Ask a schizophrenic anything.
I may take a while to reply sometimes, be patient.
Free (you)s for all posters!
Ask a schizophrenic anything
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What's your dream job?
>What's your dream job?
I wish I knew.
Schizofren! How are you?
I've often wondered.. Do both sides of you know what you're doing /saying, or is it like two separate people?
who's the character?
Howdy, Hitler.
>How are you?
Exhausted, but alright.
How about you?
Born a schizophrenic or did it set on later?
How do you feel about TV and movies sometimes portraying schizophrenia as some kind of superpower? (I'm thinking of the recent Amazon series Undone.)
How often do you create your own operating system and talk about niggers?
What world plots did you think you uncovered?
I am quite alright. Although I've been better.
Exhaused by work?
>Do both sides of you know what you're doing /saying, or is it like two separate people?
I think you may have confused Dissociative Identity Disorder with Schizophrenia.
>who's the character?
>Born a schizophrenic or did it set on later?
I believe I was born Schizophrenic. It's gotten worse as I've aged though.
>How do you feel about TV and movies sometimes portraying schizophrenia as some kind of superpower?
I have no issues with the portrayal of it. Everything has positive sides. Art is art, you know?
The problem is the public not knowing how to research anything. Assuming everything they consume through the media is factual.
>How often do you create your own operating system
The only operating system I've created is the one used in my noggin.
>and talk about niggers?
I talk about them every now and then.
>What world plots did you think you uncovered?
I don't think I've uncovered anything. I know what I've uncovered.
are you the polish girl?
Do you like Andy sixxs logs
>I am quite alright.
Good to hear.
>Exhaused by work?
Nope, I'm a n33t. Been being social recently, it really takes it out of me.
>are you the polish girl?
I am not either of those.
>Do you like Andy sixxs logs
No, I don't like forced memes.
You seem pretty well read. I wish the best for you Sup Forumsro. We're going to make it.
Other than severe paranoia and anxiety do you see shadow’s and hear voices?
>You seem pretty well read.
You'd be wrong in assuming that. I don't read, at all really. Unless you count reading shitposts on 4chin.
I just think a lot. I like to come to my own conclusions about thinks.
>I wish the best for you Sup Forumsro.
Thanks, friend. Hope all's well for you too.
>Other than severe paranoia and anxiety do you see shadow’s and hear voices?
I do.
I don't tend to have many visual hallucinations. Usually stuff like shadow-y people, or lights.
Do you hallucinate on weed
I wish I could be a neet. Is it because of your condition?
I understand, social interaction can be rather tiresome to some people. Did you go out somewhere with friends?
>Do you hallucinate on weed
Yep. Weed makes a lot of my symptoms more noticeable. It amplifies my paranoia and auditory hallucinations.
>I wish I could be a neet.
It's not all it's cracked up to be, not having money kind of sucks.
>Is it because of your condition?
Primarily, yes.
>Did you go out somewhere with friends?
Yeah, I've been hanging out with friends off and on for a few weeks. Going out to other friend's houses. Wound up meeting another Schizophrenic.
Did you make sure to check the house is locked the light are off you sure where is the wallet a.t did I hear you say something life on schizo is exhausting
>Did you make sure to check the house is locked
>light are off
Most of the lights in my house are usually off.
>did I hear you say something life on schizo is exhausting
It can be, yes.
Maybe in USA, here in bongonistan you can really exploit the system. Live in a decent council house, don't pay any rent, if you manage your finances well you could save up a pretty penny. I know neet families that are well off here.
That's nice though, I haven't been over at a friend's house for maybe two years now or more than that even. Do you like him? Is his condition similar to your's?
Self diagnosed??
I don't believe your a schizo
But I'm a paranoid schizophrenic with a bit of manic bipolarity
what are the voices telling you?
did you know some scientists belive that everry human has actually a mild form of shizophreny because humans hear there own voice when they think
Can I just get a free (you)? I thrive off of them.
>Maybe in USA
Yeah, it's not great living off neetbux here in the US. It's barely enough to stay alive. Saving is practically impossible.
>Do you like him?
