Why are the biggest and best cocks, ALWAYS white?

Why are the biggest and best cocks, ALWAYS white?
That's unfair.

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Bump, I need to know.

They're not, OP is a racist and delusional bastard

because blacks are nasty

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says the black man with a 3 inch dick

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i call this one "the converter".

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Suck it, RIGHT NOW!

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Fuck off, stop being so mad you cuck

Can’t compete

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>slave owners spread rumour blacks are more endowed because they are promiscuous lechers that are incapable of thinking beyond animal instinct
>two hundred years later lonely whites become obsessed with spreading the rumour about themselves

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Gotta problem, nigger? We do whatever we want. Now, lick my asshole.

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i am white, this thread is just an unusual way to justify staring at cocks you want to suck

Bump, no answer yet.



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oh, my dick posted here

don't care if its yours or not post more of it

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That's intimidating




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Ok, ok relax

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Mine I feel is just average

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as are most white dicks