Why are traps so much better than women
Why are traps so much better than women
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They're not, you're just a faggot.
>unironically calling someone a faggot
what decade am I in
lol luna plays with doodoo
Dude, smell a trap's asshole one time and you'll go right back to vagina
I don't know, user. They just are.
Because when a trap rejects you you just say "lol ok faggot I was joking anyway" and when a girl does it you write breakup poetry on your wrists with a dull razor
Dudes are not better than chicks you crazy fag
Because they know their purpose. To be a fucktoy for men and know exactly what they want.
she's so sexy
Who is this vixen
She got porn videos?
Dude, I bury my face in asshole all the time.
>not being gay
Wish I would have sworn off pussy sooner
why not lick it? just imagine watching her cock slowly get harder and harder with every lick of her asshole
Because there's an immediate gratification in recognizing the fact that another person has traded their role in society and put forth considerable effort to attract you into fucking them. It's tickling every vestige of your primitive sensibilities by effectively being the most extreme mating dance that person can muster, and at your core, you're a horny animal that wants your cock inside of a warm body. I should know, because I'm the same way. I wanna see a cute boy take his sweet time dolling himself up for me so I can bury my cock in his ass and make him squeal like a little girl. There's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck guys, and there's definitely nothing wrong with wanting to fuck traps. Just don't try to trick yourself into thinking you're straight.
Yes, look her up on pornhub
pornhub annoys me,i can load a video all the way from the beginning on any other porn website.with pornhub it loads half way
Because cock. Dicks don't lie. The get hard when they like it and spit semen when they cum. Women are impossible to read and you just have to trust they aren't faking it. To have a purely feminine creature with a cock is just a more realized expression of the modern make fantasy. That is, a highly sexualized female who you can trust is nymphomaniacal and isn't just taking it for attention and money. Dicks don't lie
it used to work fine with internet explorer but now even thats fucked up
youtube-dl, unironically. I have the same problem and if I really wanna watch a vid off there I just use that
Thanks buddy
cock tastes better than pussy, its literally a proven fact. and all these "straight boys" that say they like eating out pussy have obviously never tried sucking a cute feminine trap cock
how is that going to work when its pornhub and not youtube? also,i dont really want to download videos either,i figured there was a way i could just fix something with my browser
Would you prefer to be called a sodomite?
It works for so much more than YouTube.
>her cock
is there anyway i can fix this without(im assuming)downloading videos off pornhub
Because they care about femininity and submissiveness, instead of rights and equality.... How out should be
Humbly requesting any more like this, with the heavy ring pulling down, hot af
It’s 2019. No one in their right mind cares about straight or gay, it’s about what feels good sexually.
They try very hard. That’s a massive turn on.
HAHAHAHAHA Only betas fuck traps kill yourself faggot, you think that homosexual men in woman clothes are better than actual women it's because woman don't like you pathetic loser
just finished finals and im drunk
god loves you kalindra always remember that
Traps/ fembois message me
>cock tastes better than pussy
You're full of shit. I've sucked trap dick. It tasted like nothing and I felt nothing. I can get hard just from the smell of pussy.
im very drunk'
What was it like sucking a trap off? Was she cute?
Luna is a game designer from Costa Rica and a transbian, effectively.
Step aside Jade Raymond.
Luna is a game designer in central America, and effectively a transbian. She has a patreon.
Move over Jade Raymond.
Only some are better.
Pick 1