I didn't really talk to him long enough to form an opinion. I mostly spend my time on a first encounter analyzing people's speech patterns so I can understand what they're trying to communicate. The way he spoke was very "2speak" for lack of a better term.
The few conversations we had were pretty enjoyable though.
>Is his condition similar to your's?
Not sure, I didn't get too personal with him.
>Self diagnosed??
>I don't believe your a schizo
That's okay, you're welcome to believe what you will.
>But I'm a paranoid schizophrenic with a bit of manic bipolarity
Sorry to hear that, Schiz/b/ro.
>what are the voices telling you?
Right now? Nothing.
>because humans hear there own voice when they think
That's just called internal dialog.
Not op, but here ya go.
Three free (you)s. What a lucky guy.
actually internal monolog and some scientists think humans are just animals with a mental disorder, because hearing voices cant be normal even if its your own one
>because hearing voices cant be normal
No one with any real scientific background believes that.
Humans are verbal creatures. It's our primary form of communication. We think in words, we speak in words, we convey emotion with words.
how big in cm is your penis?
we love you schizofren, may everything be well for you!
Maybe yang gang or bernie could fix that?
I'm an introvert by nature, but if I am in good company I can become extroverted rather easily. When you're with your friends are you rather quiet or do you stay engaged?
I hope that he'll turn out to be a likeable person.
For (You) Sup Forumsro
>how big in cm is your penis?
I don't have a ruler, or a measuring tape to know exactly. But in the ballpark of 15cm in length.
>we love you schizofren, may everything be well for you!
Thanks, friend. Hope all's well for you too.
>Maybe yang gang or bernie could fix that?
It's possible. I don't vote though.
>When you're with your friends are you rather quiet or do you stay engaged?
It really depends on the energy of the room and how I'm feeling. Sometimes I won't talk for really long periods, other times I can't stop talking.
By default I'm pretty quiet though.
Thanks bro. ;-;
Thanks bro
Democracy is a scam as far as I'm concerned. Voting doesn't really matter.
Very similar situation to mine honestly. Do you ever find it difficult to talk to people because of your condition?
Thanks bro!
Thanks bro
my grandma is schizo. Trolling her at family reunions is so much fun.
>Democracy is a scam as far as I'm concerned.
Everything is a scam.
>Do you ever find it difficult to talk to people because of your condition?
Yeah. Communication is really difficult to do sometimes. Being able to form my thoughts into meaningful words doesn't always work.
>Thanks bro
No problem, user.
>Trolling her at family reunions is so much fun.
Poor granny.
Keep on doing you! I'm glad to see you're still posting threads!~
>Keep on doing you!
I'll try, user.
Don't be like that, not everything is a scam.
Does writing like you do know ever pose a similar challenge at times?
>Don't be like that, not everything is a scam.
Unfortunately, everything is a scam. The world is designed to prey on your biological programming and shortcomings. Humans are manipulative creatures that will do anything needed to get closer to the top of the metaphorical food chain.
>Does writing like you do know ever pose a similar challenge at times?
I don't understand.
It is designed that way, but we are rational beings capable of individual free thinking. I personally reject the idea of participating in that rat race to "the top of the food chain" as you have put it.
What I meant was; if you sometimes have trouble verbalising your thoughts when talking, do you ever have problems writing your thoughts down, like we are writing to each other right now?
This thread sucks
Catatonic Schizophrenia is best Schizophrenia
I've gotta split. I'll be back later. (maybe)
>I personally reject the idea of participating in that rat race to "the top of the food chain" as you have put it.
You may reject the idea, but you still participate. It's not possible to not be a participant. Unless you've withdrawn so far from society that you never interact with other people at all. But, you're here on the internet, so that isn't the case.
>do you ever have problems writing your thoughts down, like we are writing to each other right now?
Yes, quite often. It's not as problematic as talking; as, I can read what I've typed which makes self correction easier. But, it's still not easy.
Nasty user.
>Catatonic Schizophrenia is best Schizophrenia
I'm also pretty catatonic when I get into bad episodes.
Hi! fellow schizofren here :) just wondering what your politcal leanings are?! love you and stay strong King
>being proud of being a fucking nut
off yourself
>Hi! fellow schizofren here
Hello, Schiz/b/ro.
