Honestly so fucking sick of /b turning into a haven of tranny-loving incel, closet homosexuals. This used to be about mostly chicks and now it’s overrun with cock. It’s like a goddamn sausage party in here. Can’t Sup Forums create a subforum other than /b for you self-denial fags to post your gay porn in? It seriously needs to be done.
Honestly so fucking sick of /b turning into a haven of tranny-loving incel, closet homosexuals...
WHINE WHINE WHINE, it's called random, accept it
They have that, it's called Sup Forums.
> "Can’t Sup Forums create a subforum ..." ? ;
No - Sup Forums is ( and always has been ) the
> " random retard Sup Forumsin " ;
where everything that is legal .....
( apart from those cute little pastel coloured creatures that must be corralled in [m*p] )
..... CAN and should be posted provided that it is retarded enough.
But there’s enough political shit, cosplay, etc for them to sustain their own sub forum. There’s more than enough of this tranny/trap/fag shit to support its own as well. It needs to be done.
Also, my cock.
i'd rather have ponies than trap shit
just start using filters, I got annoyed by it as well..
Nice shoes, fag
>expecting quality content from the dregs of human society posting on a mongolian waterboarding consortium
kindly kys
Porn is a dime a dozen, the internet is loaded with it I'd be much more interested in Facebook raids
OK leddit. You think we're the worst of the worst, so therefore you expect nothing of us. Why are you even here if you think Sup Forums is the worst?
There's a board for that you fucking degenerate.
If you don't like it then just bomb every thread with Spider-Man memes or some shit you autistic fuck. Don't expect the mods who are the biggest faggots on the site to do anything for you.
Also if you don't like traps you're fucking gay and you should kys
Maybe you would,
but that is not how the site rules and moderation protocols work.
>being this angry that a cesspool is filled with nothing but shit
i enjoy the shit but apparently you do not, so
>Why are you even here
i think you should be asking yourself that question
You’re one of the motherfuckers who should be shot. It’s doe to ruin perfectly good threads like the ylyl.
*inb4 and Spider-Man or banana faggotry *ruins this one
Forgive my English
>This used to be about mostly chicks and now it’s overrun with cock.
18th birthday you fucking newfag
>perfectly good threads like the ylyl
If you actually think ylyl threads are quality then you're an even bigger retard than I thought.
enjoy your 3 day vacation you triple nigger
Sup Forums was never good dumbass. Just scroll past the cocks or open your fap folder and jerk it. We’re not obligated to provide you with your preferred fap material Karen.
>mfw this fucking asshole
Traps aren’t gay. It may sound absurd but a chick with a dick is still a chick
Nice use of the word corralled
I honestly think it's a psyop. The sheer amount of cuck/bbc/trap and cock rate shit is disproportionate to the user base. There has always been porn on Sup Forums but this shit is clearly an attempt at social engineering. There are confirmed discord servers with people running threads on Sup Forums in some misguided attempt to normalize cuck and bbc shit as a form of brainwashing.
Personally i blame the jews. They've been trying to weaken the white race (their only real opposition) for decades.
The discord servers are a different group i should add, some femnazi/trap cunts running 24h raids here.
They are a bunch of fags lol
I like Sup Forums and I like the people here. Don't care for the shitpost threads. You just gotta find the good threads.
It's at this time of day, everyday. It's all Europeans. Their men are the most cucked group on this entire planet. Look at what they post. Black cocks and white girls, trannies and traps, Greta Thunberg threads (like who gives a fuck) but they're obsessed, I could go on and on. Europeans, send your women over, and you stay where you are, seething on the internet. I can't stop laughing.
Oh my God, Susan, shut your hole.
why dont you post whores instead of maknig retarded threads you stupid shit ass newfag. kys