What does heroin feel like?
What does heroin feel like?
Like satan fucking you in the ass until you ahegao.
When you shoot it you get pins and needles in your body. It’s almost worrisome, but it’s too chill to be worried for too long. It’s like.. a feeling of pure bliss + an anti anxiety that doesn’t make you retarded. Best drug ever. 10/10 would reccomend
probably a headache then it stops and youre dizzy
how much does it cost to get high?
Still the best high in the world but, if not controlled. it WILL make your life a living hell.
Depends. With fent if you have a good plug it’s almost free. With oxy 80’s you’re talking about 20 bucks minimum. Plan on at least spending 20 bucks a fix, I was using several hundred bucks worth a day for literal years. Broke all my savings, and brought me to literal homelessness. Be careful, because it is that good.
I only know other opiates/-ioids, not H, and those are the most boring class of drugs I know. I figured you must have some kind of fundamental trauma to love that stuff. Since I don't and felt save from a habit I got "hooked" on U-44770 once for shits and giggles to know what the withdrawal is like: comparable to nasty flu for 2 days, but manageable. Stay in bed with aspirine.
Better something not to bother with if you like your life. If you don't, it's the stuff to get killed from, probably.
Now I only use kratom once or twice a year for nasty back aches (I'm kinda old) - very effective and hardly recreational.
>if not controlled. it WILL make your life a living hell.
There's no such thing as control. Heroin is the black hole of drugs addiction wise.
Feels great, but you will end up homeless and dead within years.
Politicians in the past used to use it for medicinal purposes too.
If they're not psychedelic, what's the point?
Weed frustrated me because it lacked the trip.
Assuming you had good connections or the prices in your area were incredible, because around here I couldn't get anything for less than a dollar a milligram. And I mean ANYTHING. Vics, percs, roxys, fent, opana. Opanas were typically 2$ a milligram and this was a few years ago by now.
Amazing. Been doing it heavily for years. 10/10 would recommend
Drug addicts are super bad at keeping track on how much they spend on drugs. They end up having delusions so they psychologically support their lifestyle. Otherwise the cognitive dissonance would make the experience horrible.
Gtfo matt
>not enjoying the psychoactive bliss enough
Have you ever tried medicinal hash pellets? They take you into another world of being high as a teen all over again.
It's not worth it. Painkillers are synthetic heroin. Similar feeling but a lot weaker. Heroin is a lot stronger than painkillers and is a better high if you're into opiates but the difference between the two isn't that much as they are almost the same thing.
I don't know where you live but where I'm at a lot of heroin is being cut with fentanyl which is stronger than heroin. This is done to make the addiction stronger, the withdrawls worse and longer.
By the way if someone is talking about opiates and says it's like having the flu for 2 days, they weren't addicted or if they were it was with weak pills and at a very low level. When you get a high tolerance, especially if you do H with fentanyl cut it, the withdrawls are multiple weeks and significantly worse than the flu. I would rather have the flu for a whole month than go through fentanyl laced heroin withdrawls for 1 week. It's that much worse especially if your tolerance is high. Like if you are doing a gram a day to get by and you are barely getting high. Needing more than a gram a day to get a half decent high.
So don't do it OP. If you have chronic pain or health problems, I can understand getting prescribed painkillers, but don't take more than you are prescribed and don't move onto street drugs.
If it was easy to quit there wouldn't be an epidemic and people wouldn't steal and kill for their fix. It's a lot worse than the flu. Trust me.
“Take the best orgasm you’ve ever had in your entire life, now multiply that by 1000, thats heroin” - Trainspotting
I did it once and it was so fucking good, I knew that if I ever did again, I would be able to stop. And haven't touched it since.
- -
Meant to say NEVER be able to stop
Have been doing those fake Fent pills for years, usually take a month or so off at least once a year cold turkey. Most recently, I stopped from doing 6 or so a day. Withdrawals lasted about 4 days, and were manageable. I was only truely wrecked for the better part of one day.