I get that you apsie autists want to spend all day fapping, that's cool. What I don't understand...

I get that you apsie autists want to spend all day fapping, that's cool. What I don't understand, are the people pretending they know the girls in real life and the people adding each other to KiK/Discord to exchange fap stories. That is gay. You are gay.

Attached: coomer.png (1545x869, 193K)


Shut the fuck up newfag.

Attached: im-not-gay.png (500x498, 337K)

The newfags are the middle schoolers on this board posting FB/IG fap threads all day from their iPads.

I love your dubs but I hate your opinion, there's nothing "new" about being tired of it. You retards don't seem to understand that we KNOW porn has always been a part of
Sup Forums, the problem is how people are reacting to it all of a sudden. You know how many raid plans I've seen recently that had so much potential get ignored because everyone's nose is stuck in an FB/IG thread? I don't want to get rid of it, I want less of it, I want to at least understand it. Have people really become incapable of searching porn when they want it? Moderation will unite us.

>Being this new
You outted yourself op

I'm not, OP. I'm not new either, I've just learned to be a bit more mature about all this bullshit, everyone is at eachother's throat constantly and it just gets pretty fucking annoying. Most of you fags live for eachother yet pretend to hate eachother, it's dumb.

>everyone is at eachother's throat constantly
Yes, that would be the internet.

You're right but I find it hilarious that yellowfags expect to get any sympathy from pornfags when they're just being cunts about it, why would they wanna fucking do anything for you if you're just an insufferable cunt.

i dont get it either. my dick barely twitches from watching porn.

Well, I don't know about that, seems like you have a masturbation addiction.

nah once you've hit your 20s, porn just doesn't do much

For me, clothed girls on Twitch are easier to fap to. Porn stars are usually trailer park whores who look like bridge trolls without all their makeup and even then, you can just tell. I just can't get off to porn stars. They're disgusting white trash.

I find that to me untrue, I respect that you feel that way though but most of the people that coom on here are well past 20. I do feel, however, that the more sexual experiences I have the less porn does for me. Even if I have sex and don't get to finish, watching porn doesn't do much for me when I finally do try to finish.

While I understand what you mean when it comes to pornstars, twitch whores are no different and their shitty personality makes it even harder for me to get off to. Inb4 "who jacks off to a personality" but I just can't get off to that normie oblivious act they put up, most of them know that people only watch them to jerk off to them but you'd most likely get banned for just saying "I'm jacking off rn" and it's toxic. I truly hope you don't donate, user.

yeah thats what i meant, too drunk to explain it. well said

>too drunk
I wish I was drunk. I have to be at that miserable shithole in 1 1/2 hours. Hell, I'm probably going to leave early and sip on Vodka in the parking lot for a while to get through the shift.

Tito's Vodka got me through a year of the worst job I've ever had. It destroyed me mentally and withdrawals were fucking hell. Get a new job ASAP. It's not worth it.

You fucking drunks. Just because Vodka doesn't emit a horrendous odor doesn't mean people can't tell you're drunk. Bloodshot eyes, your over-exertness and your overall appearance gives it away. If you're drinking Vodka at work and no one's saying anything, you're either really good at your job or nobody gives a shit.

Shit, I had an Oxy a little earlier for my back and I'm feeling pretty good but it's gonna wear off soon and I don't have anymore, wouldn't take it even if I did cause it's too dangerous/addictive. I'll be back to real life soon and knowing that just sucks, dudes.

Remind me what the point of your post was then? If he's either good at his job or no-one gives a shit then that even better for them, who cares? Did you just wanna insult them for being drinkers but didn't wanna just leave at that? I've never once had my eyes get red from drinking, and most people aren't pussies so for the most part they can stay to themselves and wouldn't become all rainbows and happiness.