It's literally over for non-whites.
It's literally over for non-whites
Please deposit your router into the nearest bin
so the tally so far is 1 big penis for white boys. 2 billion big penis for black men
Sure, that's why whites are becoming a minority. Ok buddy
You cannot compete.
Whites are dying out. What is there to compete with?
Whites will always exist. The whole world wants white babies. Even you, that's why you want to reproduce with white women.
White + Chinese = Chinese
Does that baby look white to you? Try again retard
What about a second dose of bleaching. Quapas (1/4 asian, 3/4 white) are quite white looking.
The point is that overall, a huge majority of non-white women prefer men of their own race and not whites
I am white. My cock is average and i am still better off than any nigger on the street. I can go anywhere I want and not have to worry about getting shot by a relatively sane police officer. Besides the only way there wont be any more whites is if the niggers stick to their own race. Wipe whites out then keep reproducing. If you have a black cup of coffee and you mix in even just a little creamer...turns tan. Now mix two cups of tan coffee....still tan. Mix a tan cup of coffee with another creamer.....whiter. And so on until the black is gone. The only way to keep a black cup of coffee is to mix black with black. Stupid niggers cant figure that out lol.
that's not even remotely true btw. I am 99% sure that if we polled the global population of women, a decent majority would say that they preferred european men.
Can you not see colors dumb ass? Slanted eyes doesn't mean he if fucking yellow. Stupid nigger or nigger wannaba.
They still want white babies though. They just can't pay all that money to import european semen. So they have to settle with a non-white ""male"" (LOL).
That's not how race is measured. If someone isn't 100% white they're considered black/mixed/whatever they are. It's whites that go extinct by mixing
Can't find the facts you're looking for? Just make something up and say it would probably be true
What is that supposed to mean? You're just guessing now, pathetic really
No shit I cant? There is no global poll. I am saying that if there would be, white men would be preferred. The closest thing I can come up with is the OKC poll that showed that almost all races preferred white.
You're just guessing and making it all up now because you know you're wrong, give up
You know nothing.
cock size is pretty good op but you need to moisturize more often. you're looking very dry
>whitebread thinks this is a massive dick.
For white people this is massive but for blacks it’s just a little above average MAYBE.
What the fuck. That's my picture.
I took it for a craigslist ad a few years ago.
I'm more just perplexed how it ended up here.
BWC master?
The white population is in decline, why do you think that is? It's because of how whites don't consider themselves white if they're not 100% white. Mixing only hurts the white population, the opposite of what OP is suggesting
Bleaching isn’t a thing. It does nothing but exasperate the problem if white genes being tainted.
>It's because of how whites don't consider themselves white if they're not 100% white
You are wrong though. Finnish, Hungarian, and people from the Balkan region are not 100% "white". They have 1-4% asian dna. And Italy, Portugal, Greece and Spain have something like 1-4% MENA dna.
I guess? I was either in PA or and was trying cuck some rando in order to get that MILF strange.
So not white? Glad we agree
get ready for a multidimensional
solar cleansings upon an imposterous
unatural seemingly antinatural
parasitic cleptomanic
of a race of hypocrisy
with a consciousness enept
of soul compassion and
unconditional love for innocence
and the indigenous to this creation
racist orcs shall perish
literally die racist scum
How big is it? 8 inches?
They are all considered 100% native europeans, and that's what white means.
>1-4% Asian
>100% white
Ok buddy, sure, whatever you say
bbc looks tastier
Hungarians, Bulgarians, Macedonian, and even the Egyptians where dark as fuck until grain based agriculture forced them to whiten up. you're looking at race the wrong way.
Think of race like this you have 3 trade offs for humans attractiveness, intelligence, and athletics. you need only 1 unless you're living in a hellhole that changed into a paradise. so evolution and culture play hand in hand. Until the end of the last ice age Europe, Asia, and the Americas where hell holes populated by massive super predators. That required 2 traits to evolve and 10,000 years of cultural selection, Africa stayed a hellhole so it was rare to have 2 positive traits vs 3 that Ethiopians and Egyptians had. Ethopia is a shit hole because of a 1500 years of jihad those fuckers fought of Rome at its peak. Our society was Patriarchal based vs tribal communes, so males carried both intelligence and athletics females attractive and intelligence. Asians just did the same but extra steps and social castes, vs the chad warlord of Europe can be a peasant that was good with the sword. Africians aside from the 3-4 zones of trade and wealth needed to be strong, sure intelligence would be nice but knowing math doesn't stop a lion from eating your ass. There's also differences in intelligence though that's a whole tangent , the point being most traits are passed by the mothers vs the fathers.
TL;DR fuck and impregnate all the none whites you're actauly pushing the species forward. WMBF have 75% female offspring and will contune the bleaching.
Fake and gay
2big penis for white boys 2 bilion big penis for ooga booga faggots
cry and weep