>just wondering what your politcal leanings are?!
I don't really belong to one side or the other. I think both the left and the right are wrong on a lot of things.
(This is really my last post now, gotta go.)
off yourself hippie
Howdy pard'ner
>pic related
Bye, until next time fren!
>Bye, until next time fren!
Change of plans, I'm back again.
Oh, is that good though?
>Oh, is that good though?
Why wouldn't it be?
Well I am glad that I can talk with you some more. But maybe it was something important, I don't know now do I?
>But maybe it was something important
Oh, no. Just a simple miscommunication.
Well that's alright then. Are you going to do anything else in particular tonight?
>Are you going to do anything else in particular tonight?
Some friends might pop up later tonight, but I don't have any set in stone plans.
Do you understand how schizophrenia works?
Sounds nice.
Do you drink or smoke?
>Do you understand how schizophrenia works?
Depends on what exactly you're referring to. I know some of the basic principles behind it.
>Do you drink or smoke?
I smoke weed on occasion. I don't like cigarettes. Alcohol isn't my cup of tea either.
A true schizophrenic suffers from an over load of dopmine production cause irreversible damage to the brain thus causing hallucinations or catatonic. Are you on medication? Have you been diagnosed with schizophrenia by a professinal? Have you ever considered that you are scizoid personality?
I only smoke socially. I'll admit that I spend more money on alcohol than I should be.
How does weed affect you?
>A true schizophrenic suffers from an over load of dopmine production
Yes, that is one theory.
>Are you on medication?
I am not.
>Have you been diagnosed with schizophrenia by a professinal?
A psychologist, not a psychiatrist. So not a medical professional, no.
>Have you ever considered that you are scizoid personality?
I have. It doesn't really sound like me.
>How does weed affect you?
It's hard to describe. It makes everything easier to deal with, but also makes some of my symptoms worse.
Are you serious, a psychologist just said you a schizophrenic and then you were like oh i must be schizophrenic. I dont think you are schizophrenic.
What symptoms does it worsen?
>Are you serious
Are you? There's no psychological difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist except the fact that one can prescribe medication because they have medical training.
>What symptoms does it worsen?
Auditory hallucinations, paranoia and anxiety.
It's kind of a coin flip on the anxiety. Sometimes it makes it better sometimes it makes it worse.
Ah no are you serious if i was diagnosed with a life altering condition i would get a secound opinion. What if theres nothing wrong with you, and you just live out of fear out of some misdiagnosed condition.
Do you live in a constant state of paranoia and anxiety? Or do they sort of turn on and off? Do your hallucinations still persist when around other people or do they get weaker or just stop?
>What if theres nothing wrong with you
That literally makes no sense. You are aware of that right? I explained my symptoms to a psychologist in a professional setting. It's not like I was just walking down the street and he just randomly said to me "You're a schizophrenic!".
You don't seem to have much knowledge on this subject.
>and you just live out of fear out of some misdiagnosed condition.
What a bold assumption to make. Where have I ever said, or even hinted that I live in fear?
>Do you live in a constant state of paranoia and anxiety?
Not exactly constant. Some days are constant that I can't get away from it at all.
>Or do they sort of turn on and off?
Yeah, some days it comes and goes.
>Do your hallucinations still persist when around other people or do they get weaker or just stop?
They persist and sometimes get worse.
Could you describe what do you usually hear? Is it the stereotypical voices that put you down or is it a mix of things like stuff that's not there, like dogs barking or maybe doors closing, etc.?
>Could you describe what do you usually hear?
Here's a helpful video someone posted in a thread a while ago that gives the general "feeling" of what they sound like.
The best way I can describe what it's like; is like being in a middlechool auditorium or maybe a lunchroom. Lots of noise just happening. Sometimes there's random noises that aren't voices like birds chirping for example. Sometimes there's static, or ringing. Sometimes it's just my own thoughts being extremely loud. Sometimes it's just a random word, or string of words that I cannot get out of my head. Sometimes it's music that just plays on repeat for hours on end. Sometimes the voices just tell me exactly what I'm doing.
