Flat Earth Discussion Thread

Flat Earth Discussion Thread

My take on it?
First off, fuck the JEWISH (((dominated))) 'scientific' community. The earth is flat.

The evidence for a flat earth is derived from many different facets of science and philosophy. The simplest is by relying on ones own senses to discern the true nature of the world around us. The world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat, the movement of the sun; these are all examples of your senses telling you that we do not live on a spherical heliocentric world. This is using what's called an empirical approach, or an approach that relies on information from your senses. Alternatively, when using Descartes' method of Cartesian doubt to skeptically view the world around us, one quickly finds that the notion of a spherical world is the theory which has the burden of proof and not flat earth theory.

Perhaps the best example of flat earth proof is the Bedford Level Experiment. In short, this was an experiment performed many times on a six-mile stretch of water that proved the surface of the water to be flat. It did not conform to the curvature of the earth that round earth proponents teach.

I have yet to see a proper counterargument that does NOT have the following:
1. Fake JEW math
2. Fake CGI images/video
3. Hearsay 'witness' accounts from PAID government employees
4. Talking points from a HASBARAH Troll

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So why does looking across the ocean at a distant ship reveal the sails first and then the hull?

Mirage, reflections, etc

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Faggot jew go back to your bbc posting

I can't, the flat earthers from all over the globe have provided too much evidence.

We've yet to see any evidence that the earth is flat. Get in a boat and find the edge yourself retard.


why not become an astronaut and disprove it, get in and then blow the whistle instead of posting useless shit on Sup Forums
how about you actually do anything to bring down this massive cabal you believe exists instead of just being retarded

why are all other planets spherical?

The earth is not flat, that's it

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We have yet to see any proof it's a sphere. argument gone

where is the edge dipshit?

" I see bird fly, so my house is a bird" makes no sense

accelaration due to gravity everywhere on the earth, that would only be true for a solid sphere you absolutely fucking grey-pilled christnigger

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Where's the curve dipshit

is constant everywhere on the earth I meant

the flat earth society has members all around the globe, right?

I asked you why this is the only other planet in the universe that is flat. The analogy is more like "Other houses are square, but my house is a parking lot"

First off your assuming planet, and just because we see things in the sky doesn't mean we can verify we are similar to those things. They are unexplainable, so it would be stupid to say your the same

So all planets are perfectly being perpendicular to us at all times? why?

i mean copypasta bait is obvious, but just so you newfriends know, no one on Sup Forums is a flat earther. it's just trollz

dumbest fucking shit ever. humanity went to the moon and then decades later we're arguing over this shit. you are dumb as fuck. please die soon.

I wouldn't be surprised.

OP, if you're trolling you're a fag. if you're for real, you're a fag.

no, the earth is a t-rex

Attached: t-rex earth.jpg (590x495, 16K)

stupid scientists and educated people for the last 2000 years, the earth is a disc!! for the Holy Babble tells me so

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that's a velociraptor, you worthless cumrag

You know to become a said "astronaut" you have to be with the lie right. Nigga we can't even go into space, theirs a barrier. Watch every rocket launch, they clearly curve into the ocean, and it's explained as " oh, the Earth is spinning so it looks like the rocket is curving."

dumbass that's a triceratops


how come GPS works? if there are no satellites? and how can you transfer information across the oceans?

That's still a velociraptor.

and you're still a newfag

Wrong you are, not flat, the earth are

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I've been here since 2008, I have seen the pic, but never with anything that suggest that it is a t-rex

We dont live on a bird

Can anyone in history tell you why, no. No one knows. Today "scientists" just tell you crazy stories of being in space which is all based on a hypothesis, which is suprisingly taught to children so that when they grow to being an adult, they harshly defend something they were told and never shown to actually be true. Just start with the curve of the Earth not working and go from there.

ill bite

>earth is flat
>antartica is the wall
>we surround antartica

The Joos and their Gps

ya'll ready to accept the shape of the observable and easily provable flat earth yet? we see too far, no curve, water seeks its level, horizon always rises to eye level proving its flat. gravity is an unproven theory. no proof but what authority says and what you see on tv screens. come on guys, lets use our critical thinking skills and not be mindless gullible sheep. escape your forced indoctrinated satanic god killing religion since birth. the scientific method will always win over pseudoscience cult beliefs only existing within your imagination. its gonna be 2020. this is sad guys. wake up

I think you are the Jew

So you have a theory you have no proof for, no idea how it would work, no basis and expect people to believe it? I can proof that things want to become spherical in a low gravity enviroment, you can't do that with flat stuff.

