need serious opinions, would you do a MFM 3some if it meant you got to do one with your girl and one of her friends?
Need serious opinions, would you do a MFM 3some if it meant you got to do one with your girl and one of her friends?
sure. wife and I are swingers. my wife sometimes fucks other guys when i'm in the room. doesn't really turn me on that much but then i fuck other women, so its pretty hot.
Only if I can suck his dick
Yes I would do mfm and fmf and even consider mmmmmmmf.
Same. I've already done MFF with my girl and want to try to set up a gangbang for her.
MFM is in theory okay but do I really have to touch the woman also?
That would be the ultimate watching your girl getting fucked by at least 8 men...
Told my wife I would love to MFM or see her fuck another guy and she said flatly absolutely not no never ever never. That was 10 yrs ago. So I just stroke it to cuck porn. Sigh.
I'd do what I did and do the FMF first. Granted, in my situation, we did an FMF, and then when we went to do MFM, it ended up a MFMMM. But was still cool and we did another FMF after (as well as a MFT).
How did she cope with 5 guys at once? And how was you watching her do it?
It would be so hot. She's open to it actually. She's open to more girls and guys, but unfortunately no trannies.
Maybe oneday ehh.
Go for it totally.
I think we will. So far the extent of our planning is "do it somewhere in another city"
of course. Can't pass that up
Yes defo or on holiday so no body knows you.
I can only hope. If you have any strategy for convincing her I'm all ears.
Yeah that is the plan! We have a couple trips coming up in the next few months so hopefully it will happen on one of them.
>would you do a MFM 3some if it meant you got to do one with your girl and one of her friends?
Absolutely not. In fact I would break up with that girl because she wants to fuck her other friend more than she wants to fuck me; she wants to be with someone else more than she wants to be with me, and that's not a good or healthy relationship. It means your dick is tiny or your sex game is just weak as absolute fuck. You should be ashamed as a man to have reached such a situation. Really cute ass in pic btw
Hah faggot,
Gf is going on a date tonight while I’m in chastity, going to get a lot of new spank vids and if she doesn’t stay over, I’m going to get pegged when she comes back.
God life is great.
Goodluck. How many men do you think she could take on?
You are insane insecure.
I think she could take a lot, but she doesn't want to start with more than five, so five it is. Gonna try to find the most hung guys possible as well.
you're living the dream bro
It was 4 guys, MFMMM. Still lucky girl. Maybe it it better if there is more guys, so it's less intimate and less emotional.
Just got to find the right girl, build her up to your kinks, helps to be dominate. Tell her what to do when to do it. I get for a lot of you that may ruin the experience as a lot of you want to be not in control. I’m just a masochist, fucking love that dopamine pain train.
Sounds amazing. Ull see her do things you never thought possible. 5 is a good starting point. I'm sure she will say 8 next and then it's onto double figures. U will be amazed watching her perform infront of you. Wow.
Yeah with 4 men it's more or less all of them on her at the same time. With 10 and more it's more like one in then one out then the same again. Over and over.
I can't wait!
Heyy! he was behind of this..!
As long as he's cute, sure.
I've seen mine with 8 men they were all in the room naked first then my girl walked in with just a towel on. As she stood there she let the towel drop and I've never seen 8 Cocks all erect at the same time. She knew she was in it for the long haul then.
yeah. wife is perfect in every other way - 9/10 milf at age 37, super into sex etc. - but she was a virgin when we met (22) and really feels the whole sex = love thing and doens't wnat to fuck others.
That sounds fantastic. I can't wait to see something similar with my girl.
she sounds god tier amazing.
You will. At first I could hardly see her as she had them all around her but I could hear her loud and clear. The best part was when she was triple penetratated and that happened a few times and seeing 2 guys fucking her pussy at the same time was amazing. Goodluck my friend.
Not sure why someone else responded as me, but anyway, yes, it was four guys (three others and me). At times she was overwhelmed, but the nice thing was, she was turned on, and having that many guys meant there was really no downtime/recovery time. Over the course of about five hours, I lost track of how many times she and they had cum. It was impressive to watch her take dick for five hours
If the only reason you are willing to do MFM is so you can do a 3-way with her and a friend, I would think twice. You better be ready for all the emotion and insecurity you may experience. Unless you are very secure, you will never look at her the same.
Thank you! I'm hoping to see her airtight as well!
Ah yeah, she’s not going to let that go. Especially if she was raised pretty religious, but I mean porn is fun and vanilla really isn’t that bad.
She took it like a pro. Really
It's amazing how one woman can do that and still want more and keep going.well hot.
She will be
Yeah, it was. Can greentext that interaction if there's interest. The FMFs and the MFT were also hot. The whole trip was a blast and our sex life is like 10X what it was before hand.
Never understood why people get so jealous over sex. Like I get precaution for stds, may not want her to fuck every tom dick and harry. But it’s just pleasure, you really not going to love someone else because a dicks been in them? Seems gay
I dodged a bullet. My GF wanted a threesome with another guy and she offered finding me another chick first for a threesome. Basically banged her and her friend and told her I didn't feel right including another guy. Shit is gold.
>would you do a MFM 3some if it meant you got to do one with your girl and one of her friends?
Why don't you just fuck her friend if he is into you?
til she does it without you
Only rational dude in this thread. Porn is one thing and maybe I could tag team a girl I wasnt emotionally invested in but wtf sounds like a nightmare to watch someone you love cheating on you right in front of your eyes like damn guys.
The weird thing is she was not raised relegous. And she talks about feminism and sex positivity and shit all the time. BUt is too traditional on this one thing.
there's interest
It’s not cheating user if you’re in the know. It’s only cheating if they go behind your back.
Which interaction do you want me to greentext?
>OP here
my girl did a 3some in college, I feel like she loved it and thats why shes trying to bride me with MFF
Being sex positive doesn't mean she wants to fuck around, only that she supports others' rights to do so.
Still man it's weird maybe I'm insecure or something
I only responded because I saw the other guys mistake and wanted to correct it (4 guys instead of 5). Sorry!
Different strokes for different folks, I get it, I find trans shit really weird, but it’s not like I’m going to go bash them for it or people into it. If this isn’t your thing, it doesn’t have to be.
yea well that is kinda weird.
also she says she can't have sex with somoene she doens't love, won't enjoy sex if she doesnt' love the person to which i say... you have never tried it! so how can she say.
No worries, thanks for trying to clarify for him.
My wife has done quite a few threesomes earlier in her life, both MFM and FMF, as well as a MFMF. Not something we've ever explored together, just something she did in her teens and 20s.
I don't think it's that weird. I support the rights of furries to do their furry shit, or footfags to do their footfag shit, even though I am not interested in being involved in either of those. Live and let live!
No. Similar situation. Had opportunity to do so with my best friend and his girl. Declined. It would only lead to other issues down the road. Not that declining didn't.... But I digress.
Always remember; never stick your dick into crazy.
She wouldn't be that stupid.
How the hell did this story start?