Sounds annoying. It's kind of unsettling, I get random ringing in my head, it may happen everyday or less than once a month. There are times when I have no control over my thoughts, I'll be having a string of thoughts on repeat "saying" the same thing in my head like a broken record or this weird random train of thought that goes through my head that I can't seem to stop. Though I'd ascribe that to work related physical exhaustion.
I'll be sure to give that a listen tomorrow, I'll be going to bed in a bit so I'd like to remain in my current, calm mood.
Would you say that you have adapted to, got used to it by now? Do you fall asleep with all that noise or does it calm down when you're going to sleep?
>Sounds annoying.
Yeah it can be very annoying.
>Though I'd ascribe that to work related physical exhaustion.
You're most likely right. Those sorts of symptoms are usually related to stress.
>Would you say that you have adapted to, got used to it by now?
Yeah, for the most part. It's been going on so long it just became normal.
>Do you fall asleep with all that noise or does it calm down when you're going to sleep?
It usually gets worse when I lay down. The lack of input makes my brain go crazy. I see and hear things more often.
When you lie down to sleep does the nature of your auditory hallucinations change? Like, at night you wouldn't expect to hear birds chirping so your brain creates different noises. And what sort of things do you see at night?
I know it's very different, but some people who suffer sleep paralysis say that they can see things; if they close their eyes can "feel" them touching them. Do you ever get that feeling of being touched?
Are you able to fall asleep as if nothing is happening?
>It usually gets worse when I lay down. The lack of input makes my brain go crazy. I see and hear things more often.
Have you tried listening to music? It helps me, especially when I can't hear the knocking and cracking produced by the house.
>When you lie down to sleep does the nature of your auditory hallucinations change?
Not really. It stays pretty much the same.
>And what sort of things do you see at night?
I can't really explain them. They don't look like normal day hallucinations. They're more defined but they're obscured by the darkness. I guess you could call them humanoid figures.
>Do you ever get that feeling of being touched?
Not frequently enough to worry about.
>Are you able to fall asleep as if nothing is happening?
Sometimes I can, it's a bit of a gamble.
>Have you tried listening to music?
I used to listen to music when I went to sleep. It doesn't really help much.
Do the voices ever have good ideas?
>Do the voices ever have good ideas?
They don't really have ideas.
What do your day time hallucinations look like and how often do you get them?
How real does the touching feel? Do you feel a hand or something pressing up against your skin?
At what age did you realize something was off.. and what caused you to realize it? Did the condition get worse as you got older? What would you say triggers intense paranoia or anxiety.. socializing, crowds.. or general worries of death..? Are the voices always really fast or are they sometimes much slower? Really interesting so far btw thanks
Do you know some really good doujin on shinobu doing a footjob? They all seem trash-ish to me
>What do your day time hallucinations look like
They kind of look like someone superimposed something on my vision. Like a bush will look like a person. Or a rock will look like a dead body.
It's mostly little things like the walls will appear to vibrate, or I'll see shadows or lights floating around, bugs. Things of that nature.
>and how often do you get them?
Not too often.
>How real does the touching feel?
Feels just like a normal touch. It's usually really light.
>At what age did you realize something was off..
I've known since I was a teenager.
>Did the condition get worse as you got older?
>What would you say triggers intense paranoia or anxiety..
If it's really intense it was likely caused by the other.
For example, maybe being around people makes me anxious, that anxiety will then cause me to be paranoid. Which will make my anxiety worse, and so forth.
>Are the voices always really fast or are they sometimes much slower?
Sometimes they're really fast, sometimes they're loud. Not a lot of consistency in that regard.
Did you know you are being watched?
>Do you know some really good doujin on shinobu doing a footjob?
Nope. I literally don't jerk off to Shinobu, can't help you there.
Really enjoyed talking with you, but it's time for me to head off. Thanks for sharing, stay safe and goodnight fren!
Uh, ok
>Did you know you are being watched?
I am watching myself, so I suppose so.
If somebody were to prove that you can consciously "become" schizophrenic, would it make you feel better or worse?
That's a cute red shirt you have on.
>Really enjoyed talking with you, but it's time for me to head off.
It was fun, have a good night.
>If somebody were to prove that you can consciously "become" schizophrenic, would it make you feel better or worse?
Did the schizophrenia come before or after the onset of social isolation?