Anyone had this before or know what this is?

Anyone had this before or know what this is?
I Am a virgin so i know its not a STD but its red shiny patches on the shaft and head of me penis,
No pain or discomfort but it looks horrible
My guess is its a friction burn from fapping but i have had it for nearly a year now it comes and goes in severity

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Try not fapping for a while, you're spot on it's ripped skin.

its normal to have hairs in this area but if you don't like the way it looks, you can shave it. don't wax!

Dude is your dick literally an inch flaccid?

It looks like psoriasis. See your doctor for a proper diagnosis pls.

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Is that a clit?

>but i have had it for nearly a year now
ask a doctor you fucking retard

It's Super Nigger AIDS from using public bathrooms.

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That's a clit.

it's a fungal infection, get some anti-fungal cream. also like, wash yourself properly dude.

trim your fucking pupes pig god damn nasty ass nigga

You've developed calluses on your dick from rubbing yourself like an animal.

Also may be allergic reaction to whatever you're fapping with. Go see a Dermatologist, get an Rx for Hydrocortisone 2.5%, dont fap for 10 days, and going forward dont use anything scented like lotion, just stick with plain vaseline. Boom.

That's ftm clit isn't it

Because you are circumcised it will repeat back in near future, you are fucked bro.

My daddy taught me a few things like how not to rip the skin my using someone else's mouth.

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It’s completely normal it’s just excess skin when you’re not having a boner. And the one on the bottom is where the guy or girl did the stitches so it’s bumped likes that around the penis.

Looks like a penis. Only smaller?

did you want him to post an erection, gayboy?

Why your hair go all the way up your shaft bro? Thats fuckin weird

Could be a fungal infection. Get some anti fungal cream and apply it. don't let it spread. If you have 'psoriasis' or eczema or anything like that, it's contagious and will spread.

Otherwise you could try putting some rubbing alcohol on a piece of paper and applying it directly. If it stings badly, could be infected. Tolerate the pain as much as possible and see if it disinfects it. If the problem persists after a few hours, I'd guess it's fungal or something.


Could be eczema/psoriasis of the genitals.
That's what I have and it looks exactly the same.
I use a bit of hydrocortisone cream and it mostly clears it up.

This. You only get one dick retard.

You have a weird dick dude. You should just have it amputated there’s no cure for weird dick

I've had literally the same thing, but I live in a country where visiting the doctor doesn't cost you a liver. Anyway, it's just that our skin is shit, quite sensitive. I was told I should use a soft shower gel like "cerave foaming cleanser" for my dick instead of regular gels because they damage the skin. I still get it from time to time if I masturbate or fuck too much (usually it goes with fapping or bad bj) but in these cases I apply "brentan" (hydrocortisone) twice a day and it heals in no time, maybe 2-3 days. Hope it helps.

You need to wash yourself more, its a fungizid you need to order some creme asap!

Soo...he was behind of all that..

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Lol... You trim your pubes? Are you fucking
serious? I bet you shave your armpits too!
Jesus, what a weirdo.

This is why you're a virgin
>besides small weird cock

I'm actually not the OP, just a normal
man that doesn't trim his junk.
But don't worry, you go on trimming
your little mangina.


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I shave, just makes it easier to fuck for me, and when i get head the slop doesnt get in my pubes so its not hard to just wipe off

It’s psoriasis op. Exederm will take care of it.

Yeast infection. Eat a vegetable and get some regular exercise faggot

Learn to use someone else's mouth instead of your own hands

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You're probably on ADHD meds and fapped at the height of the efficacy of the drug.

You zone out, adjust fapping pressure and ignore the mild discomfort - likely fapping with a soft cloth, silk sheet, sleeping bag, or other pleasant device - and the friction simply wears your skin down. It's likely a scar, and it won't go away.

I have a few of these from making the same mistake several times before realizing what the problem was. It's no big deal, and those areas are actually more sensitive for me now due to the thin scar tissue...

that white skin is dead skin that red skin is what regular glans look like

If it doesn't hurt, I would look for a doctor.

Ok boomer

as a couple others have noted, it's fungus. get some clotrimazole cream and apply it twice a day for a week.