How do I stop cooming?

I tried many times and yet I fail and continue to coom daily for hours. I tried to reduce it to once a week which I failed a few times. What do you guys do when you have a sudden urge to coom? I don't wanna end up as pic related.

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do you drink a lot or smoje a lot of weed? drink and drugs are directly related to porn abuse. youre really hurting yourself seriously. i know bc i used to be that. you need to stop dude.

I don't even drink or smoke weed...

Just look up some nasty shit or failing that watch cspan

If this doesn’t help you are beyond help and the only remedy might be going out side and not touching a computer for a week

hmmm....then your case is worse in a way. youve completely embodied aiul-destroying degeneracy. you WILL regret how you live years from now, and yoy are in danger of committing suicide, crime, and or becoming physically ill.

do something op. work out. find God, i don't care, but do SOMETHING. you CANNOT live this way.

pic related, its mfw I'm disappoint in you dutchbro.

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I would say find something to occupy your time. Whatever it is, as long as you enjoy it enough to choose to do it ahead of cooming, it's a better option. I personally cut down massively when I started university because I was so busy; if you're a NEET try to find a hobby or self-improvement kick.

The only solution that will actually work is being around people.
The less alone time you have, the less time you have for recreational masturbation. Any other approach will fail you.

Exercise more. When you feel the urge to coom go for a run or do some push ups. Make it a routine and you will feel better overall. Find things to occupy your mind with, like interesting hobbies and the like. Getting outdoors helps too.

the jew speaks truth. heed it.

If you’re actually serious, set up a content blocker on your devices requiring a password. Have a trusted friend setup the password.

Thats it. You remove the source, and dont have a way to get it. Now recover.

also truth.

Honestly whenever I have a few drinks or smoke I just end up in a state where I enjoy things non-porn related. I suppose it coomes down to each man's hobbies and interests, but when I smoke weed I end up listening to classical or Nujabes playlists.

Porn addiction groups exist.
Look up online how monks do it to achieve enlightenment. They usually fill their time with distractions. I finally stopped having a porn addiction when I was literally too busy and exhausted.

he may not have a trusted friend. its appalling how many people don't. especially in the West.
good tactic otherwise

I work out every day multiple times. And yet when I came home or I don't train because of injury or sickness I just coom all day...

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you need to accept the LORD JESUS CHRIST into your heart as your SAVIOR, and BELIEVE IN HIS NAME

I'm so tired of these threads. You jerk off when your bored and alone, so stay busy and be around other people as much as possible. This isn't hard, you've just fallen for the porn addict meme, even at the height of my coomer career, on days where I was out with friends or family doing shit the thought of porn never even entered my mind. It's a symptom of boredom so stop being a boring fuck and go do something. Once you hit 2 weeks no porn it gets easy anyway, you cant go 2 weeks staying out the house wherever possible?

shit, when i smoke, i become a total porn monster. total. nothing else matters.
i miss when i was young and
smoked and just had deep thoughts n shit. now its STRAIGHT to porn, AND I'm married, AND she's thin and pretty AND will do whatever i want in bed. but no. i want porn.
feels terrible man. thats why I'm trying to help dutchanon.

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This didn't work for me. I just managed to find ways around it

I don't know man I think I might really be perverted or something... It's getting even worse when I get older...


Get Married You Idiot.

>set up a porn blocker
doesnt work, blockers can be worked around even if you give the password to somebody else. If you still want to watch porn and still associate some form of value to watching porn you will still do it, you gotta genuinely not want to watch it anymore even if it's easily available. Quitting porn is a rite of passage for the modern man

How can you even want porn if you can just fuck the shit out of your wife? I don't have one so I don't understand...

Yes I hope...

I can guarantee you werent as bad as me user, I got on that bus and went for the ride bigtime, ended up acting out irl going to degenerate sex parties and swingers meets and shit, jacking off to porn in the toilets at work, it was fucked, cumbrain is real. If you're struggling with feeling sex obsessed with intrusive sexual thoughts or perverted fantasies then serotonin boosting supplements can help with that massively, 5htp, st John's wort and such. Just stay busy man, never be in your house for any reason other than to eat or sleep. You just gotta make it 2 weeks then it's all downhill from there user

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whats your poison? is it fetish shit or is it straight boy-girl?
my fetish is fat chicks. its horrendous. as soon as i cum i HATE myself and look at my beautiful wife then hate myself even more.

will never an hero, so, stuck trying to fight it.