Don't listen to nasa, or the govt, the media, or the so called scientists! They want to keep you in the dark, believing the lie that the earth is flat like a completely ignorant fool, but I have news... It's not. They're all in it together you see, in a massive global conspiracy to keep us blindly convinced that the earth is flat and that we can never get past the ice wall anyway, or make it halfway past the elephants, (Not to mention the turtles). This is of course to force us to work jobs in their companies buying their products, when our proper place is living on the backs of the giant turtle and eating the space parasites that it of course occasionally collects on its travels through the cosmos
Its funny when these clueless literal sheeple try and "debunk" or make points on flat earth. when at the same time they know nothing about flat earth and just show there ignorance on the subject. imagine trying to debate someone who knows nothing on the other side and only theres. They will not let go of there indoctrinated space/gravity delusion with there made up math equations and pseudoscience. They believe in space because there government and tv tells them. Its impossible to have conversations with these people. Thats why we beg them to just research it themselves. But there precious egos and weak minded brains cannot comprehend being lied to this intensely.

we are a bird

Nice dubs asshole. The flat earth movement is dominated by jews just like science. Everything is a lie user.

NASA spent $650 million on a plane (dreamchaser) that takes off, Hides in the clouds, Then lands again with the astronauts who are shot into the upper atmosphere on the other dreamchaser, but land secretly in the ocean shortly after. This is done as a ruse to ensure we keep believing in a round earth. How do you feel about nasa spending $650 million of taxpayers money to continue faking round earth?

Is this bait, or are you that gone

No it's not you idiot, they dont curve because the earth is spinning, it's a trajectory to exit the atmosphere...

Just because Denmark is pretty flat, it doesn't mean that the earth is flat

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Heyy! nice Elon Musky...

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Dubs checked. This is the gospel truth user.

Trips checked. Overrules dubs. The earth is a voliciraptor

Yeah because NASA has been around since the earth was proven to be round....moron

>he's only been here since 2008

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provide proof. without a youtube video full of questionable 'witnesses' or fake videos/images.

Gravity warps the fabric of spacetime. Using that knowledge, there has never been anything flat, everything exists in a universe of curved space. All objects in free fall follow a curved path.

If you think using your senses tells you that the world is flat, you need to get your sensory organs checked out. Or you're too stupid to know about optical illusions. Just because your eyes see something doesn't mean what you saw is the truth. Seeing is believing, but seeing is not the same thing as truth.

Simplest way I can explain it is the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. So if you zoom in far enough on a circle, even the curved circumference seems like a straight line at least between two points.

But this is a troll. Everyone knows science is true whether or not you believe in it. It's not like there is a committee we listen to and worship.

dude, that is one of my biggest pet peeves. When that fucking chart comes up I know that I am at the cut-off point for a newfag forever. I even started browsing in the winter, so I was just a month or two from being an oldfag.

Let's just be real, If flatearthers were the majority of our civilization, there would be no flight, no cars, no cellphones or computers, no lightbulbs, and no civilization...yet they would lead you to believe its NASA scientists holding you back...

ignoring faggot op, what do you anons think is the political stance of flat earthers/conspiracy believers?
i reckon they're right wing simply based on the amount i've seen that end up blaming the jews in most of their theories.

If you test old theories about the Earth being a sphere with new technology, they don't work. I'm not even on the side of Earth being just flat, I don't know what it is, but what I do know is that "sphere" science proves wrong and most engineering jobs which are true don't even use the curve of the Earth because it doesn't change anything. The reason engineering is a true thing, is because if it were to be wrong, what would be built wouldn't work, that's why most science is theoryetical. Alot can't be proven, and is documented to be researched later when more technology and information can be measured. That's where we are today.

