Whats wrong with my nuts dude?
Whats wrong with my nuts dude?
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Lol your gonna die dude
You need to use some antifungal jock itch cream, it's like 10 bucks. You'll be sorted in 4 days or less, if condition persists seek professional opinion. Also nohomo, that shit was gay
Thanks dawg
What nuts?
Its the bottom of my nutsack so i had the pull the boys up
I have the same shit
Are you talking about the little black spots that look like tiny blood blisters?
They're tiny blood blisters. There's lots of blood vessels close to the skin on your sack, so friction from your underwear or whatever can cause tiny blood blisters. Perfectly normal.
I got you user
Theyre sore af. I just started jogging so friction makes sense, and my nuts end up drenched in a pool when im done.
also wash all the underwear on hot water or replace it at all!! no homo just keeping fellow b lurker balls healthy XD
It has the gay.
They're not in my mouth.
You've got re-vitaligo, that's the opposite of what Michael Jackson's got.
There's no known cure.
Didn't your mama teach you to wipe front to back?
Finna be a racist black man like uncle ruck
Yeah it’s just chaffing. Congrats on being active for the first time in your life ever apparently
I skateboard and bike a lot, but have never jogged for more than 30 seconds. I did like 4 miles the other day, just a flex.
They're attached to OP.
Get some baby powder or talcum powder as its called and powder your balls so they wont stay moist and give you jock itch
explain pic
Parasitic worms in your balls
Proof pee is stored in the balls
An almond is a nut. The picture here does not resemble any almond I have ever seen. Did you post the wrong picture?
W h a t
is that a good or a bad thing and what exactly should be done about this?
>Whats wrong with my nuts dude?
>Angiokeratoma is a benign cutaneous lesion of capillaries, resulting in small marks of red to blue color and characterized by hyperkeratosis.
Permanent, harmless unless some extreme case.
Want nuts cut on by a doctor? Only way to get rid of those
>what’s wrong with my nuts?
They’re attached to a faggot
You should put Bengay on those fast
Do you store your ball point pen in you underwear?