Get some more sunlight and vitaminD, depression can be the root cause of your desire to masturbate, if you associated feeling good with masturbation.

Pol is degenerate. You can't come here and expect to not fail. The Internet and social media and video games are just as mind destroying as porn. Quit it all.

It is an uphill battle. I have Christ with me. He is my strength and my salvation. Who will fear?

>What do you guys do when you have a sudden urge to coom?
I do something else to change my thoughts to something else. Even take a cold shower if you need to. You can stop abusing yourself Dutchbro. I believe in you.

>get married
>stop cooming
yeah sounds about right am I right boomers?

trust me. it makes no sense. its a fetish and a character defect.
I'm not alone in this.

Find a way to fall asleep at night without cooming.

Ask your doctor to put you on saltpeter.

Eat a child

the leaf gets it.

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Cold showers really work. If you’re really failing, fast ASAP.

I have the same fetish for fat chicks as long as their THICCC and beautiful. This is why you need to marry more than one women. Otherwise it will lead to you watching porn again.

No, you get to coom with someone, and you have to grow responsible and the cooms get better. And with them getting better, and you getting more responsible, your brain switches, and you don't feel like you need to coom all the time, especially once you actually have kids, like your dick is supposed to supply.

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Why coom when you can goon?

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nah man, when i say fat chicks, i mean disgusting landwhales. its sick.
as you cry for help, i too.

It's full of apps to meet people, you don't even have to approach a girl in real life. Just download an app for your country, put up your pic and a description and start to go out with a lot of girls.

Maybe you need to track your progress in 8-hour increments, not days.

Oh man... That's sick indeed.

Best to start with, I'll delay this one, right now.

nope. beautifil and willing wife, haven't fucked her for months bc cant get it up. only get hard for fetish porn.
i had a ton of sex when i was young, i think thats part of the problem. I'm spoiled and degenerate. my poor wife, she did not deserve this. she is everything a guy could want.
now im even more depressed than op.

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>I don't wanna end up as pic related.
you will be missed

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whats worse, i am obviously not alone, bc there is so much fat porn out there.

Try jerking it only to ceepee or loli. The shame will make you help contain your urges.

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Once your hormone levels start recovering, you'll feel good all day.

Just edge, don't cum. Do this for weeks and you will eventually develop involved and strange fetishes. This fetish frenzied state will become your new normal. When you finally cum it will feel so strange afterwards that you no longer desire your perverted fantasies, perhaps they will disgust you or you'll feel remorse for being such a degenerate. You will probably regret having an orgasm. After several rounds of this your desire to cum will be gone. You will learn to see orgasm not as an end goal, but as the end of the fun.

>the secret to quitting compulsively masturbating is to masturbate
fuck off dickhead

Is that what the Goonies was about?

the coom never ends

Isn't this hella bad for you

>absolute state of pedo apologists


not op, but same problem, and i needed to hear this--thanks

this. prolactin starts to drop after 3 days or so which makes you feel noticeably more energetic if you've been cooming for a long time. Density of androgen receptors in your brain increases with abstinance as well which allows testosterone to have more of an effect on your state of mind, increasing confidence and drive

this is retarded. blue balls are painful and unhealthy. you're fucking dumb huh

If you want to stop coming you need a destination at which to arrive. Only you can provide one for yourself


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Get a girlfriend and then fuck her best friend.

this is fuckin hilarious

I jerk off once or twice a day and it feels great. I feel no shame or regret because I do whatever the fuck I want and don't believe in superstition or other Sup Forums meme bullshit.

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can a leaf be more based?

this thred is helping me hugely and I'm not even op

you sound young. also you sound lije you haven't had a lot of actual sex. not trying to be a dick.

Don't you regret the time wasted on it?

I'm 29. Not a ladie's man but I've fucked a good amount and still occasionally do. Jacking off and having sex are not related.

my dick stopped working, it's not superstition. Orgasm as a biological function operates through the brains reward centre, same as any addictive drug, any activity or substance that works through stimulation of the brains reward centre is addictive, and all addictions have consequences

No. I usually do it in bed before going to sleep at night. What time does that waste?

If you keep cooming, eventually you will be watching this while beating your meat

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This is why men need to stay virgin too. We have a word for this it's called manwhore.

>my dick stopped working,
Go see a doctor. Your body must be different than all the other billions of men throughout history who have jerked off on a regular basis.

