I got in a huge fight with my boss today in front of other employees and customers...

I got in a huge fight with my boss today in front of other employees and customers. I worked in a pizzaria as a delivery driver. One of the other deliverymen came in clearly drunk, obviously under the influence of alcohol. I'm not a stickler, I smoke pot and trip all the time, but there's a time and place for it and you shouldn't be delivering pizzas if you have alcohol in your blood. Well, my boss is a pussy, he has no leadership skills and refused to call this guy out because he is one of the older, embedded employees. I basically told my boss I refuse to rep a company that willingly allows its employees to drive around intoxicated. Am I right or wrong on this?

Now I'm depressed.

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Not really your problem. Don’t know why you went full Helen Lovejoy.

Okay hopefully he doesn't ram into you and kill you because it isn't "really" my problem

Are people really this stupid?


oh wait this is... >_>

You faggot cuck! go cry somewhere else. we're busy rating each others dicks and looking at anime hyennas

More chance of getting struck by lightning. That’s why idgaf. You still haven’t explained your shrill sanctimonious posing.

Obviously wrong. If you have an issue you bring it up in private
Ethically you're on point but that doesn't really matter now you've got yourself fired

it's hard for a virgin like you to understand, i get it.

I quit I wasn't fired there is a difference.

All fun and games until your mother is on the evening news with her brains splattered on the road because our company had to send a drunk driver out on pizza runs.

Imagine caring this much about a pizza job

>shifting goalposts when losing debate
Ok, so you’re female. Tits or gtfo.

Did all the customers In the pizzaria clap?

have you ever seen a vagina in real life?

Coming from the guy that comes in baked...

I tossed my hat pretty dramatically as I walked out so maybe they enjoyed that

I would rather shift goalposts and lose debates than be a virgin like you. have you ever kissed a girl? i bet you haven't yet... sad

I am never intoxicated while I am working

I’m calling shenanigans! Shenanigans the people will say!

You did the right thing .
Like u say it's cool until someone gets killed . Ur parents did a good job stay that way and you will find a better job .
But maybe you should just told the higher ups or the driver himself and if that failed walk out . I would have called the cops on him though . The driver is an adult and should act like one he could not only destroy his own life but others as well . All the fuckers saying they dont care would if there sister,mom whatever got killed by some drunk driver .

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Using this shit is dumb and you should feel bad.

Quit being a faggot and worry about yourself and not others. Asshole


a rose for you momma. now lets comb your back hair tonight like it's April 1985

As long as I get my pizza,I don't care number nigger

> drives drunk too

I actually do.

good maybe you and pizza driver can play chicken

You did the right thing.

You should've just called the cops, told them his name, and had them wait in the parking lot for him to return. Then you'd keep your job, and probably get better hours when the new guy has to work the dead shifts. Fuckin dummy.

I think you're in the wrong place redditfag.

You fucked up big time. A company would pay you big money to keep it quiet that a manager was allowing drunk driving to occur under his watch after being aletted to it. Learn to life numb nuts.

You were right...but this is Sup Forums so you'll be told you were wrong by most people. You already knew this.

As a manager I sent a drunk salesman home one day. I couldn't have him working with customers sloshed. You definitely did the right thing, especially if he's driving, if only for liability reasons.

Great place to come for support, if you want to work with great people maybe try to get out of the delivery business.

Your mom showed me pictures of your disgusting gash last night

>I would have called the cops on him though

this. fuck him and your boss

you did everything right
fuck your boss, fuck the driver, and fuck all the people in this thread that don't agree. good job op

Stop caring what other people do, faggot. Drunk colleague will get his or her won't, who cares. Your boss is your boss, he makes decisions, you don't. Worry about yourself and be responsible for yourself. Let others be responsible for themselves. Getting fired for being an obnoxious faggot is not how you be responsible. You should have told your boss that you think drunk guy is drunk and dropped it.

Getting on a soapbox about "I sHaLl NOT rEpReSeNt a CoMpAnY.." And then being all "Well, i never!" About it is like the worst possible fucking way to handle it. If you quit your job without having another one lined up over some moral dumb shit, you are 100% female, no man does that.

What you should have done is been like "oh, okay." Left on a delivery, and anonymously reported the drunk to your local cops so they could pull him over and do a breathalyzer.

All youve done is fuck yourself for a chance to virtue signal, while still allowing an supposedly potentially dangerous drunk driver out on the road.

Hows it feel to be fucking retarded?


Take this shit to plebbit faggot. No one here cares.

Hola. Está bien, desde el punto de vista de que a pesar de las consecuencias, mantuviste tus principios al margen. Supongo que sabías que te iba intentar "ponerte en tu lugar" cuando le fuiste a plantear tus ideales, o que te podía haber despedido (porque solo dijiste que hubo una pelea con tu jefe) porque se lo dijiste de mala manera, o sea, lo fuiste a atacar directamente. Para debiste ir con el objetivo de que lo tome en cuenta, con tal es su empresa la que se verá perjudicada. Pero tus ideales me parecen perfecto Bro, está bien, pero pensá, que discutiste por un problema en el que no estabas involucrado. Saludos, espero tu respuesta, no te sientas mal ;)

Imagine caring about things. No mother fucker that worked hard made life better for himself by caring? Fuck you NEET.

You sound like a kiss ass rat wouldn't work with you 0/10

>women bad

Old manager here. Get off your high horse. They hire felons for a reason... they dont give a fuck. I used to care just like you... but after a year of alcoholics yoi realize people are highly functioning. Either make your money and go home or switch jobs and stop being a kid. This world is not black and white.

Manager here


As you said, there's a time and a place. This is your employment we're talking about. You can preach to strangers in a bar all you want. But do it at your place of work, and the consequences increase. Time and a place. Sometimes you have to let shit go. It's not your problem. Paying your mortgage and carnote - those are your problems.

>haha you may have roasted me but you said women are bad, hows it feel to be an INCEL

Let's be realistic, it's not like it's hard to get a job at a pizzeria. it's not like there's some big network of pizza delivery drivers and if you fuck up once you're out, you are a wage slave and as such I encourage you to tell your boss fuck off as much as possible because you can get a new job pretty easy, dumbass.

Also, stop working at a pizzeria unless you are physically or mentally retarded. It's pretty easy to get an office job that pays the same or much better how much you willing in a certain country or in the middle of nowhere.

Also, if in the USA vote for Andrew Yang and you'll get $1,000 a month.

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Yeap had to work since 16. Worked my way up. Decided it was terrible, broke that shit off, now i make 200 an hour to blast ink into your shitty manlet arms.

Fuck your boss

he wont give us jack shit dude