Why are you on Sup Forums on valentines day?

Why are you on Sup Forums on valentines day?

Same reason I'm on Sup Forums on any other day

i have no gf

>bunk bed
>kids room

Wow is she a THOT mom?

It's also Ash Wednesday you degenerate.

what's his name?

moar tbqhwy

in sauna with my girlfriend drinking vodka

>imply thats not her room and she is older than 15

Cause I'm intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour

she probably has parents that have psychologically damaged her with sexual abuse so that she infantilizes herself with childlike stuff like bunk beds that remind herself of the time she still enjoyed life, while being overly sexual since that is how she learned she could get other people to like her

what 15 year olds look like that?


miss alice?

>Twilight posters

other boards are shit and i aint left the house on non business in years

>implying Valentine's Day isn't a Jewish ploy to get retards into buying things for """love"""

celebrating valentine's day is for people with sub 400 iq

My girlfriend's mentally unstable and I finally got tired of dealing with her shit.

>girl snaps me saying she'd love to be my valentine yesterday
>flirt with her
>she asks for me to buy her a teddy bear
>did but didn't tell her, got her other stuff too
>isn't texting me back today
>has stood me up before
>I sent her dickpics in a horny rage once, but we've only made out
I got fookin stood up on vday bros

Why do you spend any day on Sup Forums?

Because my ex is a fat tub of lard who destroyed what she claims to love
yummie btw

it's fun

at least you went out swinging
i dont even fucking bother lmao


>buying some random hoe gifts
beta fag


Jesus saves, degenerates

>tfw work scheduled me for tonight because they know i have no valentines day plans

it'll be cool working with the other losers