No, you're just flat out wrong. They could prove it in the ancient egyptian times and you can do it yourself today too. Most science isn't theoretical. I think you misunderstand the term theory then. In informal use, theory means "idea", in academia a theory is the current model that is built on evidence and no one can disprove.

i consider most conspiracy groups to be actively against the species. anti-vaxxers would see medicine and vaccinations gone. flat earthers are against all science and maths. if i were the kind to believe in conspiracies, i'd say the anti-vax and flat earther groups were started by aliens trying to make us weak and stupid so we don't travel to the stars.

Just because your brain is flat doesn't mean that the earth is flat

>intellectual mutts in a nutshell

I think you don't understand the meaning of theory, if theory wasn't a theory, then it would just be fact. Why make another word for what is proven with evidence and nothing else can come of it. In reality the whole sphere spinning in a infinite black is just to disconnect humanity from their religion. And make science their religion because face it, humans are meant for religion, if you want real evidence of that, just look to the beginning of man in any era.

No, I explained the meaning of theory for you. You're just retarded.

If you were a flea on a dog and chose never to look beyond being a flea on a dog, you would never know you were on a dog...and would argue your earth was flat

Your live is a sci-fi that would never happen. Keep watching your movies.

You just called it! It's the FACT that you believe the earth being a sphere goes against your religion that is the whole reason you choose to disregard reality and continue to argue the earth is flat...

Keep studying english... please

And being rhetorical means I won, shouldn't have gone down that path

and you literally choose to live in ignorance. your world view is so backwards that I pity you. Whenever people like you get confronted you just get angry and spout nonsense like it changes anything.

Here's my big question:

Let's pretend the earth IS flat. Let's pretend the government, illuminati, whatever is hiding it from us.

My question: Why? What purpose would it serve to hide the fact that the earth is flat instead of round? There's literally no logical reasoning for that.

oh no, i don't believe that aliens have ever had anything to do with earth. it was sort of a joke. my main point is that luckily no conspiracy theorist is ever intelligent or successful enough to influence humanity. because conspiracy theorists are bad for humanity.

what do you mean, won? I'm right and you're wrong. If you look the word up in a formal sense then I am right. I understand why you say it, since you could never contest what I say.


not OP, but i've asked this a few times and the answers normally end up being god related. the jews/lizard people/illuminati/satan want us to turn our back on God by refusing the "truth" of the firmament or some such shit.

Only thing is a flea can leave a dog with just a jump, we never left Earth but for some reason we know it all. Get it?

But we have left earth, you can even see the international space station with your own eyes.

Man you are so smart, who could contest with such an intellect

"I win" says the retard

evidently, not you.

If the water falls off, where does the new water come from?

If you can see outside the said "atmosphere" with your naked eye, then am I talking to a hawk or something?

I'm not especially smart, but I know a little about a lot of stuff. I've debated with plenty of flat earthers and it always ends like this, they get frustrated because they refuse to play by rules.

It goes against their religious beliefs

I'm sorry? what are you on about?

I have been to an altitude of 50,000 feet trust me the earth is spherical ....

What, the rules NASA sets?

Hes retarded

god created the earth as a disk
kinda like a frisbee
He threw it into space
Now we're waiting for space pupper to catch disk

Got some good vision for a man, (British accent) that's whot I'm own abowt

If a flea refuses to jump it never leaves, that's my point, flat earthers refuse to take the jump forward

No, the rules of discussion and evidence. You don't understand burden of proof and how to value evidence. It's always that you create more and more improbable lies to back up your initial lies.
>The ISS is because of screens that we cannot prove
>they were made by aliens that I cannot know about
>the aliens are gods that I cannot know about
yet you always know about these things. You pretend that you have overcome the most powerful people in the world by googling shit for five minutes and reading pages that are on the third page of the google results. If they didn't want anyone to know about this, then you wouldn't know.

if moon landing was fake, earth is flat and NASA is one big scam organisation.. why hasn't your god emperor trump done anything?

If you dont trust lenses then you are willfully ignorant, also, look up into the sky at night moron

That’s remember me the fact that some flats earthers prove the earth was round in their «documentary»

Stop believe stupid shit man

How about trying to look at it instead of arguing, you wanted proof. I said that you can see it, you haven't even tried and try to deny it. It's pathetic for someone that is looking for the truth to act like that.

He is too busy flushing the toilet...

>relying on your senses

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They often brag about having members "around the globe"