All hail the queen

All hail the queen

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boomer meme

literally no philtrum
is this like how everybody makes the retarded kid feel special but on a global scale?

yes, I'm a boomer fag and just love this little fucking retard.

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10k for a chair?
How rich and sheltered are they?

the look in this poor retarded girl's eyes

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Oh that left, so quick to deify a retard.

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this comic is perfect

Globalist messiah.


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nobody wants to take your bait agent
please stop wasting yours and everybody else's time and utilize a little common sense

not an agent this is just a bot that some tard made to promote his discord. Like the one with elon musk that was all over the posts a while ago

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Wouldn't you Greta/AOC/Billie Eilish obsessos be more at home over at Sup Forums where you only have to be scared of 20 million jews?

So, where are the nudesm that's the requirement of the queen of b

She lives in a society

she is 16 you get banned and her little sis is only 14

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Don't forget about white/nigger supremacy, jews hate and you have pol complete pack.

no she is Swedish she lives in a world of extreme privacy

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