my body. I won’t strain the bastard too the point where I brake my cock
gaining an inch of length is not worth losing girth, pencil dick.
About 5 3/4. Progress is slow but this is a very sensitive piece of tissue
Not everyone's a shower. If someone has a micropenis, for believers; god just shit on their lives and believers of science; just shows them that it's evolution.
For regular people, the penis is used for 1 thing, to stick into some wet soggy hole, juice that oven with a cold turkey, then wait until that uterus produces a spawn to continue carrying on a shitty bloodline. .
If stretching actually works how would you lose girth? It's not like you have a lack of blood, like filling a cup
The silicon tube that wraps around the head is always sore afterwards. Hurts man but it’s worth it
Im not a 'shower' but having a small penis can seriously hinder your confidence with trying to find said 'wet soggy hole'
Dude, my dick is like 2 inches flaccid, a solid inch when it's 30 degrees outside. I grow a maximum 4.5 inches, and even I managed to get a hot woman. Most human women, with actual fucking emotion don't give a shit about dick size, but that you care about her. Yes, it's fucking rare, but they are out there, just don't be a damn autist.
I have a button penis. Smaller than man thumb majority of the time when I'm soft. I'm a good 6-6.5" when hard depending on how aroused I am.
whats with that dry ass foreskin do all american dicks look like that when not covered in lube?
Most Americans don't have foreskin because we're not animals
dont do it user
you will pull your penis right off
I work in the ER at a big hospital
we get accidental penis removal cases about once a month
every single one of them involve these devices
It’s dry because if it was wet the device would slip through you Eurotard
I have a small dick as well and I am married, I adore my wife and Im pretty confident she feels the same but it's extremely rare as you said
She will cheat eventually. All women cheat. Enjoy it while it lasts.
no most of you don't have foreskin because you're mutilated like animals.
jesus christ just accept that u have a small dick ur like a balding man wearig a toupee. in related news youre a faggot
I'm glad I was circumcised. I was cut loose and I still have skin that that partially covers the head and even sometimes the whole thing and it's annoying as fuck and feels uncomfortable. Bothered me since I was a kid. A few times a day I have to manually make the skin come back. Can't stand the way it feels on my dickhead. Fuck foreskin.
If you take a stretchy tube (your dick) and stretch it out as far as it can go, it becomes thinner.
is this really a fucking thread of smalldick faggot virgins? like all congregating and talking about their tiny dicks? this might be the most disappointing embarrassing thing ive ever witnessed
no i didn't let societies ideas of what is best for me pollute my brain for too long
I used this method for 2 years and it’s helped and I do recommend it only during a hot shower or a warm place with heat. This will give you girth and length just know it will need more time and blood to get fully erect
Girls like girth, not length.
OP, your dick is gonna look like a thin hotdog.
No human will want to fuck with you.
Maybe a gaselle or a dead llama might do it though
white girl here you'll never compete with the BBC
You are damaging your dick for some fake, temporary gains.
What you mistake as growth is just swelling, it will go away if you stop stretching for a while, none of that shit works.
If any of those penis-enlargement techniques such as stretching, jelqing and whatever worked, they would be on fucking national news non stop, and they would sell those things at Walmart.
No respectable medical source advocates for those techniques, no hard scientific data shows they work permanently and harm-free.
If you are willing to risk permanently damaging your dick, potentially losing the ability to get fully erect and a host of other very, very bad things for your body, just to chase a fake increase in length, then you should really consider your self esteem issues before focusing on your dick issues.
That's your dick, not mine, so at the end of the day I don't give a shit if you keep stretching like an idiot or not, this is more of a warning for anyone else who might consider trying this stupid shit.