I have suffered from porn/ sex addiction too. The first thing you have to do is to realize that it’s a very real addiction, it’s NOT just a bad habit. Be honest with yourself about just how harmful it is and the fact that you’re an addict. Like most other addictions there’s no easy way out of it. You have to willpower yourself through it.
Things that helped me:
> delete all porn on your computer. NO exceptions.
> install a porn blocker on your computer
This forces you to spend at least a couple of minutes extra if you want to watch porn and that might be all you need to stop yourself.
> put sticky notes on your computer that reminds you of how harmful porn is, how important it is that you don’t relapse etc.
I know this sounds like a meme but it helped me.
> get off sites with softcore porn/ lots of suggestive pictures (e.g. Sup Forums)
> exercise a few times per week and go for a run if you feel a really strong urge to fap
> socialize a lot more

from the daoist perspective you should limit cooming as much as possible as you are spending your life force
the daoist perspective is actually fairly in line with the nofap superpower idea
nocoom leads to more energy, and ultimately to success
for an occult perspective see pic related

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Start waking up at 5am. Degeneracy tends to happen at night. avoid all junk input, aka movies video games fiction. Set goals like buying a house and starting a family.

Don`t you ever feel tired? Genuinely curious. When I was addicted, I always slept

Everything is in perfect working order now user, I haven't watched porn for almost 2 years now, i could get hard to porn but not when I tried having sex. There are literally thousands and thousands of accounts of guys who developed erectile dysfunction through excessive porn use and fixed the problem by cutting out porn. I've lived this, and experienced it first hand, I fucking loathe faggots like you who promote sexual degeneracy and terrible advice to guys struggling with this because you lack the ability to control your primal urges. Men of previous generations werent jacking it 3 times a day to videos of hardcore perverted content, the game has changed and your argument is invalid in the current day and age

No it's like meditation/yoga but with your cock.

>thus the feeling of weakness and depression so many people experience after masturbation.

I have this problem lately not after masturbation but all the times...

they are and they arent.

the tragic truth is, fetish masturbation is probably more pleasurable than sex. but sex with a real woman SHOULD be irreplaceable. but its not.
we are not meant to have this technology at our fingertips where we can see thousands of nude women of every type doing anything possible under the sun.

its fucked, no pun intended. i am SURE you will regret your degenerate habit. I'm 45 and sorely regret it, not that my anecdotal experience is my argument

>I have this problem lately not after masturbation but all the times...
Blijf van je piemel af, als je druk beneden voelt, stel je dan voor dat de energie in je lagere gedeelte, langzaam je ruggengraat omhoog stroomt en naar je hersenen.

men should fuck more than women, but they shouldn't fuck so much that they become spoiled degenerates.

Interesting topic. I just accepted I won't get laid anytime soon if ever and started playing world of warcraft.

This weekend find the most efukt porn you can in terms of girls breaking down and crying. Watch how destroyed those girls are. Then ask yourself why are you enjoying that? Then ask yourself if that's the person you want to be.

If you treat it as a surface level thing, it's easy to rationalize. When you really dig into what's going on, as long as you haven't totally destroyed your disgust reflex that should help you quell the urges.

Whatever you do though, don't let a single setback turn into a habit. You can eat a cake once, but not once a day, kind of thing.

Really takes you deciding on who you want to be more than anything. Are you religious?

Based Viking has excellent advice.
now if only i could get the willpower.

my 2 cents:

-you should make a routine,but with at most 3-4 things and COMMIT to it. be serious about it but dont burn yourself out. remember you have limited willpower. for me its reading and learning an instrument.

-delete all the porn you have. this may be painful and take several days to do,but go to the nofap forums and read "your brain on porn" for motivation. sfw anime gurls may be fine if you dont feel temptated. no pictures of real women or teasing hentai tho.

-you should get a feel for it first,as withdraw is HEAVY. it just broke me as soon as it started,so never underestimate it. start with once every 3 days,then once a week,if you are really gonna fail atleast do it without porn. get used to having withdraws.

-btw avoid the "challenge" mentality. this is serious, not a game where you simpley fail or win.

-if your life is shit and you have no friends this will be significantly harder,so try to mature and improve as much as you can while also trying nofap. an idiot with testosterone is still an idiot.

-know thyself. if you keep falling for the same thought-circles,if youre stuck in limbo stop hitting your head at the wall and feel free to take a break and overcome the limbo before doing nofap. taking a break is important too,as you will not beat addiction (the neuron pathways are still there) you will OUTGROW it,you will develop a personality that has willpower and internal richness to see it for what it truly is and say no,with ever less effort.
you vs addiction isnt all that hard. whoever lasts the longest wins.
take the redpill user.

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