Hey guys, my dealer died (or at least his number did), anyone selling in the Minnesota region?

Hey guys, my dealer died (or at least his number did), anyone selling in the Minnesota region?

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nice try fbi fucking narc

No I'm serious, I swear it'll be legal in another couple years and no one cares anymore.

Move to Canada

Working on it, but that doesn't help me now.

Are you a police officer? You have to tell me if you are, or else it's entrapment.

I'm not, I'm just pissed that my dealer died and I have no weed.


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Sure Jim.

Tips on finding a dealer then?

Still looking for tips and leads.

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Just get it from your detachment evidence locker.


sorry. leafedin.org


Just cross the border

I'm serious, I'm looking to lose a few hundred over the next few weeks, too.

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sure you are officer
imagine being the guy whose job it is to ask people on the Internet for weed hookups to actually arrest people for weed in 2k19 almost 2k2k

use leafedin retard

wd40 is actually a completely trash lubricant
it is a solvent meant to dissolve shit like rust and gunk

Just get your medical card and go to a dispensary. Fucking mongoloid

find a nearest nigger and just ask him

Buy bitcoin and hit the darkweb. Sup Forums doesn't sell anything well.

And I get a medical card by doing...
Kek my last dealer was a nigger too.

No, it's for water displacement. WD-40 = Water Displacement (formula 40)

yes but it doesn't change the fact that it is a solvent user meant primarily to remove (water), rust and other gunks which can be dissolved by solvents.

Or move to one of the many states where it’s legal. Canuck weed sucks, they have no idea how to grow weed

Am I supposed to wait until someone sees a message I've left them on this site? It's been days since last sign in for most people near me.

Marijuana is for niggers and gay whites anyways. Real men inject bath salts in the largest vein on their erect penis.

Just go behind the Minneapolis Central library downtown.

Too far, if someone's looking to sell near me, I'm still taking.


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Medical is legal in your state, you filthy degenerate. If you're too inept to get a medical license, maybe you shouldn't get high in the first place.

you basically have to have cancer or aids to get a medical license in minnesota and you cant even get bud. there is really good black market weed in the twin cities with good prices

You can't do any better you vapid slut.
Rules are super tight on that shit up here.

That's what I'm trying to find. Any leads?

Son, you should stay far away from the devil's lettuce

It barely gets me high anymore, I seriously question the logic in locking weed up.

Weed in MN, looking to buy.

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met both of my guys on a subreddit for meeting people for green in my city. the subreddit got shut down tho

Go to bar in NE mpls.

Ask any random fucking hipster or bartender for weed.



Anything? All I got here is leafedin and that's sure to take days.

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Scratch that, everyone on Leafedin was last seen days ago, does that mean no one still uses it?

>walk into any fucking bar, restaurant, kitchen, low paying establishment
>ask the people that work in the kitchen
Everyone does drugs in the service industry. If they don't then they know who does.

Whereabouts in MN?

Crystal shopping center is around the area.

Eh. Too far.

Figures. How much are you looking to move?