original jasiriposter here, ask me anything!
(just please be nice, i'm very mentawwy unstaboww :-( )
original jasiriposter here, ask me anything!
(just please be nice, i'm very mentawwy unstaboww :-( )
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck you nigger
uhh, i can't understand the sentence, please use commas next time
is it
>fuck, you, nigger
>fuck, you nigger
>fuck you, nigger
i am confuscious
Do you have a place I can donate?
i don't really accept donations, but thanks
hey jasiri
this aint jasiri my dude, this is the guy posting her
Yeah you fucking retard
thats not a nice response my friend, please behave
Hey, what do you think about me tongue punching Jasiri's fart box?
jasiri used to be nice.
Snap cock
she still is
cute yeen
Well? Your thoughts?
that wasn't my phrase user, i'll give you a small trick, if you highlight the text you want to quote and afterwards click my post number it will automatically put a quote on it
>Well? Your thoughts?
i think its fine so long as you respect her
Why don't you stop posting?
because i like posting her
why not go shit up /mlp/ with your furfag garbage?
because /mlp/ isn't /hyena/
its common knowledge user, a guy like you should know that
don't listen to the haters jasiri, you bring a smile on peoples faces with your merry character
i'm glad you're entertained, friend
Are you up to any mischief?
why the fuck you assuming my gender. Rude!
Hewwo nice mistah xD
nope, i am a good boy
off by one, and sorry friend, i will never misgender xie/xer again
jasiri is a girl
i love you
yes indeed
i love you too, friend
Hey it's J again! How was lunch?
Imposter Jasiriposter. Jasiri would never correct an honest mistake. What have you done with the real Jasiriposter?!
Kill yourself, you mentally ill faggot
haha you mean the bath, i did eat though
the bath was nice and warm
i will never reveal where he is, russia will claim another victory!
seek help user, a therapist can do wonders, he can tell you how to release all the pent up jealousy
Furfags like you will soon hang
hang around Sup Forums, enjoy your stay!
>haha you mean the bath
I meant both, like in the 90's cult film "Gummo" (don't google it). -j
oh god that's so weird, i never heard of it
mind giving me an explanation for this?..
Sure. So it is a dark humor independent comedy film made in the 90's that practically no one knows about but that it is one of those "love it or hate it" kind of things and is regarded as a cult film. In the scene pictured before and as one can see one of the main characters has lunch whilst taking a bath, hence my joke. -j
You are good with comebacks and burns, i REALLY ! love that
thanks for the explanation, sounds like my kind of film, i'll add it to my list, but is there a reason for him to eat in the bath or is that just a gag
i wouldn't really say i'm good with them, but thanks
I know it sound strange but I haven't seen the film myself, I have only seen a few scenes here and there. Therefore I can't tell if there is any reason for that scene or is just the absurdity of it, even though I suspect the latter.
Now that we are on the topic of films, you may tell me if you want which ones you like. I like Gladiator, La Guerra de las Galaxias, 1492, El Último Samurai, Troya, películas de Berlanga... -j
No problem my friend
>I know it sound strange but I haven't seen the film myself, I have only seen a few scenes here and there.
ah alright
>Now that we are on the topic of films, you may tell me if you want which ones you like
didn't watch any of these really, i plan on watching star wars eventually
i have so many films however i'm always having trouble naming them when i'm asked, they just don't come to mind
how to train your dragon 1 and 2 was a good one, yet to see 3
el camino
lets not forget the lion king set
i mean i used to watch so many movies however in the past 3 years i've gone down to like 4-6 a year
if its something that you want to know i can always write them down as they come up
>if its something that you want to know i can always write them down as they come up
Sure, if you want. I can then reference them.
Also regarding Star Wars, only watch it once you have A LOT of time to do so properly. You also have to see them in a very specific order, if you want I can tell you its order. -j
yeah i heard about that, someone told me i should watch them 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, is that it?
forgot the pic, here's a fat doggo dancing i just found, as an apology
man i can't believe i fucked it up again..
this is the link
Apology accepted ;-)
As for Star Wars the order to watch it is a bit complicated but worth it, por favor write this down, this took me a long while to make. THIS IS THE ORDER YOU MUST WATCH STAR WARS:
1 - Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
2 - Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
3 - The Clone Wars animated film
4 - The Clone Wars animated series
5 - Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
6 - Solo: A Star Wars Story
7 - Star Wars: Rebels animated series
8 - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
9 - Star Wars: A New Hope
10 - Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
11 - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
12 - The Mandalorian series
13 - Star Wars: Resistance season 1
14 - Star Wars: The Force Awakens
15 - Star Wars: The Last Jedi
16 - Star Wars: Resistance season 2
17 - Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker
And with that you have learned from me that I am a Star Wars fan. -j
oh god i didn't know you we're referring to the entire franchise, i wouldn't have asked if i knew it was this bothersome, anyway i wrote all this down in notepad, i really appreciate it!
>And with that you have learned from me that I am a Star Wars fan. -j
that's cool, usually the stereotype is only fat white neckbeards watch it, so its good to know that it isn't that true
You're are an nigger
hey user, that sentence wasn't right!, you are usually not to use "an" if the succeeding word starts with a vowel
thanks for learning!
not to mention you used "you're" before you used "are", "you're" means "you are"
so you basically said "you are are a nigger"
thank you, please come again
i don't think that's appropriate.
>oh god i didn't know you we're referring to the entire franchise
¡Jajajaja! I was. Yes if one's going to watch Star Wars it is better to watch it all or else you will miss large chunks of information that is interconnected.
>i really appreciate it!
Sure thing, you can count on me. Remember that here in Spain we tend to be nice like that, jejeje.
>Sure thing, you can count on me
no doubt
>Remember that here in Spain we tend to be nice like that
that's good to know, wish it was like that everywhere
i've gone back from work pretty exhausted so i'll go lie in bed and see if i can nap, its probably gonna be an hour or 2 but i might also sleep till the early morning, if i don't come back today i enjoyed speaking to you and will see you later
now you listen here you little brat
Have a nice siesta, amigo! -j
thanks!, i was sure siesta meant party or something along those lines, guess i mixed it up with fiesta
lol no, "siesta" means "nap".
>lol no, "siesta" means "nap".
yeah i google searched it and that's what came up, the more you know
by the way, have you watched the wizards of waverly place?, i used to love that show
That's Fiesta with an F
thanks for the bump, fren, however this won't get much attention here, an s/fur thread would be better
also check them trips of troof
>wizards of waverly place
No, never heard of it. What is it about?
it was a show about wizards featuring selena gomez that aired on disney channel, i say that because the family was also spanish and used spanish words often, you remind me of it